Nature has provided a great warrior in the battle against evil yet only the evil seem to recognize it. The Boar of Justice is a noble warrior that knows no race, no politics, no religion, no lgbtq. The boar seeks nothing but peace, justice and to be a tasty snack for the faithful. Embrace the boar, fry the boar, bbq the boar, roast the boar, prepare the boar in whatever manner pleases you as that is what will please the boar. Rejoice as the body, spirit, grease and aroma of the boar covers your lands day and night and it will expel the evil from among you. Praise the boar and may the boar forever be among us.
The unsung hero
Other urls found in this thread:
Praise the boar and may the boar forever be among us.
May the roar of boar be heard forevermore
Good going, you're gonna create a pork-based religion.
Based piggos
Praise the boar and may the boar forever be among us.
may the boar roam far and wide
forever spreading piggy pride
Praise the boar and may the boar forever be among us.
boars are monsters
The pork is of peace, it knows not of religion.
Allah Akboar!
Haha no boarders
God is the Great Boar!
Checked, may the boar be eternal
Allah Akboar! Praise be upon it!
Is that real? Looks shooped
I for one, welcome our new boar overlord.
Cute piggos
So cute
Sleep tight, piggo.
Yours will be a high place upon the bbq rack of salivation. I deem you worthy of 72 strips of fat free bacon. Rest easy brother/sister, your salivation is now guaranteed
I've said it before, and i will say it again. Only wat to save europe, is to go to Texas, and round up the wild boards breeding like crazy in the hills. Transport them to major cities and No-go zones and let them loose. The pigs will make the extremeists flee or force them to kill themselves for being made filth. It is mental and psychological war.
>worshipping a pig
All hail Fener, Tennerock, the Boar of War, the Boar of Summer, the Boar of Five Tusks, and the Tusked Sower of War.
Squeal team 6!!!
Perhaps historians will call it... The Boar war!
But government pays you 90€ if you kill one and more if you send samples and other shit to them.
And at least in Murica boars just cause destruction by destroying the fields so farmers pay for you to kill them.
So in the sense that they destroy fields and spread diseases they are just like sandniggers.
Oh you
>malazan posting
Mein negger.
One of the funniest things to watch on YT is boars rampaging towns
But get this - you can shoot the boar without a screeching lynch-mob clad in problem glasses. The boar, when applied to the sandnigger, becomes solution more than problem every time. Praise the boar and may the boar forever be among us.
I love boars
Same goes for hog hunting in texas.
>I love boars
I bet y'all niggers in this thread have never seen a boar outside of zoos or your damn monitors. Filthy, wasteful creatures breed like rabbits and wreak all sorts of porky havoc if left unchecked. About as bad as feral dogs, if not worse. Shoot the buggers on sight, I say.
> t. game warden
are you really a game warden? what state?
In europe we hunt and eat them, you mysterymutt.
I would say that they are worse than feral dogs in the sense that they cause lot more damage and breed faster than rabbits + can spread diseases to life stock and other such things.
But they are real headache to farmers.
Fund it
I'm Romanian, you filthy orc. I work on a didactic hunting reserve belonging to a university.
Whoops forgot to take off the flag rag. So do we. They're evil cunts but they sure do make good eating.
They also fuck up smaller game, such as roe deer, fallow deer, capercaillies and such.
The good word of the Boar of Justice spreads fast!
Where are the hunting grounds?
At least in here you can kill them where ever you see them.
If you see one in the woods you can just shoot it there are really no restrictions for how you kill them.
I would think that pretty much in every country that has these evil cunts doesn't limit the hunting.
Not going to tell you that one. It's one of the areas administered by Transylvania University's college of forestry.
>doesn't limit the hunting
Well, our idiot politicians have, and now we had a population bomb and were overrun. Still, we're working on bringing the numbers down. Shitty thing is, the self same retards banned bear hunting, and shit's about to hit the fan on that front as well. I give it 3-5 years tops until the govt begs us to severely cull the population.
> no restrictions for how you kill them
I'd think that trapping them would probably be illegal.
bad books, except for the one with the chain of dogs
To give you an example of the bear thing. The hunting grounds (I.E. forests) in and around the city of Brasov could support at most a population of 20 bears - according to a study which lasted about a quarter century. We currently have about a hundred bears. Before a massive relocation effort a few years back we had ~350. Let that sink in. 350 bears, in and around just one city.
It's a country, not a religion, and it's called Spain
Bacon is already practically worshiped on the US. And we have a shit ton of wild boar. I say an air drop is in order.
idk not too sure about the law.
But got to agree that laying traps is most likely illegal anyways, I would be really surprised if traps were legal.
But some official commented about hunting boar that as long as you dont go shooting them with machine guns it should be okay (meaning no full-auto rifles).
We generally hunt with shotguns here. Shot or slug. Thick cover makes rifles kind of redundant, unless you hunt in the southern or western lowlands.
I can remember it just like it was yesterday, was the best hour of the best day of my life. My wife went into labor AND I discovered that bacon could be deep fried. I will never forget the look of 6 pounds of bacon being fried all at once.
Ye got to hate that these evil cunts roll in the mud and form a mud armor.
Based piggu removed kebab!
fenner, the boar of summer
also dont eat wild boar, boar eat nasty shit, and thats transfered to the meat
Better stay away from lobster and crab then too.
>the distressed squeals after
lmao funny shit
They are an invasive species that destroys natural habitats and drives out other native species of wildlife. They reproduce like rabbits, eat anything, are very aggressive and will attack people with their razor sharp tusks. That is the reason states that have boars allow open season year round and no bag limit or method of take on them.
That being said, maybe we should introduce them into the middle east for the lulz.
I was hoping to find this, although
Slugs will go through mud and hide ad 30-40 meters. Even closer and they go straight through the boar if your aim's good enough/ you get lucky. Nobody would be dumb enough to go after boar with buckshot cartridges.