Just watched Kekkai Sensen at random from my backlog. Was bretty gud, better than expected...

Just watched Kekkai Sensen at random from my backlog. Was bretty gud, better than expected. It was reminiscent of Dorohedoro in some ways. I was kinda busy when it was airing, so dunno if it was well received on Sup Forums?

>Chain is olev
>S2 When?

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It was well received in Sup Forums, but like every non-moe anime, it gets forgotten the next minute after the last episode

Also i hope you watched the last episode and wait for the OVA, since i don't think we will have a S2 since it was an original ending+characters(Black and White)

when u realise many seiyuu cast from gintama,.
twin voice by same person
their boss voice by soma father

I didn't realize until just now that it was by Yasuhiro Nightow. As I was watching, I kept thinking "huh, these characters look a lot like they came from Trigun."

I thought it was nice, and it had a god tier ED.

I miss white

One of the only examples I can think of a Bones original ending that wasn't shit.

my thought before seeing it, it's describe as MenInBlack of anime,. after seeing, more like Baccano, quirky anime, jazz inspired, tried to be unique but choppy progression,. but definitely fresh anime substance
*just finished it recently too

It was relatively well received although it did fall victim to a fair bit of shitposting when it started selling well. The ending had very mixed reactions. I think a S2 is looking increasingly unlikely as time goes by but I wouldn't say it's impossible, however a movie or more OVAs seems far more likely to me if its animated format is continued in any capacity.
Good taste, I kind of thought so too, it's a shame that series doesn't lend itself as well to an adaptation.

All style, almost no substance. Ending was indeed nice though.

>well received on Sup Forums?
I remember the comfy times and the hibike shitposting in those threads.

It was pretty fun. Hamburger episode was best episode.

>like every non-moe anime, it gets forgotten the next minute after the last episode
Yeah, all those forgotten anime like Code Geass, Gurren Lagann, SnK, Bleach, Boku no Hero, etc., right?

This is the truth.
Man, I know your point is just that they're remembered but those are not some favorable comparisons.

How come there are no complete scans of the manga anywhere?

Binge-watching it alongside Durarara! since I thought they were pretty similar and would be fun to watch back-to-back was a enjoyable time. Real shame about Durarara! losing steam at around season 2 though.

>not episode 8

OST is fantastic, one of my favorites. Does anybody know any other anime that has straight up R&B in the OST? Besides Champloo that is.


Probably Dark Horse's fault. I don't know if I want to read the manga, knowing Nightow the art is probably incomprehensible.

I've scanned a few of the volumes and have been trying to scanlate them at a snail's pace. I recently got back to working on it after having to set it aside for several months but my 2 biggest time consumers are gone now so I hope to be able to focus on it more. It may take a while but I'd still like to release them eventually.

Dog best girl

I know about the licensing but that doesn't seen to stop other works from being scan. Whats special about Kekkai Sensen?

Thank you user, you are doing a great service to all. Best of luck.

I like the art and I think he's improved over time but then again I still found Trigun's art charming even if the paneling was a bit hard to follow sometimes.

If nothing else, the facial expressions are really great.

>charming even if the paneling was a bit hard to follow sometimes

That's pretty much the Kekkai Sensen anime in a nutshell to me. Sometimes I'd zone out for a little bit and then I'd have no idea what the fuck was going on. But I liked it anyway.
True dat.