as a former member of the 11th keks fury and 4th silverbacks i want a new war against the tumblr, feminist and thots im done with their shit whos with me
New war against tumblr war pt 2
rapespam swastikas?
i fucking love it, if we can more troops we'll be ready
i believe if we can do like we did in the meme wars hack iclouds post their nudes, spam with swastikas and anti left memes, anything anti race or transgender, anti lgbt, anti safe space just anything anti left, and spam with everything we got, make them feel what japan did after pearl harbor
yea but we are only 2...
Please make the most horrifying and edgy memes possible and post them there. They need to be so triggered that they literally die
Need info graphic about new 23andme dna and monkey similarities study
yes sir
no comment needed
count my ass I'm in
fuck yeah lets do it holy shit I hate those cunts, I could even have a blog minding my own business trying to sell commissions without fat ethnic sluts ruining it. I hope they all get triggered and kill themselves.
Not edgy enough
It has to cross the edge and enter the warzone
If you genuinely gave a shit, you'd be slapping up "It's Okay To Be White" posters. It's a guaranteed shit storm at this point.
The main goal should be to get tumblr the label of "bully website / app" by the mainstream.
Or possibly pedo network
That's some old porn clip. Was great too.
i thought summer was over?
>Larp as feminist on tumblr
>Share pedo stuff
>news catches on
>entire tubmlr collapses
Im redyy
Jesus Christ, kill yourself faggot
do it
Exactly the leaf gets it, too many people on pol want everyone else to do what they want instead of leading by example
can i join?
Tumblr is still a thing? They went a lot under the radar lately.
Things that are under the radar always foster degeneracy
Sure. I used to love the old /i/ boards on 7chan and 420chan. we should be doing more of this.
What's the plan of attack?
Im in!
When are we doing this?
every shitposter is welcome(i hope)
Get the mainstream against them. That way the feminists won't trust it anymore and they start suffering from groupthinking even more until they eventually collapse
You do this by;
a) Posting memes that are way over the edge
b) False flagging responses
c) False flagging pedo acceptance by feminists
I'm in
you're fuckin stupid, go to bed.
You thought wrong
Dunno, Sup Forums is a board of peace, direct assault it's kinda meh, i think we could get some insider and make tumbler make the first step, psychological war, best war
You forgot the nonbinary and trans tag
Maybe find different tumblr users' numbers and contact them directly?
When do we start?
that`s the way (((we))) think
good job!
This, this is exactly why the last tumblr chan war was so successful. We coaxed tumblr to raid Sup Forums. Is it possible they will fall for it twice?
Guys, give me some shit to post
I need the entire comic senpai
so its begins
N O W !
We really do need to get someone to attack b again, they are basically a unused weapon of mass autism
Aye Aye Cap.
SS Comarade is Ready to Fight Feminist cunts allot
>Ignites German cigarette
>Logs in on Tumblr
Let IT begin
Did I doo good. ?
Also. I'm thinking we could use this to fake a tweet on Tumblr's twitter with an ominous caption, and send the "Screencap" to buzzfeed's twitter, saying it was a deleted post. There will probably be an article written about it, thus resulting in a lot of flack.
You up ?
you did good.
And continue with the good ideas please.
for now i dont have twitter. must create account. will u create this so fake tweet and post here?
That's the whole comic there a bunch of different ones Google princess high ground
based leaf
thanks. First time in one of these raids. Feels GOOD MAN.
I'm on good terms with buzzfeed, also inspect element, so I think I can just send the image to the m as an authentic.
give us link to post
Fuck it, im with you. Im done with their shit too.
We have to Post in Twitter
>Sup Forums hacked my Acc omfg
>They are Posting Gore again
>They are Posting Futa Stuff
>And so in
>Lets Strike Back on them
Then they "Attack" us and we can Go full agressive Mode
so lets open a false thread about that, making a camouflage for our real invention.
It is one of the best suggestions so far, but if we could get multiple sites in on this that would be even better. "Reddit did this" = Reddit becomes more hated, and redditers realise hate for Sup Forums was a joke all along
Now he just need to add the tumblr swastika, maybe (((polish))) it up a bit.
Can you please stop mixing that thing into this?
You are kinda making it obvious where the "its okay" message originated from
did tumblr come up with that term?
walczmy razem za kekistan!
yy no? i just said that...
not so edgy but
I already tweeted it at buzzfeed news. Let's see the crazy happen.
It's begun
No way they fall for that
can we start sending link?
we need "fire power" in them
Spam them with it. make it seem legit. change the hour on it if you have to.
This is hot but I only like it when asians do it lul. Filthy sluts man, love it.
This is gonna be good
fucking funny.
so are we doing it know just asking
i have one AS well
>Lovely Cums in you
Lets fucking do it. Pluspoints if one of them kills themselves.
Holy fuck thats sick. They are literally going to die when they see that
It already begun
>Cums lovely
Aryan sir from Norwegen
Support us
I already do
How's it look Sup Forums ?
I really need to close pol. I can't keep this hidden from class when you make me laugh this hard.
add them to pictures/memes like watermarks
Fuck my boss caught me looking for Anne Frank porn.
Gotta go back to work.
Sup Forums is my life now
Does that even exist? XDD
Still going