post hotter anime character
protips: you literally can't
lolifags not welcome
post hotter anime character
protips: you literally can't
lolifags not welcome
Mugino is top choice, but what about my waifu Iris Heart? Debatable?
not even close
Not even the hottest ITEM.
Not you either.
Kinuhata is an overrated slut and Takitsubo is a dead fish, the contest is between Mugino and Frenda.
I disagree.
Frenda is the best
that's cute, not hot
She can be both.
But she's perfect
She isn't even the hottest character in the franchise.
Hottest girl
She's cute, hot, pretty and beautiful all at the same time.
Is this supposed to be a challenge, oba-san?
Is this the raildex thread of the day? Mobilefag seems missing
No, and he's ded.
Fuck marry kill ignore
Fuck Mugino
Marry Saiai
Kill Frenda
Ignore Takitsubo
Not a Mugino fan, but i'll humor you.
>Fuck Frenda
>Marry Saiai
>Kill Mugino
>Ignore Takitsubo
Fuck saiai
Marry frenda
Kill mugino
Ignore takitsubo
You could rub her two halves together and start a fire.
She sure did start the fire in my heart
>flat loli with shorts under skirt
>a challenge to a hot cake
Don't make me laugh.
my waifu
Brown hair makes my wee wee go happy
>expecting 4yo to not look like a 14yo
Are you some kind of faggot?
14yo, I meant
>Mugino will never be your oneesan
>Mugino will never rape you