You can only post ITT if your country's leader isn't a cuck
I'll make this easy for you guys
You can only post ITT if your country's leader isn't a cuck
I'll make this easy for you guys
does austria's leader count?
Technically China's on board now also.
Belarus is welcome to.
>inb4 Lukashenko is cucked to Putin
Being allied to someone uncucked when you're the leader of a small, poor country isn't cucked.
You forgot Catalonia you fucking 56% fuck nugget. Go back to choking on the kike cock.
I enjoy your globalist meme culture.
Reddit fag-detected.
>Meme flag
>meme country
You should have just stayed a British territory
Don't take the bait, also remember when you see the (you're not white Euro edition threads) that's just the other side of it.
Oh, look at the burger falling for the CIA memes. Hiding behind a meme flag at that.
China aren’t cucks if you have the right purrspective
I'm hiding behind your mom's fat vagina.
Why wouldn't I hide behind Catalonia? They have way more balls than our shit country does.
Trump is a kike cock sucking faggot piece of shit. Hillary is worse. We deserve to be completely dissolved and split between Mexico and Canada. We haven't had a decent president ever expect maybe Andrew Jackson.
because trudeau is any better
Hell, even you could be better, and you're a fuckin ancap.
Oh, I see that you waited for your 'get watcher' to align with quads to respond. You know, maybe instead of whining when you don't like what is going on you could work towards a better future for us.
Fuck that. I'm going to help tear it all down. This country failed, sell it to China.
>same pic posted over and over again
I wonder who's behind this post really makes me think
so this is the power of left memes... woah
Dumping redpills
You first
>a coked-up repressed homosexual with sonar hearing
You bet your Lederhosen Sebi counts.
My countries leader isn't a cuck because women can't be cucks. hahahaha.
>presents a fact that he doesn't agree with
>doesn't debunk it
Kekimus Maximus
so did russia interfere with the election?
No. Does that matter?
ezek 38
Low center, heels off the ground on the left
Western Spy detected.
Yeah, no.
Not the US of Israel that of anything export all kind of degeneracy.
This includes us, right?
Your leader is a cuck (whoever that is), soz you have to go back.
You just know
>2 terms
Are drumpfcucks really this delusional?
Your brainlet president has fucked up so hard he practically guaranteed 20 years of unopposed democrat governments after his. You ruined everything.
Russia is expected to be 40% muslim by 2060 and they have open borders with several countries retard