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>Trump not mentioned
Fuck off Jew. If you had blackmail on Trump he wouldn't have been elected.
Can you give quick rundown of your pic related?
sexual blackmail and controlling access to sexual desires
They are in a lifelong pact. The elite. This is why if one falls, they all fall.
I can't fucking wait, this shoah will be successful.
Oh yes it will. I cannot fucking wait for Mueller to open his list of names.
How cute! You believe Trump is somehow an acception to the rule. They place the first heel president into office and you are lapping it up like a 13 year old at Wrestlemania. Here it is plane and simple: Its all Mafia. You don't get to play the game until you are initiated. It already is a one world order. We are just going through the psychological adaptation process. Sorry but we live in a post WW2 world. Its fun to pretend that its all real though right! As long as we are safe in our basements. Let the bread and circus continue!
How cute. Talk tomorrow sweetie!
Shills be shillin. Keep working that layer of the onion. You are truly doing God's work.
Do you think you have influence over anything anymore? The days pass by and kikes are called out more frequently. It's more socially acceptable. Nothing you've accused Trump of so far has worked, lying about this, now, won't work either.
Im just watching the show like everyone else. Im here because like you, Im bored and this place really stimulates my imagination and gives me genuine laughs. If you think anyone online has any effect on anything you are very arrogant. You dont even know who owns you or who you should be mad at. Keep chasing that carrot. You must believe your vote counts too eh?!
It does though.
I dont want to talk down to you, but how old are you to be this naive. They shot Kennedy and countless other world leaders. Why is this Realiy Tv star who worked for the Media somehow exempt. You can only be an influencer or seriously naive. Your worldview isnt supported by logic. Trumps been planned. They have been hinting at it for over 30 years. The businessman who gets it done. They got you used to the idea with Ross Perrot. I dont know if you were alive then but most of this stuff was being prepared in the 90's. Its just conditioning and population management. Its nothing new and you wont stop what is going to happen over the coming decades.
Yeah. I get it. You're a nervous wreck, I would be too if I was a degenerate kike who was about to be exposed. It's okay. Embrace the inevitable.
How old are you? You think the world is so simple the there are only 2 camps and because I think you are fucking retarded I must be part of a conglomerate that runs the world? I haven't even commented on the game. I just claimed it is and you just want to play b the games rules. Youre in the Matrix freindo. They got your mind locked.
Why are you using such obvious cultural marxist tactics? Are you trying to get a rise out of me with your insufferable derailment? Look, it really doesn't matter anymore. There is NOTHING you're going to say, do, post, or propagate on this site that will change the fate of the Zionist NWO operation.
Now I am a Marxist beause I think that both parties are controlled by the same people. You must be getting paid to post. You don't seem to be having a conversation here. Trumps son in law is part of the very group of people you are claiming to fight. Again, it is all rigged. He worked for NBC. There is nothing Marxist about another controlled election and president its called the status quo. Are you a bot? Again if you are human how old?
Ahh the old Jared Kushner is a bad guy meme. Nice one JIDF. You've been pushing that meme since DAY ONE. It hasn't worked and it never will. Try harder though.
Ok I think we are done here, but hopefully this conversation wakes a few 12 year old's up to the real world. Trump has been answering to people for decades. He is an actor playing a persona. The days of out of nowhere president like OBAMA are over (by design) now we will get familiar cartoon presidents. People who are flawed and dont fit the old politician meme. The publi ecpecttons will drop and drop. People will say how great Trump was compared to the next stooge just like George W is somehow liked now despite being transparently evil and connected to the current power structure.
Bush, Obama, bill, dick, hillary, bush jr. All gonna hang.
The real pedos are here on this board.
Keep America The Same.
This is the precipice to the fall of Weimar. The jews will be put in their place.
Dumb phoneposter
Oh, you mean shills that post on this site that you screenshot to claim they're regular users?
Hahaha you think Hitler was your guy lol. Look at the world post Hitler. Man you are really invested into the narrative eh. Sweety they have always been controlled always. Weimer was funded like the SJM movement to create a backlash. You are being controlled and then given a hero. The only one that can save you is you. Hitler the art school drop turned rock star is as hollywood a story as any other. Where did the art school drop out get funding from to start his little revolution. Dont be scared to wake up.
your replies deserve this response, because its true.
Are you saying my opposers are acting like muslims since i do not subscribe to thier worldview? Because I see a 3rd option they use these tactics with me instead of countering?
Daily reminder there are literal fucking grandmas on /pol now
Is it a coincidence that Sup Forums has so many trumpers & that more than half of the adult section is some form of chicks with dicks. I'm guessing no.
>Some American president has to deal with the jewish lobby
Good. Let this virus spread and wake up as many normies as possible.
Forgot the pic
>Princes Charles personal letter
Can't leave out the hypocrites
praise kek.
I'm very okay with this
we must maintain the culture. kikes are trying to kill kek.
Is that letter real? I refuse to believe someone at the highest level of world power could be that callow.
They'll never kill Kek, it has become too big
How cute! You believe Trump is somehow an acception to the rule. They place the first heel president into office and you are lapping it up like a 13 year old at Wrestlemania. Here it is plane and simple: Its all Mafia. You don't get to play the game until you are initiated. It already is a one world order. We are just going through the psychological adaptation process. Sorry but we live in a post WW2 world. Its fun to pretend that its all real though right! As long as we are safe in our basements. Let the bread and circus continue!
Look at me, we are the new world order now
a 1488 world order