What is it with KyoAni and making everything appear cute?

What is it with KyoAni and making everything appear cute?

it's a Japanese thing

Kyoani being Kyoani

Masters of cuteness and heart attacks, the main cause of why Japan is dying if we don't count Japanese fever
But oh boy, i wonder if i will ever be cured from yellow fever

If they didn't make everything look cute then literally no one would give a shit about a single show they put out.

it sells

He looks so girly, makes me want to break him in front of Rikka.

They do what works in the market. If people want cute girls doing cute things, they'll package it up and sell it. Money can't be risked in the industry.

What's so cute about him

They don't understand moderation.

How can a boy be cute? That's impossible.

It's just their way, they always find a way.

Lmao nice chin yuuta you fuckin' nerd

Yuta is described as incredibly cute/girly in the LN and Rikka makes fun of him for it multiple times

I never liked Chunibyo's art style because it's their blobbiest and Yuta is indistinguishable from the girls

>described as incredibly cute/girly in the LN
Please elaborate more

The first LN is translated, just google and read it.

Compensation for lack of style

I want to gangrape Yuuta together with Sup Forums

Eww, fag.

You tell me.

That's a crime.

Not if we all promise not to tell the police

shaved legs

Forgot to say no homo

That's fine then.

>implying there's any anime where guys have leg hair outside of bara shit

It's good, if I wanted to look at ugly people I'd come to your house

Cute girls doing cute things.


Will nipples make a comeback in the 2020s?

I'm still mad these two are killed of almost instantly out of the series.



Guys in One Piece usually have leg hair with few exceptions.
Some girl even wrote a complaining letter to Oda "waah why does Sanji has leg hair", I don't remember what he answered tho.

>Not wanting a world where everything and everyone is cute

Even cuck is still cute when it's produced by Kyoani.

please delete this


legit though lusting over seiyus is totes what makes watching animes so worth

>if I wanted to look at ugly people I'd just stay in my house and look into the mirror


This makes me sad to watch. Please no.

Extremely cute

You do realize the ugly guy you see in the mirror is yourself right?



Don't do this

Wow look at this great friendship.
