You guys are really OK with this?
inb4 b& instantly for questioning the quality of the board
You guys are really OK with this?
Missed one
You are right OP,
Of course not, but what can we do about it?
Mods here won't do anything for 95% of these threads.
They don't even visibly ban people anymore.
I think it's because the spooks didn't like that feature since it made what they were doing too obvious.
Have you ever considered many of those are just shitposters?
Cause when I make a poopy submit people think I'm shilling too
Most people who shill arent paid, just brainwashed.
I'm not satisfied with the state Sup Forums has been in since 2015. Not like I could do anything about it - any quality threads I make die no more than 5 posts in. So do other people's thread. Of course I reply to great threads - but it's the 51085192571270th mongrel thread, and the many others shitty bait threads that get the replies.
Almost everybody of worth left - and I'll likely be leaving soon, as well.
yeah it's gotten really bad. This place has become reddit
It's why all the other boards hate us
Funny you should mention that. I made a /qa/ thread to document this bullshit. Check to see how many slide threads are actually getting deleted.
What I don't understand is how is this shilling so BLATANT and so fucking perpetual yet the mods don't do shit.
They changed the rules so META threads go on /qa/ where nobody sees it.
They ban threads that have been staples in board culture for a long time.
>muslim has nike sneakers
haha humorous juxtaposition
Are mods doing anything about the low effort posts?
not all of those are even slide threads,OP.
Some of them are legit threads or even just people asking questions.
We always get slide threads, especially since the election. Usually means we're onto something big, or like with the mutt imgs it's just Sup Forums having a bit of fun trying to fuck with us. Just grin and bear it, go on 8pol in addition when it gets really bad, and sage hide and report off topic threads. Like this one. Bye nigger!
my threads are usually well thought out and get like 3 posts
so i figure im alone here with maybe like 20 more of you and the rest are just bots and shills. Hell this might be a bot thread.
This is a Hiro-approved meta thread
Wow, you’re really helping out, aren’t you? Fucking kill yourself
This thread exposing Q just got shoahd.
Sup Forums is a useful stepping stone for people who can filter out all the bullshit, but most people looking for serious discussion have already left. Anyone like that who hasn't probably should.
why can't you handle the bantz?
report them
you can report multiple times if you go in an out of airplane mode on your phone but will likely lead to a ban for everyone on your network in your area *wink wink*
Bravo, well done.
Laughed out loud at that one.
Bravo, well done.
Agreed, this is getting ridiculous. /pol looks more like /b than even /b itself.
No. It's because, like the rest of this website, the mods hate Sup Forums.
Because you JIDF faggots are breaking half the rules. Prolly have kikes as mods.
whats wrong with the Kratom thread?
Sup Forums has gone to shit, blame 2016
sure its always been about memes and shit, but never this much shilling and sliding.
check the amerimut meme that suddenly appeared and there's already countless images about it.
funny how it came out after the IOTBW campaign..
now theres like 1 decent thread in every 10, the rest is just shilling and trolling and sliding and D&C
but from the replies in this thread i guess that's what kids want anyway, thank god there are better chans out there, i just come here once in a while to check it out but i get disappointed every time.
Rich Jews are paying the mods a lot of money to destroy this place
that whole thread was cianiggers and trash leads
Cbts is the worst case of larp I've seen in a while
Fucking Kikes are sending everything they have at us.
Most people just love getting a reaction. No shilling, no shareblue, no/leftypol/.
Newfags always think something is so much greater when it's actually not.
This board has been invaded by plebbit users and shills.
Make Sup Forums Great Again
This board has IDs
Make better threads stop replying to bait
I like mutt threads and I'm an actual IRL mutt that is supposed to resemble the 56% face. I don't see why you would get butthurt over them, especially if you are huwhite.
I think Q user is a George Webb/ Jason Goodman operation. Everything reads like them: the same referen
ce to 70's and 80's tv shows, same over reaching narratives, same question posing format as on GW twitter. Would explain the maddening lack of anything I[s]rae[l] in his posts. They also have history of sending people on a wild goose chases (Charleston port incident)
Such is life on an image board. It's sad because these shills actually think their shitty propaganda can undo all the damage and violence done to people who come here.
What's wrong with threads about toxic roasties? 30,000 men get oncogenic HPV every year.
We must maintain our culture.
Why do you niggers do this?
At least 9/10 threads are complete horseshit, no exaggeration. Are they all slide threads or do Sup Forumsacks actually make so horrible threads?
Fuck is "Q"? Just looked up that thread in that screenshot and I'm left with even more questions.
Fuck is this?
Le forced mulatto face is an obvious product of /bant/ and Sup Forums. They can whine about Americans on their own board for all I care but keep the cancer there.
(((They))) are subverting this place hard and have been ever since Trump won. We genuinely scared the kikes that badly
pissing in ocean of piss
it's always been like this
I don't fucking know who it is anymore. It's probably an unholy mix of shitposters, assblasted lefties and retarded newfags who bite every single time bait is posted. Also I'm pretty sure the leftists just gave up trying to change our minds and just went the forum sliding route from here on out.
It's garbage, but it seems a mod is actually deleting them finally
This. Obviously shill and offtopic threads get to hang around until they are archived yet I get my thread deleted and then get banned for 3 days because it was on the topic of religion. staff need to get their priorities straight.
jesus I'm just gonna go to bed
the Q posts were basically the logical conclusion of "what did he mean by this" shitposts.
mods be trippin
>those "good threads"
I’d agree with you if the mods weren’t clearly subverting the board. It wasn’t a month after Trump won that the mods shut down esoteric kekism and get worship after our egregore proved too much for (((them))) to handle
No. The Q threads were a coordinated disinfo campaign that they wanted to root on Sup Forums and spread to the other social media sites.
gookmoot doesn't care
I'd argue that kekposting is off topic but it's become cemented in board culture here.
Hey, nothing is more political than khazar milkers
I'm pretty sure I've been getting banned for posting some basic truths recently. Hey, what's goin on over there?
Kekism is a staple of Trumpism and that is a total shame that they don't let those go on.
Why the fuck do you faggots get so assblasted about the threads? Who FUCKING CARES what other places think? They're different from you CIA Niggers cause they do it for free rather than the hot pockets you consume. Neck yourself.
He tore the mods new assholes during the neogaf fiasco on Sup Forums. But he's apparently an ever busy man who has a massive hentai backlog to fap to.
Yeah they banned Kek worship for fucks sake but all these faggot shill threads are never taken down.
When we worshipped our success was limitless and the Jews were baffled. We’ve lost faith so now we suffer
Yeah it's a shame. I've only been here since 2014 though. Pol has always had it's fair share of shit threads but lately it's just become insane. but it goes through cycles even throughout the year. I also go through cycles where I won't go on pol for a couple weeks and then check every day
Listen. I know you're mad that we don't want your psy op to go on any longer. Just enjoy the show. Israel is gonna fall to the lies and Palestine is gonna rise. What the fuck are you gonna do about it pussy?
Checked. 88 hurts the Jew but we got an amazing
get awhile back.
We need to preserve the culture. Praise kek.
More Pepe more Kek more gets more happenings.
aaannddd like clockwork 90% of the shit threads have been purged and posting it at an all time low right now.
I guess they turned off the shitpost bots for quick rest? It's so god damn obvious to anyone who actually watches this board. We're bombarded with shills and bots.
"We don't want your psy op to go on any longer"
Man, I seriously can't wait to string you up. Tell me, do you glow in the dark? Actually wait I wanna see if you do when I throw you in the pit along with your kike friends. 60 years been waiting for this. When it blows up and we line up your little friends it'll be glorious.
The bots came as soon as the CBTS LARP arrived. But yeah I'm sure half the shitty threads were bots.
See. It's posts like yours that expose how much of a shill you really are. You don't even know how to fit in on this site properly. Please, do us all a favor and fucking kys faggot.
Meanwhile, mods shoah'd /CBTS/ 277 and several replacement threads...
Sup Forums is shit during American hours
>Man, I seriously can't wait to string you up. Tell me, do you glow in the dark? Actually wait I wanna see if you do when I throw you in the pit along with your kike friends. 60 years been waiting for this. When it blows up and we line up your little friends it'll be glorious.
Look at this fag...
All other discussion is so shit up that there isn't even another decent thread to go to.
Anyone else notice CBTS threads were the only ones today not getting ogre face 56% spam? The spam is real, the shills are real, but I have no idea what's really going on.
Yeah because CBTS was MADE BY THE SAME PEOPLE who made the mongrel meme.
>He doesn't know about the archived shill-confession threads.
You're scared. I can feel it. It's gonna be fun hunting all of you down. The difference between me an you is that I do it for free! You can't even imagine that can you? Someone you don't know hates you so much. Wishes you death. Wishes your family flayed and displayed. String em high make em blue~!
yea I noticed that too
Lol something is happening guise...
CBTS thread is well past bump cap and mods are deleting replacement threads but no deletion of this offtopic thread.
The le ogre face spam gets cut down quickly in /ptg/ but that thread is one of the better moderated generals around here.
Get fucked Moishe
>You're scared. I can feel it. It's gonna be fun hunting all of you down. The difference between me an you is that I do it for free! You can't even imagine that can you? Someone you don't know hates you so much. Wishes you death. Wishes your family flayed and displayed. String em high make em blue~!
You're trying way too hard dude. You are obviously 45+ years old. Keep trying though. Someday you'll learn to fit in.
CBTS was cancer and I'm glad a mod cleaned them up.
I thought the larp was pretty good for the first few days, had me on the edge of my seat, but then predictions failed to deliver, like they always do, and I got bored of rehashing the same shit over and over and went on about my business.
You need to stop getting so wrapped up in the larps m8. I've been here years, I've yet to see a SINGLE ONE go anywhere. Not even FBIanon made any testastable/provable predictions. They're like reality TV for Sup Forums, it's entertainment, stop taking them all so seriously.
When u leave where do u go, all other is shit too
CBTS was the thread on Sup Forums doing the most useful work. IT had triggered the highest quality autistic investigations, baked the most almonds and was generating high quality memes. It was Sup Forums distilled down to its essence. That's why (((they))) are afraid of it.
Sup Forums crossboader here. It's just /bant/. I hate /bant/. They shit up Sup Forums like crazy and unlike SRS shitposters, they're all third worlders with multiple proxies so they can't even be banned. That board never should have been made.
An appeal to ambiguity to get groups to splinter.
>CBTS thread is well past bump cap
I noticed this also
No, it was utter garbage
ffs they actually had to tell people what Sup Forums memes and lingo were; posters in those threads weren't even from this board
No. It really wasn't. Just fucking stop retard. It's so obviosuly filled with bots and shills.
You guys needed a fucking lexicon of definitions because you have no idea what the culture of this board is. You guys are morons.
Mongrel meme thread hit 400+ a couple of hours ago and seemed to lack an image cap