>Jews call our national anthem anti-semitic
>our stock market is going down down down
How can we fight all that PC bullshit when western investors are all liberal cucks and kill our markets?
>Jews call our national anthem anti-semitic
>our stock market is going down down down
How can we fight all that PC bullshit when western investors are all liberal cucks and kill our markets?
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Polish Government is sucking kike cock but the people not.
Reminder this is a typical american "conservative"
Nice current year argument there, Israel Project. I'm sure it will only further endear people to your cause.
>Why won't these goyim accept their ethnic erasure by Arabs and Africans like the rest of Europe?
>Anti-Semitism in 2017 is unacceptable!
Why exactly?
Israel-proper is the Catholic Church, the mystical body of Christ, not a neo-pharisee republic. Dumb Prots.
Do. Not. Give. In.
The entire West is looking at Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, and Japan for hope.
Stay strong, Poland.
don't be reliant on the west. If I were an entrepreneur I personally wouldn't give a damn! but I'm not, and it seems most who are involved in global trade from my country are cucks like that: I apologize.
Gray question OP. That’s the million dollar question that no one can seem to answer and thus, retarding cultural revolutions the world over.
What Poland has that many/most countries gave up on, is faith. Keep your faith and do the best you can for the next 20yrs. Everyone else is right behind you. All it takes is that 1st stone thrown.
Poland seems like a cool country, fuck all the haters. I would visit if i ever left the country.
>The entire West is looking at Poland
You watch while the money is pouring out of Poland. Fucking US and German agencies are cutting our ratings because "muh facism".
You can be poor and bitter or you can be poor, bitter, and surrounded by Islamic barbarians.
The future doesn't look good for anyone.
Literally every major news organisation has done multiple stories demonising the march
"Why is the world silent????"
Wanted to move my money to USA but then the west bombed our stock market and now I'm fucking stuck in here. The global kabal is preparing another economic crisis...
You already know the answer and so do most that read this board. So with that being said, what are you really asking?
>How can we fight all that PC bullshit when western investors are all liberal cucks and kill our markets?
stop going to marches organized by meatheads
They refuse to invest in poland as long as we refuse to take in refugees and suck EU cock. I'm starting to hate the west. Why are these retards mixing politics with business?
The last country that tried to defy the Jews were attacked. Poland, get ready
>Fucking US and German agencies are cutting our ratings because "muh facism".
How though? It seems to be that unless you celebrate the fuckups of western civilisation, fags and trannies and nutcase cunts, then you're a fascist/racist.
I think the real reason why kikes hate this is because it was a group of whites together, being happy.
Take one (((guess)))).
Ah, Poland, a country where there is no gay marriage or even civil unions, conservative Catholics are the majority of the population and the current ruling party, which won because of using right wing rhetoric and populist tactics like giving every family with two children or more 500 złotych monthly for every child after the first one (which is A LOT of money), is extremely right wing and makes up almost the entirety of the Polish parliament and has forbidden journalists access to the meetings, which means that they can do almost anything they want.
Truly a country we need to preserve.
Do you know how Poland achieved this "homogenity"? Like, they forced minorities (german prussians and pommeranians, ruthenians, ukrainians, silesians, czechs etc) to either assimilate or leave, being booted from lands these people owned for centuries, with the only fault of speaking a different language and having slightly different traditions. But I guess they always skip this lesson in your history classes. Poland is "homogenous", but a lot of people suffered to reach this (useless) status. Nationalism, man.
German press Just killed Cd Project (Witcher 3) on stock market with their hit pieces.
>Why are these retards mixing politics with business?
Welcome to real world Janush. They have been using economic instead of military might to achieve their goals for a while now.
What did they do?
What a self entitled cocksucker you are
They wrote articles about how CDP treats their workers like shit and that cyberpunk 2077 is never comming out.
"""anonymous ex-workers""" told them.
CDP today -7%
How long until Germany has had enough?
All of those things are investments in the country's future and national identity. So what if some people had their feelings hurt because they were forced to integrate. History will show that Poland was right
Sounds like cultural gommunisms
>saving the world ever
You can't imagine how /comfy/ it feels to be Polish in 2017, especially when you live in Warsaw and are financially OK.
Thanks for reminding me I will forever hate jews for taking my foreskin as a baby
Found the Jew.
>the Israel project
>complaining about a "call for purity"
do they ever look in the mirror?
Hi Satan.
What are some solid polish companies that stock went down. I'll buy some shares up
are they asking germany to invade poland and start a 4th reich ?
Lurk more faggots
This is a copy pasta
The irony is completely lost on them.
Jews are social vampires they can't look in the mirror it is impossible
>Do you know how Poland achieved this "homogenity"? Like, they forced minorities (german prussians and pommeranians, ruthenians, ukrainians, silesians, czechs etc) to either assimilate or leave, being booted from lands these people owned for centuries, with the only fault of speaking a different language and having slightly different traditions. But I guess they always skip this lesson in your history classes. Poland is "homogenous", but a lot of people suffered to reach this (useless) status. Nationalism, man.
France used to do this, then they stopped, look at where that got them
>What are some solid polish companies that stock went down
All of them :(
CDP is -10% and halted!!!
All gamedev is dead
All energetics companies are dead
but western banks are up!
I recognize that pasta but can't tell from where
Jesus fucking christ I hate The west so bloody much
I know that some of you will hate me for saying this but I like Ukraine and Belarus more than France and UK
>Now face me in Mortal Kombat!
Been coming here almost three years and I've never seen it. Still it's fucking enraging and I'm not even Polish.
It's a rare pasta
Since he is the only person that uses it
Just tell me where to throw my money
You will blame me for giving you bad advice. Everything is going down right now so wait. Don't be a retarded.
Nothing wrong with a Jewish ethnostate. This is literally the only beef you can have with Shapiro. At least he's consistent on it.
i'm a gamer
i want only gaming
black say i m a nazi :(
arab say i m a nazi :((
left's say white race must die :(((
I M now hitler ! AAAH mein reich , ab 5.45 uhr wird zurück geschossen !
>self entitled
This is the first time I've caught someone using the word correctly...Fuck that feels good. Sup Forums is growing up!
Don't worry, mods will ban him and everything will come back to normal.
Row row. Fuck the jews
Don't worry, we'll finish your job.
God Bless Poland
Sorry to tell you but these people don't play fair. Just be thankful you don't live in the west as we get our souls shredded on a daily basis
There’s nothing wrong in anything you complain about.
physical removal.
A leaf. Imagine my surprise.
that fucking cunt better be a kike and not a (((christian)))
The US "blessed" rofl. That place is basically Lucifer's layer, symbolically speaking.
You should hate the West. This is the typical cowardly tactic of warfare by other means engaged in by western powers to bully other countries into accepting their (((agenda)))
Don't give in: in 15 years no-one will want to live in major European/American cities and then you'll get an influx of capital.
Wow, so you must be really anti-semitic if that's how you think.
Basically. People need to understand that this is basically what the EU is at this point, just with a worse and even more destructive ideology.
What the fuck does this have to do with Poland? And that is by far not the typical conservative. That's a fucking kike.
Yeah, we nicely asked uncle Stalin for these german lands and he just gave them to us, he was that much of nice guy
Oh wait, did he also took all these eastern lands from us, larger even than all german lands we were given? And with large polish population left there to be russified for next half centruy? Well, these are just minor details.
By the way, i know who you really are. Non-pole would not know such minor details like PIS denying access jurnalist access to meetings.
You are just polish man, hoping to became canadian. Know this, they still consider you subhuman, and they will always be.
So what? Immigrants aren't entitled to access to Poland. Imagine begging to be in a country club, getting in, and then whining about the dress code.
are you telling me you DON'T want to see Israel carpet bombing Gaza happen? let's be real here.
why would they do that? it's only going to make the Polish people more angry.
>ethnic purity
Poland says Whites only.
Jews say that's anti-Semitic
Poland says "Jews look hwhite to me"
Jews either sperg out and say they are Jews or they support white nationalism.
Just nuke Germany already.
You can't. The very financial system will kill your nation if you ever try to deviate from the norms.
This is also why there won`t be another Hitler, nobody is willing to fight an automated and globalized financial system.
>saving the world
soros operation.
they don't really care who gets hurt in the center (jew/goy)... their end game is to associate polish democracy with national socialism (nazi).
Creates a convenient label for other eu states who want their nations back (or at least some control over self-determination).
Stay strong Poland. Fucking kikes need to stop meddling.
You do it for free like your ancestors.
Ciao /politica/
germany's solution was to create a *eu* army with *ss* attachments and all.
Didn’t Poland take in a lot of Jews when they were a commonwealth with Lithuania? Why all the hate now?
>Be poor, white and Polish
>Be wealthy (((European)))
Stay stronk OP, crashes attract new investment.
>saving the world
What industries can we support that are polish owned?
Poles' offical narrative turned when their media was *liberated* by the nazi's very early in the war.
Seems like we're seeing a lack of forgiveness by an elderly jewish 'princess' who has vowed revenge on all europeans. (probably internal shill operation)
>muh money
>wtf I hate EU and the west now
Ah I see the eternal pole strikes again.
>Why is the world silent, goy?
The silence of the goy majority is pretty deafening, isn't it? Be afraid, Jew. Be very afraid.
He isn't consistent at all. He wants a jew ethnostate while saying that goy countries can get browned to hell.
That's actually not the correct usage of the term. You'd say "false sense of entitlement" to get the point across. "Self-entitlement" is redundant and makes no sense.
They're the only country that tried