Can a European Jew be part of the good goy's club? Is that a thing?
Can a European Jew be part of the good goy's club? Is that a thing?
Israel is illegitmate and should not exist. Jews will never accept this. Jews are the enemy.
But an intelligent Jew, who hates how manipulative they are... So they have no place?
Jews should have their homeland like every other group. That means they don't belong in white countries.
fuck yourself bitch. Israel is illegitimate. It's been around for 70+ years. If Jews wanted to go there they would have. Palestine is going to get their sovereignty and theres nothing you can do to stop it.
That means, more jews in white countries and no way to ever deport them. Every movement that attempts to shoa all jews will fail.
Sorry faggot. Zionism is the main issue. You don't deserve Israel...fucking losers.
I'm unironically asking
what the fuck did jews do besides help kill jesus
which was a political thing to begin with..
what the fuck man
Ya just dont try to replace and suppress white people with subversion and crooked policy and youre cool
You are thinking like an imbecilic, you would rather end the last chance of stopping white genocide we have, just because of a short sighted emotional outburst.
>what the fuck did jews do besides help kill jesus
If you really want to learn why people who are woke on the JQ feel the way they do, it's going to take more than a post on Sup Forums. If you're actually curious and willing to do research, read A Culture of Critique by Dr. Kevin MacDonald. That book superbly summarizes pretty much every reason the entire Alt-Right and White Nationalist communities have an intense distrust of Jews.
Sorry. Diaspora Jews are going to be held accountable too? You think just Israel? Jews as a whole are about to be exposed worldwide. Stop playing these stupid subversive games .
Every jew should be deported to israel, that's the only way it can work. The white majority will never except anything tat goes further than that. Don't be such an autist and start thinking about normal people would react.
No. Israel is not going to exist. Get it through your fucking jewish skull. Israel is ILLEGITIMATE. It has no grounds. It's complicit in genocide. It's a terrorist rogue nuclear state and it will be put down. For the betterment of all of humanity.
K, Shlomo
yes, truly everything was set in stone when this universe began to exist
there's no legitimate or illegitimate you dumb fucking retard, there's only money and power of which Israel not only has both but also more than Palestine
just like a deadly virus attacking your body, it doesn't give a shit about what's legitimate and what isn't, you're going to die and it isn't going to change it's mind because muh laws and muh rightfully belongs to me
You guys have no say in this matter. What's done is done. The truth is going to set us free. Don't worry about it. You won't have to think about zionism anymore when it's dead.
So you don't want Jews to have Israel, but you also don't want jews in white countries. Where exactly are jews supposed to go?
The oven where they belong
Judaism will be banned you fucking retard. The talmud will be banned. You have no say in this.
A "good" Jew is like a precancerous polyp. Sure you may be benign but deep down where it really matters you are still corrupt, you will have corrupt offspring and sooner or later if we don't deal with you, all of you we will die of cancer.
I get it, I feel bad, I know some 'based' jews. But to the ovens they must go or peace my children shall never know.
>honestly I think we can just castrate the 'good' ones and let them lead a quite life if they stay out of media and politics and don't leave any books or shit like that behind. But I'm kinda a progressive nazi.
I have the feeling this is the mentality among most Nazi groups. You leave me with no choice. Should the "day of the rope" ever happen, I will make sure that white people are genocides along with every other race.I don't want it to happen on just a national scale, but a global one. No human being will remain as such as the only outcome for whites is a MAD world. I will see to this.
USA is also illegitimate then. Fucking separation niggers fighting against the British crown. I swear the brits should gas you for being traitors.
Just stop it Jew. Just accept your fate with dignity. It's happening and you can't stop it.