Anyone here read Tower of God? Or are manhwas just not discussed on Sup Forums?
Tower of God
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I don't get it.
How fucking hard is it for you to lurk for anymore than 30 minutes of your life to figure this out on your own before making such a complete dipshit of yourself?
Please leave.
onree grorious nippon art here
Just so you know, ToG is discussed weekly here. How fucking hard is it for you to lurk for anymore than 30 minutes of your life to figure this out on your own before making such a complete dipshit of yourself?
Get out.
>tfw Karaka and Yuri constantly one-up each other
Literally not even sure who's going to be out on top, but likely Karaka will. They're not even at their end game yet.
We talked about Girl's of the Wild yesterday.
The thread did decent with no go to Sup Forums posters or shitposters. Girl's of the Wild fucked went down after the original 100 chapters, holy shit the author didn't have to bring in the drama.
I was really surprised that Karaka start doing stuff up the chapter right after he showed up. I'm really liking the pacing recently.
Am I the only one who is uninterested in this fight?
I couldnt get enough of the Kaiser fight but right now i feel like the series is starting to bog itself down again
Nothing is going to come out of this, its just delaying the fucking next arc. Who has the imgurs of the next few chapters?
Really? Didn't you notice the Princess arc foreshadow? Yuri was all wondering how Maschenny knew Yuri was there when the two princesses under her set up Androssi. They probably already know Baam is Jue Viole Grace too.
Cast needs to die, like half of them. The fact its big enough for 3 teams is stupid as shit.
>The fact its big enough for 3 teams is stupid as shit.
I was trying to get at what this guy said here about this fight being entirely pointless, but I didn't do a good job expressing it I guess.
As for this gamble with the princesses Im not to interested in that either, I want the series to go back to climbing the unique floors of the tower. That was super fun to read.
I kinda agree. Its starting to pull a bleach where there are to many characters to keep up with and there end up being 3-4 fights all taking place at the same time, jumping back and forth slowing everything to a stand still.
As long as I get more of best girl I'm fine with it.
Manhuas are shit.
>ToG is discussed weekly here
kek, no
Most manhua/manhwa threads last for 30 minutes before dying
Sup Forums is dying anyways, an unbalance x3 melodrama memecancer thread went for 100, and a Girls of Wild hit 100. Both series weren't worth the time.
Tower of God is one of the only series to not be shit and is worthy of discussion, along with Breaker 'ONLY' because Japan has been so shit at fighting manga lately, 'Ares' & 'Witch Blade' for nostalgia fags the later when it was good. And personally for me Knights Run Act 1, since it does alien invasion fucking up colonized worlds so good, along with the concept of swordfighting dbz style and mecha just cause. That series becomes shit though after Act 2.
Considering almost nothing happens weekly, I don't think its very worth of discussion.
*aren't, and fuck you faggots for doing Freezing threads instead of MuvLuv, anything by Dal Young is smut tier Korean trash.
Bastard is also a good manwha.
4CutHero is okay, along with Maze Age Z
>to not be shit and is worthy of discussion
it's pretty garbage m8
I honestly don't know why people even like it
ignoring it's shit tier typical manhua paneling bullshit, the pacing is completely fucked over
it's almost like the author doesn't actually know how to tell a story within reason
It might be the translation, but all the characters either edgy nobodies who care about being the strongest or people who are already strong who care about being stronger, it's like there are no characters whose motivations exist outside of the battle shounen archetype
And the humor sucks, I know it's not the most important part, but every single joke falls flat
>best girl
>gets bad spotlight this chapter
It's got shounen flags all over it.
>Innocent hero corrupted yet still comes out ok on the other side
>Harem of princesses
>Party composition
>Battle focused
Lots of us read it, and it is allowed on Sup Forums. Just ignore the autists getting mad over it - there's only like 2 of them.
You seem to have accidentally posted the wrong picture. Here, let me fix that for you.
mein negger
Since she is coming to the next floor, we're bound to get lots more of her.
>ignoring it's shit tier typical manhua paneling bullshit, the pacing is completely fucked over
Honestly the story and plot are shit, only keeping up with this because the turtle designs are nice
>Special Murder Train goes 7 levels,
>no way to catch it once it departs as a major plot point
>Side parties who didnt make it on somehow ascend tower at the same speed as the train anyways
>All this fussing over minor detail
>What are extenuating circumstances
The conductor just died.
only manwha i read is household affairs.
Ha-ri does something to my heart and i'm not even into yanderes
>side party with absolutely broken people
>son of a great family head
>punches mcexplosions
>running for days
>unbreakable lighthouse shield bunny
>ignition weapon
>Neglected wife commits adultery with the delivery boy, but unbeknownst to her, her husband is an assassin.
Holy shit, picked up.
Will he though? I'm expecting Jinsung to break up the fight honestly, he's around there somewhere right?
it's only 45 chapters in so far and it's monthly. However shit got real these past 10 or so chapters and the way things are going multiple characters may end up dying most likely due to the other's hand
Previews are out for those who are interested.
So the midget has a almighty frog ring that.....absorbs shinsu? Emits ultrasonic waves?
but don't get me wrong, this doesn't exactly have a ton of plot. Drama and suspense are the only thing besides T&A and characters lust for another that keeps it going. There is some minimalistic world building in regards to the assassin part you read about in the synopsis, but aside from a few key characters to the story, nothing else is expanded on.
Enjoy the T&A though. it is glorious.
I gotta wonder why manhuas tend to be colored while mangas are more often black and white
from what i can gather about household affairs, it's a web comic (based solely on the way they present the pages as something to be scrolled through instead of flipped through like a book).
on top of it being a monthly release, i'm guessing they also have more time to add color and other digital drawing effects that you don't usually see in B&W printed manga. I'm not sure of the release schedule from the manwha in your image but if it's also a monthly release then they probably spend time coloring as well.
jesus, this is actually really intense
Holyshit... that sword.. is that Enuma Elish??
This is some Nurutu Sasuke tier battle.
God damn
Oh god Don't tell me 3rd best girl is dead?
Evan thinks so, but he doesn't have a great track record.
yes, and usually no, but TOG sometimes has a thread when something happens, like Rachel pushing Baam down the second time
Last big TOG thread was when happened and everyone get back in the Androssi ship
>still no kaizer
Why is writer hidding best girl ?
SIU doesn't have the balls to kill Rak, I would be legit surprised if he did. Yeon's a maybe but I still don't think he'll do it, so who fucking knows?
I hope SIU uses the event to get Baam to man the fuck up and start doing some work, but considering SIU we might get Emo Baam
She's bound to pop up later in the story, but not for the next arc since she didn't board the train.
You'll have to do with Androssi and Hwa Ryun for fanservice for this arc. Won't lie Kaiser had god tier legs, jesus christ.
Yuri is so dead.
I fucking love how karaka is straight up to the point with no delayment
You could have at least done "" or something.
You need to apply yourself more, see me after class.
I'm worried with the Khun princess fucking with her than Karaka's schemes.
I doubt he'll do shit now that he's preoccupied searching for his brother in the train.
>Karaka is Wangnan's brother
So it's finally time
I can see Wangnan joining FUG, betraying Baam and melting him into the thorn, killing Zahard and becoming FUG's puppet king
I regurarly turn it into dubs thread because a certain autist never learns and keeps making them. There is no discussion. Check em.
So why exactly aren't we getting translations faster?
I can see him joining Rachel but I think he'll never become evil.
Reminder to ignore the usual fags that try to ruin the threads, don't reply to them and they'll leave like always eventually
I wonder what the fuck is going to happen now
Because those chapters aren't technically released yet.
>Wanting translations faster
>When the current ones are this shitty at the current pace
But seriously, what is with the TL team Line has for this series? Not only can it just get basic shit wrong all the damn time, but it can be inconsistent as hell.
You'd think this series being one of their most popular and flagship titles would mean they would give it a good translation; but apparently that is not the case.
Literally Chinese cartoons
She'll probably appear in the future as a slayer rep.
God now I have to wait three week to get the new stuffs.
Well They're back on the train right? So Bam may just go back to the hot pot to hopefully get over any emoness
Kubera is better
>Karaka jobbed against Yuri
Fuck this gay earth. The story has no tension because no one is ever really in danger.
>monthly release
Oh you poor misguided soul.
>FUG's God who is deemed strong enough to kill Zahard (if they could find a means to bypass the Tower's law)
>can't even beat a Princess who isn't even in the top 100
I hope he wasn't showing off the full extent of his abilities, because that would be disappointing. I guess the only other excuse is that he is a relatively new Slayer.
Also does anyone else get the vibe that these recent chapters have made Baam lean more towards the idea of being a "God"?
The Workshop arc made a big deal about how much FUG calling him their God pissed him off. But these chapters makes it look like he is actually considering it in some way.
>wasn't showing off the full extent of his abilities
Why wouldn't he though? Yuri is one of the most famous princesses in the tower killing her would grant him more prestige and backing from FUG I would assume.
>wasn't even in danger as he can ressurect
Yuri wasn't going all out either or else she would've hit the train
Exactly, so I'm guessing either something was limiting his powers (maybe that mask and suit he wears?) or an outside circumstance. Since I really can't see how he could be that weak when he is supposedly someone so many people at FUG thinks has a legit chance at taking out Zahard.
>Implying he didn't job
If it wasn't for Baam not knowing the significance of that Ring and telling Karaka he had seen it before, Karaka would have left the station having accomplished nothing except for blasting away 3 regulars who won't die anyway.
>tfw can't even discuss in this thread because of this retarded 2 extra raw chapters system gooks set up which I'm trying to avoid
Well these 2 are definitely not dying now anyways
>that weak
>implying Yuri just isn't so strong
She can't even get hurt by anything. She's broken as hell. Karaka on the other hand has shown he's ridiculous too by tanking Cronos with one hand even though it's one of the Tower's most powerful weapon.
What does Sup Forums think of that Martial Arts Manwha, now that we have a dedicated manwha thread
>top 500
>so strong
I just expected a Slayer to be more than that considering they were hyped as gods.
>Zahard top 3
>Yuri top 500
>Karaka is someone picked to kill Zahard
You can see what I mean now right?
If he really isn't holding back or something, then I can see why Mirchea put his bet on Baam.
I miss the format of early part one where it felt less like a generic battle shounen type of series.
People telling manhwas are not allowed here are newer than newfags.
Because tests actually mattered then. Now it's just DBZ shouting
I'm so afraid it will turn to DBZ shit tier
You mean the games of each floor? I miss them too, but the fans get bored of that and the only want DBZ battles and baam being op
Listen nigga, Karaka is someone who has potential to kill Zahard like Baam, no where in the series is it said he can take him on as of right now.
His friking teacher would still slapp his ass now
I actually thought the beginning of S2 was really good too until the Workshop Battle.
It was always shounen shit with making baam special snowflake
>ohh shit Baam was the only one able to walk through that shinsoo barrier
I dropped this after the hospital visit. Did this ever get better or did the author just double down on the sex?
So the meme character Raak is dead?
Karaka is a slayer candidate or a slayer/god? because he is a jobber.
Jinsung is also in the top 100 of the whole Tower, and that's where I expected Karaka and the other slayers to be, too.
quit reading it awhile ago after the story kinda stagnated with the floor tests. I do however love and continue to read God of High School
He clearly wasn't going all out as evident by him not using any weapons and more special techniques. In essence, they're aren't at their strongest yet and are going to get stronger.
Pfft nope, not yet anyways. Him and baam aren't near that stage at all.
>Pfft nope, not yet anyways. Him and baam aren't near that stage at all.
That's bullshit though. Baam is just a Slayer Candidate, but Karaka is a Slayer. From everything we have been told about what a Slayer is, they shouldn't have trouble against some High Ranker when their goal and purpose is to kill Zahard and the ten family heads.
Fuck Yuri when is Karaka and pokeball fag gonna link up?
>From everything we have been told about what a Slayer is, they shouldn't have trouble against some High Ranker
No, no where has it said the current slayers are even strong enough to pull off such a thing right now despite it being their goal. Karaka has repeatedly been said he only has great potential to slay the top zahards.
Even White was washed by princess so i don't know what you're expecting.
You say it like they have information on high rankers, it was pretty obvious Karaka was testing the waters.