Meanwhile in the Melbourne CBD earlier this evening
Other urls found in this thread:
>not one person bashed him
melbournes gone to the dumps i swear
melbourne is the most mentally ill city on earth.
Based Tongan man thinking about Saturday's game
>maoris are redpi-
>maoris are honorary ary-
>i can't make a mild joke about muslims because that's unaustralian
>but this shit is okay
Has anyone else just stopped respecting anyone from Victoria?
That's about as big as my dick. Pretty average really.
That's misleading actually, it's highly likely it was dropped because he was a youth.
>this isn't crystal meth or bath salts or that new cheap high going around
Dylan frost seems like a top bloke, minus the bipolar schizophrenia. he did tell Thelma plum that that abo should fuck off
I'd also unironically risk it all to catch a whiff of Courtney eatons panties
>tfw have bigger dick than this guy
I have to keep it pretty clean even just talking to my family. Even if they aren't some festy leftist people just want to live in denial because they don't want their precious little feathers ruffled. Bunch of gay cunts.
maybe it was a wontok from PNG reminiscing about their match?
pic related
t. Melbournian
The worst things to happen of late
>Sudanese. Yes, all of them. Literally 126 times overrepresented in violent crime. One hundred and two fucking six times.
>Drug addicts set up shop at Flinders Street station. The ordinary homeless used to be harmless and out of the way, now the druggies shoot up heroine and shit in the street on the busiest street/train station in the city and professional Greens actually defend it
>The housing bubble. Holy fuck, a 3 bedder under $400k is becoming nearly impossible in MELTON of all fucken places
>Roadworks EVERYWHERE. Lane widenings on the Ring Road, Tullamarine, Monash, Western. I wonder who the genius was that approved the Ring Road bottlenecking from 4 lanes to 2 both ways in the first place while leaving fucking nature strips in the middle of the fucking freeway
The CBD is a foreign country about ~%80 asian (in terms of residence), we are so fucked.
Look at the fucking pic in the OP, that doesn't look like Australia at all
hardly an accomplishment
It's like that in most major cities in aus.
Shits fucked.
Idk N Qld was still pretty chill when I went there. I rarely heard about any shit like gay marriage or Manus while I was up there. Unlike Melbourne where it's rammed down your throat
eh, who cares
>boi lover
I've been thinking about moving to QLD actually. Perth is full of poo poos and chinks.
melbourne yes!
I am disappoint. I thought that jewess had a decent rack.
run by jews no doubt?
that raises the question - what are the fucking kikes doing in aussie?
are they prepping it to let the chinese massacre the whites?
ah here's the answer
the kikes are bringing in the sudanese
why are you cunts talking about it more?
which NGOs are doing it?
you reallly are dirty and lazy cunts
Did that piece of degenerate trash get at least arrested?
just a bit of banter
Melbourne always has shit like this. You should see how normie 'Melbournians' act when it happens; their eyes glaze over and the Jewish programing kicks in:
>'This is the most livable city on earth!'
The average Melbournian then smiles and goes humbly back to his cuck-cubical and and paying off his $600,000 mortgage Melton where all his neighbors are Chinese.
Sure he has a 2h commute (each way) but that's not so bad; he can talk sex stuff to his gay partner raising his wife's son whilst stuck in congestion.
They have been in Melbourne since the 30's somehow they seem to run most of Australia from the place.
Their court decisions (precedent) and immigration decisions seem to set the entire countries future.
If you talk to a Melbournian most of them are convinced the whole country is a giant Melbourne and any parts that arn't secretly aspire to be as pozzed as Melbourne.
are kikes in kiwiland too?
(why even ask..... but still)
John Key (previous PM) is one.
this would never happen in melb prior to 2010 because cunt would get smashed.
seems like when i went for a brief period amongst parasites in act, and saw all those filth factory line level scumcunts from queensland and other shitty colonial oiiiiiiiiii saiiiiii is ossssssstraaaaaaliiiyaaa you wogs and gave up on this shitty social experiment, things are gone fucked up.
good luck to you cunts now. hey btw, that empaya subject might have been payed by russians/or is colluding with the enemies of democracy and western values. fuck you disgust me. the day i get the fuck away from anglospehere will be the best day of my life.
>average non-cute bitch doing these types of dances
this is just like that user that posts that average ass mexican school girl all the time
Maories are the nigs of Oceana.
Tf is your problem, faggot?
Thats some of the worst fridgebody ive ever seen
This is what happens when you elect Greens to run the city.
She does have decent rack. Can store milk on one rack and meat and cheese on other rack. Is good fridge. Is sturdy last long time. Keep food cold.
elect kikes*
degenerate hijinks like this are quintessentially Australian, you cunts would laugh if the guy was white
>that average ass mexican school girl all the time
these average mexican grills?
trump wants to deport THIS!
Picked my daughter up from school in Knox today, the only white girl in a sea of Chinese. Office lady reading out student names over the PA can't pronounce any of them.
Driving down Stud road, there's a half naked ice addict using a freeway sign as a stripping pole.
pic related mfw when i realise there's no such thing as 'white genecide' -
we're literally committing suicide