Maki is pretty much the best girl, and she's probably the greatest tsundere idol ever. Let me explain

Maki is pretty much the best girl, and she's probably the greatest tsundere idol ever. Let me explain.

Her ability to be an idol is great. She's cute too. Everyone agrees, she has great ability. So there's no problem with her ability and cuteness, and believe me, I know. Did I mention she's cute? It's fantastic, unreal. She has so much cute you wouldn't believe! So much cute! People tell me her cuteness is better than anything they've ever seen, anything!

And that's not just me saying this, many, many people are saying this, they're saying this cute girl - wow, cute - there's so much cute, there's going to be so much cute that they'll get tired of THE cute, they'll say, this cute she has, there's too much we can't stand it! I mean let me put it this way: the other idols, and nothing compared to her. Nothing.

Other urls found in this thread:

'ello makiposter

Your waifu is cute and all, HOWEVER
>No more seasons of her, songs and not even cameos
I just hope you get some extras or something

I want to rape her.

Your waifu is lesbians with Nico and that’s canon.

greetings from /lgbt/

Maki is not for rape.

Nico is a terrible idol. Look, she is a terrible idol, I have not seen so much pretentiousness coming from a idol and let me tell you something she sucks at doing her job, so much, the rest of the idol club left her because she's a bitch and she does this nico-nico-nii thing which to be honest just makes we want to puke. And believe me, I know these things, especially the fans, I asked them a lot, the idol polls even show it, nobody likes her, the only thing she's good for is being grabbed at by the pussy.

But she still believes in Santa.

That only add to her cuteness. That'll get her all the fans for sure.

>Nico is a terrible idol

True but that doesn’t make Maki any less gay for her.


What is up with you people, why is Maki related to Sup Forums anyways?

That's just your headcanon. Maki is a pure, smart, innocent maiden while nico is lewd, bitchy and stupid. They can't be any more different.

Nico-chan pls.


Ever heard the saying opposites attract?

Your Waifu is lesbian for worst girl, get over it Michlan.


Trump pls go back to Sup Forums

I don't even use Nico in the mobage, only Maki and the rest of the gang. Nico is a shit girl.

*clings to Michlan and takes in his scent*

You will never get to snuggle Maki’s soft tight body like Nico dose every day, you mad?

Just came here to post this

>tfw can't like Maki because she's a Sup Forums memegirl

Maki buillies Nico on a daily basis too, I don't want to be bullied.

I know, right? Why is that though?

She likes it.

>Maki buillies Nico on a daily basis

and she dose it in a vary homoerotic Tsundere manner.

>I don't want to be bullied

I'd let a cute girl bully me anytime

Maki is a whore and Makifags are buttsluts too.

I would bully Nico anytime. She's a whore.

She's a pure maiden, how many times do I have to repeat it?

Maki-chan is a lewd girl.



Why are you such a hypocrite then?
You like Stella and Maki and Kurisu because tsundere.
Yet you hate Chitose because tsundere? Fuck you.

> pure maiden

Only if you don’t count her scissoring with the other girls in Love live.


Greatest idol ever? Yes.
Greatest tsundere ever? Don't talk pathetic.

If we're talking solely Love Live Maki is absolutely the best. But she's far from best Idol in general.

Amazing shit taste as usual.

See, your logic is faulty.
I said greatest tsundere idol ever. Not greatest tsundere. Not greatest idol. By your words she is the "greatest idol ever". So, by that logic, that also makes her the greatest tsundere idol ever. Get it?

Prove me wrong.

>By your words she is the "greatest idol ever"
Never said that.

>greatest tsundere idol ever
I agree with this though

is for

I've never wanted to stick my penis in a cartoon character worse than this one.


This waifu belongs to Nico.


Thread bgm

Here's the thing.
Maki is the best tsundere idol ever. And I mean, ever. Everybody knows this. Everybody, and I know this because I've asked a lot of people, fans of LL, they're experts, idol experts, the best opinions in all of anime and they all agree: Maki is loved by everyone, hated by no one implicitly.

No it’s "Nico" stop being autistic.

hello, I'm here from Sup Forums

Can you take this slut back? We don't want her.

No, it's にこ. If her name was in katakana, I wouldn't say shit. It's in hiragana, so suck up the correct romanization.

All sorts of official material romanize it with a c, O Intelligent One. Say the word, and I'll provide photographic proof.

cool story bro.

Being the author and being wrong are two different things.

She's mine and mine only.

You is getting a new UR and as it's Halloween, time for next month's calendar.

October 31st- Results for Winter Vacation with Aqours election announced
November 1st- Rin Hoshizora’s Birthday
November 2nd- Nanaka Suwa’s Birthday (Kanan’s VA
-Uranohoshi Girls' Radio Personality election ends
November 6th- Bushiroad Grand Prix 2016, SIC event at Nagoya Trade & Industry Centre, Nagoya.
November 9th- Aqours single Omoi yo, Hitotsu ni nare released
Noveber 12th- Bushiroad Grand Prix 2016, SIC event at Kanazawa Worker Plaza, Kanazawa
November 13th- Aqours appearance (-Ainya) at SIF Thanksgiving Festival Osaka
November 20th- Aqours 1st Live, Day 1 ballot ends. Ballot closes at 11:59JST
November 23rd- Jingle Bells ga Tamaranai released. Single contains ballot tickets to the year end mini-live.
November 29th- Aqours 1st Live, Day 2 ballot begins. Ballot opens at 12pm JST
November 30th- LL Sunshine OST released.

Shit taste, as expected of the fag that made the Chitose hate thread.


I have a question, are the side quests good in this game? Is there a good side quest because most of them so far are so-so.

But Maki's waifu is Honks.

>literally all of Sup Forums gets shit up with maki threads because this one /r9k/er and 2-3 Sup Forums faggots feel like it

No, I'm sure Sup Forums actually likes it.

I never go near the shithole that is Sup Forums but a quick look at the catalog revealed 1 (one) Maki thread.

You're delusional if you think there are only 3-4 people spamming Maki.

I like crackships too

>November 20th- Aqours 1st Live, Day 1 ballot ends. Ballot closes at 11:59JST

Is it a ballot or the actual live?


Are you supposed to be Trump? I wish I was at my pc so I could post a bored reaction image