What is the point of Kyouko in Madoka...

What is the point of Kyouko in Madoka? She didn't move the plot in any way or play any important role in fighting the witches.

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Pay attention to the damn show next time.

All the girls represent different philosophical ideas.

Mami is an altruist
Sayaka is Deotological
Homura is an ubermesnch
Madoka is utilitarian

Kyouko is an existentialist.

Kyouko's arc emphasizes the philosophical conflict which exists between deontelogical ethics and existentialism. That being absolute adherence to a moral code vs. absolute freedom from a moral code.

other anons philosophy points stand up, but most importantly
she a cute
also sayaka needed a "friend"

Kyoko was the worst girl.

To be my waifu.

Her role was to allahu ackbar Sayaka.


Who would be Sayaka's husband if there were no Kyouko?


Is her neck broken?

The point of her existence is to make my dick hard.
I can't believe no one has posted that yet. The fuck Sup Forums?.

Her neck is a SHAFT


how are you even still alive to post this

>Madoka is utilitarian
She is the last person that would say the ends justify the means. Utilitarianism seems more up Homura's alley. Madoka fits altruism far better than Mami.

The jews.

She sacrifices her own life for the utility of everyone else. The means was self-nullification the ends was witches are erased from the timeline. Hard to get more utilitarian than that.

Now that I think about it, That might make her the altruist. Is Mami the utilitarian? She seems very much in the spirit of ends justifying means. Especially with the way she treats Homura.


>she sacrificed herself for the sake of everyone
You cannot get more altruistic than that

Yeah. You're right. Madoka is the Altruist. Mami is the Utilitarian.

To eat foods, to pick on the newbie blue, to be the tough street girl with a dark past but secretly nicest, to hang out with the other tough girl with the black hair, to play that dance game, probably some other stuff.

I would argue that Homura is the utilitarian. The only time she intervened in anything is when Madoka was going to make a wish or if taking action would benefit her efforts to defeat walnut. When Sayaka was being edgy, Homura threatened to discard her beccause Sayaka was getting in the way of her plans. In Rebellion, she tore down Madoka's order, brainwashing her and her friends, and instated a new universe, arguably betraying everyone, all for what she thought was the greater good.

Adding to that, I'm not sure what Mami would be, honestly. Something to do with justice and duty to protect?

Homura tried to save everyone a couple of times, but it didn't work out.

so homura is communism

Yeah. Homura has given up on everything but Madoka, and she's in a situation where she cannot win and is constantly in torment, and still chooses to transvalue her values upon the world. Or rather her one value, her love for Madoka.

She's an embodiment of what Nietzchie wrote in the gay science:
What, if some day or night a demon were to steal after you into your loneliest loneliness and say to you: 'This life as you now live it and have lived it, you will have to live once more and innumerable times more' ... Would you not throw yourself down and gnash your teeth and curse the demon who spoke thus? Or have you once experienced a tremendous moment when you would have answered him: 'You are a god and never have I heard anything more divine.'

to be cute

If you mean in the earliest timelines, you would be correct. But afterwards, she decides it isn't worth saving everyone and focuses on only Madoka. I'm sure she still cares deep down inside, it's just that well-being of everyon else is less important than her goal, which is saving Madoka.

Mami is in between Sayaka and Madoka, and more ideologically moderate than either.
Kyoko is hedonist.
Homura is fairly nihilistic, except that she defines Madoka as her purpose.


Don't you think including exceptions in your argument makes them invalid?

That time loop is where she brings the others together, and they pretty much kill themselves. It's probably suppose to be an example of how much that kind of thing backfires. If you look at it from that perspective, then the last time line we see in the anime is put in an interesting light. Homura seems to always avoid saying too much to the others, as if she's trying to avoid triggering that backfire. Bringing them together, giving them future information, it only increases their suffering and leads to more tragedy.

If all characters had to meet those criteria, most stories would be very empty.

She was important to establish a "typical magical girl".


You mean aside from large parts of the exposition relying on the interactions between her and Sayaka?

Also, you do realize that "fighting the witches" was not actually the main plot of the show, right?

>Kyouko in Madoka
It sounds very lewd! Yeah, I stand ready. Also, she was the first one to consult when Moemura ran into trouble in Rebellion.

The post must be one of Kevin-kun's keikaku. He wanted to tease the juicy Apple and summon a tripfag. Kapplin 4ever!

Really? No juicy Apple?

Yeah, "Madoka" loves Homuhomu the most in the world.

Yeah, the user is a moron. Also, Madokami is the incarnation of the Saviour and Guanyin.

You love Jewish people as much as me.

Mami is a philanthropist. Kyubey is a Utilitarian.

Exactly. The overall effort of modern anime in Japan focuses on gaining in popularity as characters which are loved by many fans. A better plot is of secondary importance.

She was the hardened character who contrasted the inexperienced, idealistic Sayaka. The story would not be the same without her.

>She didn't move the plot in any way or play any important role in fighting the witches.
She fought Sayaka's witch. That is not an important part of the story?

Would Sayaka be happy to see you say bad things about her friend? Please be nice to Kyouko; we love her a lot.

That's not how you spell Kevin-kun.

To be the best meguca.


Kyouko is a classic cynic in the narrative sense. Smart, capable, and painstakingly aware of the shortcomings of the human condition, she all but rushes to throw herself on the pyre the moment she meets someone who shows a legitimate devotion to ideals.

It's why Kyousaya is best ship tbqh senpai

>Kyouko in Madoka
What did OP mean by that?

kyoko's point is to be the cutie in the group

mami is the tittymonster, madoka is the boring pink slut, homerun is the raging lesbo and sayaka is the sporty one

You're the reason nobody likes this fan base.

>She is the last person that would say the ends justify the means. Utilitarianism seems more up Homura's alley.

Kyubey is utilitarianism. Homura is nihilism. Her whole movie was an intro to Nietzsche.

Happy halloween!

Madoka and Homura are Kierkegaard and Nietchze, right?

With Homura at the beginning of Rebellion being a Knight of Faith but then realizing "Wait this is fucking stupid."

Sayaka needs a girlfriend.

>It's why Kyousaya is best ship tbqh senpai
It's by far the most forced ship in the franchise.

>Kyubey is utilitarianism. Homura is nihilism. Her whole movie was an intro to Nietzsche.
You are right.

Yep. She goes from being a slave to Madoka's will to a master of her own destiny.

You talking about how Sayaka reciprocates as of Rebellion?

By that point Sayaka was dead do you think she's bothered by homosex?

Yes, yes.

Ka... KyoSaya 4ever!

Homura just revised Madoka's universe for everyone. She did not need to call herself a devil.

I personally subscribe to Kierkegaard, but Rebellion does make a great argument for Nietzsche.

Then again perhaps I'm biased against Nietzsche because of all the hacks calling themselves "Philisophers" these days using him as base for batshit social justice nonsense. Freshmen year I had to take a course called Nietzche and Feminism, like lol wtf



She ursurped power for herself, she's Lucifer, she rebelled, she's a devil.

I honestly don't get how people deny the Christian aspects of Rebellion, you have a icon scene with Homura groveling and washing the Madoka image's feet.

Kyouko's only purpose in the story was to drag Sayaka down. Conveniently she sacrifices herself once Sayaka is beyond redemption. Mami was also pretty worthless, come to think of it.


Homuhomu just harnessed Madokami energy for peaceful purposes. We can't completely explain the ridiculous plot yet except the last chapter of Wraith Arc, tho.

>I honestly don't get how people deny the Christian aspects of Rebellion, you have a icon scene with Homura groveling and washing the Madoka image's feet.
Because imagery and symbolism =/= actual plot points. It's certainly all their, but it's all from Homura's view and subconscious. She views Madoka as her god, but comes to realize that her personal wishes and desires were never fulfilled in exchange for her soul. There's also our conversation in the flower garden and the entire disrupting of Homura's faith in the form of Madoka existing again, the cast screaming that life in the false world is so much better than real life, and her being responsible for the incubators setting up the isolation field. It's an ambiguous decision to overthrow the Law of Cycles that results in a world that is better than the former, at least on the surface.

Not to mention it's literally a self-appointed title brought on by self-loathing and her belief that she must oppose Madoka to make her happy.

Kyouko is the cute fanged girl that all anime seem to need these days. She fulfills that role well.

I do think she had an important part in the story though. She was the magical girl who had turned on her old ways and became a villain. I think she was a necessary character in order to show that not all magical girls were nice like Mami. She redeemed herself though, which is good.

You missed my birthday, Apple-chan. I was hoping to see you then.

I think yesterday was anti-crack-kun's birthday if you wanted to wish him a happy birthday as well.

>overanalyzing a CHILDREN's show

Yes this anime was made for kids.

That doesn't mean anything. Cardcaptor Sakura is a children's show and it is very good. Same with the Precures; they are children's shows but they are very good. Just because a show is for children does not mean it is bad or not worth looking into. Although Madoka Magica does have a darker subject matter and I would think it is for teenagers, not children.

Madoka Magica is for kids. My little sister is a big fan, she also watches Steven Universe and Gravity Falls.

Nagisa is the cheesy loli that no anime seems to need these days. She fulfills that dullsville role well.

I do not think she had an important part in the story though. She was the magical girl who had turned on her old ways and became a loli for fanservice. I think she was a unnecessary character, even though creators needed to show that not all magical girls were nice like Mami. She should redeem herself in the next project by her death. It's good.

Why Apple?

Madoka is for children.


It is still a good show. There is no reason we can't love a show for little girls. Make sure to hug your sister and tell her you love her everyday though, okay?

Oh, you were at your cousin's house and her pet alligator chewed through the internet cord again? I guess that is a good enough excuse.

Did you mating press your spouse yet? Make sure to do it in honor of Bebe!

Kyoko is essential to the plot since she is Homu's closest ally against Walpurgisnacht

Can't wait for moreegucas.

I hate it when people mispell her name.


Please delete that image.




They're doing this on purpose aren't they

Either Kyoko or Kyouko, both are still cute.

These two are mine.

You guys can share Kyouko.

>aired 1 in the morning
manchildren, not children

All puella magi girls represent philosophical male ideas, real girls dont know what is "utilitarian" or "existentialist"; only men use that words

Japanese people usually use Hepburn romanization.

Are you a HomuSaya fan?

Yes, I am Sayaka and Homura's husband.


That's terrible.

I wanted to see Kapplin posting more pictures of KyoSaya.

Not as much as you.

Homura and Sayaka are my warmth

It is still one of the greatest anime.


So does Mami stand a chance or she jobbing immediately so Sayaka can take a swing at Homucifer?

I remember reading somewhere that the staff wants to focus on Mami. And seeing the trailer it looks like Mami is gonna fire her giant space cannon at something. Meanwhile Sayaka was shown literally dead on the ground.

They'll probably give Kyouko a bigger role this time. Sayaka is too weak to fight any version of Homura, she's the biggest jobber in the series. Sayaka once tried to punch me, I immediately shoved my penis in her butt.

Mami looks overpowered in the trailer.

She's glowing with sexual energy.