This is Halloween

1 day to go. Post anime related Halloween strips












eh, kinda dead tonight







Heh, need a fujiwara ruining a kaguya/shirogane trick or treat.

No new ones this year?

I can't draw.

I made this one fast some days ago.


hah, exactly the way I felt at that moment


But there are several new ones in this thread.

Let it be known that an attempt was made.













Lost. Great work user.

>1 day to go

But it's already Halloween.






This one is my favorite



Anyone done a Sakamoto one?





Same to you cunt.


Made these many a year ago.







I'm trying to make an OC one, but it's probably not that funny and i can't draw the character's hair


>Cliff ahead
Fuck me.

I refuse to believe a year has past since an user made this. Owari still feels so recent.


This is the only one that actually takes advantage of the format to tell the joke. It's by far the funniest of everything posted so far


I tried really hard; I wish I could draw Joseph's outfit/scarf but I really can't. Hope you guys enjoy it, even just a little. Not sure how good it actually is ;_;

>i can't draw

That's the point of the comic. Do you see any of these are well drawn?

a few, but yeah I know user, I know

i just posted it, it's the jojo one

>I can't draw.
Fuck you, you attention whoring cuck. It looks great.

this is perfect. much better if he drop the russian chou instead of twix

>no ...

This is good.

Got me good.

it's not being an attention whore, s-sorry i didn't mean to
thank you though, it means a lot
joseph's hair still looks like shit

The best

Shame about the latter part of the anime. Everything went to shit after Akira Ishida came back.

is it about drugs?

It was still pretty good, and the OVAs still exist anyway.


I like this.

I still loved it, it's just a shame it had to go that route.

>All these people not editing the hat in the first panel out

This is the best one this year.

Someone make one with Rem where she goes "I love you Subaru-kun" and at the end have the guy say "Wait...who's Rem?"

The kid with the hat isn't the same kid as the one in the comic. It goes like "witch kid leaves, meme kid arrives"

Going on this, someone make one where Subaru is handing out candy to Emilia in first panel, then have Rem come up, say I love you, and then have Subaru reply, but I love Emilia and close the door.

Pretty sure that's been done. Also DIY

Different kid, numbnuts

Too much effort.




I lol'd hard, YEEART!

still mad.
