Plague-chan thread

black plague is sweeping the southeast part of africa: we need to meme this into a major epidemic.

someone creative and good with photoshop should create an avatar, so that we all might think it into existence as if it were a tulpa. it's time for ebola-chan 2.0- now even deadlier

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check my post id

let it happen


Junior burger??

Honestly this is fucking disgusting that you wish death by disease to people you haven't met. I hope a disease ravages your homeland one day and Asians are making fun of you as you die.


Fuck off, I'm already laughing my fucking dick off as those nig nogs die of the plague

Also, bump

I hope it spreads to South Africa, and then the rest of Africa.

>defending niggers

nihil sub sole novum

self bump

also, how to make that shit cross the desert and to infect sandniggers too?

Thread Theme :

sm1 make an avatar


I support this

What can I do to spread it here?

Already happened 600 years ago while the asians laughed. How about you, burger?

The only way to protect against the plague is to start with smaller doses and work your way up to protect yourself:
go and suck the smallest dick of a plague infected nigger you can
then suck a bigger dick
and bigger
until you are cured of aids and plague
> ok print that
but don't change the font
or you're a shill
which is nigger bitch, my new word
y'alls like it? nitches!
i fucking love it
use it
let's get it caught on
we can say it's nigga bitch so it's ok

literally what? what new cuckbertarian drug are you on?


don't overlook the highly contagious "monkey pox" thats going on in africa as well. i know it sounds like a joke, but monkey pox is transmissable along the same lines as the common cold.

i'll try to do my best
sadly now in class and if i start to draw my chinesse cartoons they'll cut my dick off because muh priviledge

>people you haven't met
Would it be better to wish death in people I have met?

Stop plague worship before it becomes a thing. We've had a winterchan, ebolachan, and floodchan already.

Pls no plaguechan

either a population keeps their fertility in check, or the Malthusian plagues will strike it.
We are not after their land, they just need to keep their shit together.

Okay so how do we convince them that the Jews have a cure and that they should travel to Israel for it?

> meme flag of the socialists
the fuck

Don't forget Irma-chan.

Let it take its course.
It will only be of real concern when it reaches the first world.

be the change you wish to see in the world

Let it Happen!

>Not literally dick-shaped florida
I soggy doggy

come on Pesta, do your thang

Go catch it

thats where the majority of the chinese are, hope it gets them

I-is that her?
P-plague chan, you're beautiful...

>the BLACKED plague

I think that meme should have the symptoms of a plage.

>black plague
a fitting for black (((power)))

a fitting end to black power

I had a friend that studied microbiology then moved to Mexico.
He said he works now in laboratory financially backed by some USA organization and they are trying to make yersinia pestis mutate faster. Not sure if true or he was trolling me.

Found the nigger
Back to Liberia with you Tyrone

>tfw immune to both plague and HIV
You mad non-Baltic sea peoples?

This could be the plague that saves the world.

We need to meme winter-chan again and save europa

careful what you meme for.....THey could vary well bring it into europe

remember, plague is a TROPICAL disease, and they have more exposure and genetic diversity then europeans.
FIrst time plagued hit in europe it took out half the population in 4 years.

this is tempting fate.


here you go :)

you know afrikaaner is more likely to die from it then an african right

this......refugee plague could be a thing. Hell hungarian guards can catch it through the fence and wind up wiping out own people like native ameriicans.

Fuck, stop the summoning right fucking now!

Is this plague similar to the one that hit Europe a while back?
If so, isn't it /ourplague/?
Let me explain, most Europeans are immune to that shit, or at least we have higher immunity rates than any other place. So why not just voluntarily spread it around to kill all non-whites?


Well Germany did invent the hamburger.

It is not the black plague.
It is the bubonic plague (black death) with the lung pestis (sorry bad translation) and a sort of super AIDS.
Man Africa is fucked.

is kek here? we should ask kek how long we have left till it explodes.

checked .. 11 days my dudes

the reason native aemricans were easily killed was having the lowest genetic diversity which is why disease killed 90% of them. Africans have the most so fatlaites will be lower. Europeans are in the middle killing about 40-60% of the population

this is too give you an idea by historical records

if anyone gets infected, Im sure theyll run to south africa and europe for treatment infecting everyone on the way
desu if this happens it seems like the natives got their revenge and europe will be black an arab

reading future
>european countries now has even more reasons to close borders
>europe fucking closes borders
>plague rages through whole africa
>RIP Africa by the end of 2019

Nobody will miss you


holy fucking shit

Europe is fucked. Once it spreads northwards a the negros will flee in terror towards Europe, many of them infected. At least it will hit France before it arrives here...


It's a big disease

This trap designed us an avatar last week

jews want you dead too, retard.

Your pepe is trying to take a photo under plague-chans skirt you filthy degenerate kraut

First sketch; hair ribbon is a yersinia pestis micrograph

>implying we won't steal their tech and use it against them

No this is crap.

You want to effect reality with your memes. Ebola-chan spread ebola because she connected themes of western medicine with themes of satanism and death. Nignogs literally "liberated" infected patients from WHO stations because they believed western doctos and especially nurses were there to spread the disease, not cure it.

Plague-chan needs to make the same kind of connections, playing off nignog superstitions and fears. She needs to wear a mask, because they will be trying to get everybody to wear masks. She should use WHO signalia, and she should probably wear gloves, too. She needs to be more demonic however, more batlike wings, blood and horned skulls especially.

Bonus points if somebody can figure out a way to reverse-psychology africans into protecting rats, using only pictures.

I think this anime style one is also based on El Trapo's design but it's by a different user

El Trapo sketch 2

based nip, we need it digitally drawn tho

Well done.

fucking brilliant

There were some masked proposals too

One of the important points of ebola-chan was that she was a focus for sexual energy, the nairaland Nigerian forums were freaking out because they know the power of semen penis magic in empowering curses

Can we really do it again?

It's not me who drew it, all I did was suggest the green ribbon and mouse on the shoulder and the guy in the skirt did the rest

Shit, you're right of course

the plague mask thing is no good because nobody will use them and niggers are too dumb to realize the historical connection. just make it a regular doctors mask, its gone pneumonic so masks are going to be a major requirement.

That's crap. The head needs to be memeable like Pepe and the merchants and for better recognition it should wear one of those plague doctor masks.

a whole thread just for me? thanks CIA.

just as supporting evidence, here is a thread of Real African Niggers flipping their shit about Ebola-chan:

>There is a new racist cult in Europe and America. They hate Africans and worship an ebola demoness who they call "Ebola-Chan". They perform magical rituals in order to spread the disease and kill people. They target the area they want to infect next using blood sacrifices


>Apparently even some Ebola doctors are part of the cult and instead of treating the disease are deliberately spreading it. I even heard rumour that they eat the heart of victims because they think it grants magical protection though I don't know if that's true

>Some pictures of shrines and sacrifices I found:


>and for better recognition it should wear one of those plague doctor masks.
Wrong. Niggers don't know anything about history and contemporary nurses/doctors will be wearing standard masks or even respirators, so plague-chan should too.

>antibiotic resistant pneumonic plague


Interesting points indeed

Why? We have a) access to much better health care than blacks. b) our ancestors were the ones who survived the black plague in Europe. So if there is some kind of genetic resistence to it we are more likely to have it than the nigs.

Thread made me laugh, thanks.
also checked.

Maybe if she wears a respirator and suffocates her victims by forcing them to wear masks. Maybe its too complex though, the imagery needs to be stand-alone in a single image for maximum meme-fection.

Make her hold the mask in one hand like she's offering it to the patient ?

if you all could design a more effective locus of our semen powers that could combine the manna streams like that dish thing on the Death Star that combines the lasers and shoots them off into space, by all means please do.
It might be hard to make a design that combines both all the details of the plague rat and the mask and the WHO clothes etc. while at the same time. Wing easily memeable like pepe but if you can do it please do
at this point the return of the Black Death may be the only thing that can save the peoples of Europe from the other kind of Black Death

take my (っ◔◡◔)っ energy

(っ◔◡◔)っ energy
(っ◔◡◔)っ energy
(っ◔◡◔)っ energy
(っ◔◡◔)っ energy
(っ◔◡◔)っ energy


A large portion of Europeans are immune to the Plague and HIV.
No one else is.

reputable, scientific source on this statement?

Is there any way to create a disease that only affects people with high levels of melanin in their skin?


>get a tan during the summer
>get killed by a biological weapon

doesn't sound too good to me famalam

>Honestly this is fucking disgusting that you wish death by disease to people you haven't met
> I hope a disease ravages your homeland one day
Wew lad


Ethnic/racial based viruses are real.