
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>Pres Trump/bff Abe/aussie shitposter meet 11/12/17
>ASEAN summit opening ceremony 11/12/17
>Pres Trump/Duterte @ASEAN summit 11/12/17
>Group photo @ASEAN summit 11/12/17
>Pres Trump arrives @ASEAN summit 11/12/17
>Duterte sings @Trump's command 11/12/17
>Pres Trump @31st ASEAN Gala Celebration 11/12/17
>Pres Trump Departs Vietnam 11/12/17
>Pres Trump/PM Nguyen bilateral meeting 11/12/17
>Pres Trump/PM Nguyen Meeting 11/11/17
>Pres Trump/Pres Quang Press conference 11/11/17
>FLotUS Melania interviewed at the Great Wall 11/10/17
>Pres Trump @bilateral meeting 11/11/17
>Pres Trump comments after arriving @Pres Palace 11/11/17
>Pres Trump Welcome Ceremony @Pres Palace Hanoi 11/11/17
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #40 (Vet Day Message) 11/11/17
>WH Video: FLotUS Melania visits Mil Families In Alaska 11/11/17
>VP Pence @Arlington Natl Cemetary Veterans Day Ceremony 11/11/17
>Pres Trump toasts @Hanoi State Banquet 11/11/17

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

Other urls found in this thread:


Theres 3 fucking Q LARPs up right now. this is fuckign stupid.

What levels of disavowals are we in for today?

>Jim accosta gets bullied on the other side of the world too


>its another pirate flags, gadsens and NZ niggers pretend to be good with us after they spent half their life shit posting here and trolling

OP is a faggot. This is all super gay. We need new /ptg/ rules and a god damn purge. We have traitors among us.


I'm just a boy :c I'm in uni for now but even just graduating seems difficult when I have to pretend I care about so many uninformed people's opinions. The cultural marxists have followed the words of Gramsci and have hijacked the "common values" so now when the sheep refuse to listen to me/anyone screaming the proof of how terrible multiculturalism really is all they do is repeat the "common values" that are ideologically subverted by cultural marxists aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh

really though, especially older anons, how do you handle knowing all of this stuff? How do you handle seeing day after day after day more rape and crime by the """refugees"""? I want to be marching in the streets after each heart-sinking newsstory I read. I feel like I'm the only one who even cares, let alone is upset this is happening to the West :(


>Don't try to understand nigger logic.
>pic related
Didn't any of them watch that movie Primeval? They should stick to white women.

What is the fucking deal with them.

On the plus side, Frank must be SEETHING



You'd have to be retarded if you didn't think the media was going to liken Trump to Duerte, and make him out to be as evil as possible. Wouldn't be surprised if every outlet likens him to Hitler again starting today.

Never trust some retarded island dweller. They are all inbred morons who say any of the dumbest bullshit than can cook up for attention, an surprise it worked.

Hey I'm a fucking AI too, screen shot my posts.
Fuck NZ. Sink into the island and go to hell, take australia with you cunts.

>she was no goat, but allah help me the ass was fat

Q is Alex Jones.

I don't trust you. Fucking faggot. Your Q LARP has gone on long enough.

That's exactly what a gubbermint shill would say, or perhaps another AI.

I just want a qt cuban gf plz.


Leave the aussies alone

Sorry to disappoint, but I'm an old turd who don't give a single iota of shit about whatever lame backwater conspiracy you fucking idiots are sucking on this moment of the week cause its always something different with you psy-op niggers.
It always is.
Always need an enemy, some faceless shit to hate on and chase after. Leading people along the nose no matter where it leads, so long as they aren't looking at the facts.

>That's exactly what a gubbermint shill would say, or perhaps another AI
Q SHIT is a larp you and all other q followers are cancer. Go back

Pretty sure Alex has some veteran as a security guard/contributer called "Q" if my member berries are working right, meant to say that a few days ago but "I'm a slow lurker, cunt"

>32 seconds



Thanks babe.

But you feel so compelled to insult and berate anyone who has a contradicting opinion. Why are you here? To maintain your status quo? Fucking kill yourself you Jewish sack of shit,

What's a "Q" larp.

FUck you nigger release the UFO tapes.

>how dare these leaders of countries and their delegations wish to discuss important topics in private
wtf I hate not divulging wide-ranging strategies on economics and defense to the public now


Aliens don't exist moron.

fucking gold moment

I'll try to talk to the people I meet on campus AGAIN about some of the news, like that poor girl who was raped three separate times coming home from a concert, or the other poor girl who was actually taken to court over racist remarks against one of her rapists, but AGAIN I know I'll just meet a wall of uncaring nihilism :( fighting the culture war sucks and even if it meant I was never born I wish the world didn't end up like it is in 2017

>Trump timeline
>Aliens dont exist
>He doesnt know

This has happened before but it looks like (((they))) are trying to make genuine users (not paid or part of any agency etc) out to be shills.
A few anons in that thread brought up how shady some of the CBTS threads have gotten and I'd like to get /ptg/'s opinion on it. No rude posting please.

You son'ova bitch. I believe it, but still. We must demand its release.

I'll always be there for you guys

whers the fuking hapneings

better context

i need it. i need my monday morning narrative



This is a nice video


>No Joe posting on real Joe hours


1. The media continues to incorrectly report that Yellowcake uranium was being exported to Europe. Uranium was being exported to Europe, but not Yellowcake.
2) Yellowcake is also known by the chemical name triuranium octoxide. This is the compound that was exported to Cameco Blind River in Cananda from the U1 Willow Creek, WY mine. Willow Creek is an in-situ leach mine.
3) According to memo from the Director of Operations at The Nuclear Regulatory Commission: Uranium was exported to a conversion facility in Cananda and then re-transferred to "Enrichment Facilities" in Europe.
4) This means that Yellowcake from Uranium One was converted to another product BEFORE exportation to Europe. Cameco has two plants in Cananda. One that produces Uranium Trioxide (UO3) and another that produces Uranium Hexafluoride (UF6).
5) This is important because of the nuclear fuel fabrication cycle. They were exporting to ENRICHMENT FACILITIES in Europe. Yellowcake -> UO3 -> UF6 -> Enrichment Facility = Low Enriched Uranium (Reactors) and/or High Enriched Uranium (Weapons)
6) The question we need to be asking is: What did those enrichment facilities in Europe process Uranium One uranium into? Low Enriched Uranium or High Enriched Uranium?
7) Uranium Hexafluoride (UF6) is fissile material. Fissile material is material capable of sustaining a nuclear fission chain reaction.

Remember the Uranium export license they amended Uranium One to? They later amended it to say "For conversion of U3O8 to UF6 and return to the U.S. for future processing)".

Later, the DOE approved re-transfers to Europe. They sent fissile UF6 to Europe, not yellowcake.

Port Hope is a municipality in Southern Ontario, Canada. It is located at the mouth of the Ganaraska River on the north shore of Lake Ontario, in the west end of Northumberland County. It's a shipping port.

>OP is a faggot.

Yeah I guess

have a nice day evryone

I want to go on Tucker’s show and do the question game and win his face mug

Is it gay if I want to hang out with Tucker, have a beer, and discuss politics, news, and hobbies for an afternoon? He seems like a really polite guy.

no u



This picture is not nice and should never be posted again.

go print yourself a Tuck mug.
>drinking beer in the afternoon

Dude it’s only gay if you try and touch his peepee.


Some asshole compiled a few hundred cryptic questions and posted it as 'Q"
200+ threads full of responses from idiots, shills, bots, and some intel agencies
Pure bullshit, it's like reading about how the reptilians used the pyramids to keep nazis on the south pole safe from the greys.


No you don't want to do that yet. The time for marching in the streets hasn't arrived yet. Things have to build to a critical mass which causes you to crystallize out of it with effective plans and leadership ability to actually take it all back that people will listen to. Actually, marching before its time only makes people reluctant to join you; you look dangerous, not capable and effective.

Roy Moore
Michael Flynn
Paul Manafort
Steve Bannon

Some friends you got there, Trump.

Interesting, I wouldn't know about it. I only visit /ptg/ these days. Not enough time in the day to care about anything else.

But they convieniently avoid putting Louis CK or Weinstein in one of these political cartoons? Hmmmm

You’re mom is a nice video.

Watch Morning Joe, just for today

>Some asshole compiled a few hundred cryptic questions and posted it as 'Q"
>200+ threads full of responses from idiots, shills, bots, and some intel agencies
>Pure bullshit, it's like reading about how the reptilians used the pyramids to keep nazis on the south pole safe from the greys.
Underrated post.

>it's like reading about how the reptilians used the pyramids to keep nazis on the south pole safe from the greys.
No, it's not. He asked very down to earth questions about the current state of american politics and the struggle for power currently happening.
You sound like a kike shill

It's much less interesting than it may seem.
I would liken it to doing lines of coke all night and watching late night history channel garbage.

Anyone who has eyes understands what a political hit job this is nowadays.

Menendez is actually on trial for that shit and nobody is drawing him. And nobody is discussing ousting him from Senate, and his party refuses to say they'll oust him if he's found guilty.

Prove it

And you sound like an idiot.

ill poop on kim jong uns weenie,

You first.

There is nothing wrong with shitposting for fun.

Jessica has 2 kids already?

When else are you going to enjoy a nice craft beer with Tucker Carlson and discuss world events and just chit chat? At night? You don't drink alcohol to get drunk, do you user? You should only enjoy beer while discussing sophisticated matters dressed in dress clothes at an upscale pub overlooking a golf course (even if you don't golf). Once you and your party decides to move on, you should retreat back to your backyard cabana and let the little ones play a friendly round of touch football in your yard while the adults pour themselves whiskey on the rocks, only to sip, and enjoy cigars over talking about investments and business. With a little joke about how women are stupid here and there.

Acting like fools invites actual fools good company yadayada, maybe in good measure but all the fucking time?
How about fucking no.

It was transparently a scheme to transfer nuclear material to Iran through intermediaries and is probably why Trump is so fucking mad about Iran.

>Why did H-wood glorify Titanic as a tragic love story?
>Who lived in the movie (what man)?
>Why is this relevant?
>Opposite is true.
>What is brainwashing?
>What is a PSYOP?
>What happened to the Hindenburg?


no those are someone elses

shes all alone tonight maybe you can help her with that

You won't


>he doesn't know about the pyramid in Antarctica and how it's keeping the Nazis safe from ayyylmaos


You don't know the answer to a question but you know it's irrelevant and has no important implications.
Not to mention how desperately you're cherrypicking examples out of hundreds of things he asked.

We can do better than that pic

so are the demonrats the good guys then wtf? why can't they just stand up and say fuck israel?

You got me brah...no way I can prevent people from drinking deeply from the font of forbidden knowledge that is /cbts/


I can't deal with this shit anymore. I may as well become a fucking fox and friends shill at this point

/ptg/ i am yet again very lonely i need yous please :(

I see a ring on her finger

No they are not good guys. Nuclear proliferation is not good in general, they just wanted to get rich, dumbass. They can't say "fuck Israel" outright because Jews own them and "fuck Israel" is what we say.

Post bobs and vageen

Tick tock, he's goin to jail

Let's go UNDER the ice!

i'm not convinced. i am now #wither

sorry, faggots. the democrats will be the future

I am a boy :(