Interracial relationships are booming because of online dating. Thoughts?
Interracial relationships are booming because of online dating. Thoughts?
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The Jews did it. It's part of eliminating family, culture, countries, and eventually reproduction in the wild; all steps toward their Jewish Satanic Communistic Mystery Babylonian Talmudic Singularity.
It's crazy, did you know that almost two thirds of Jewish women in the USA will burn the coal?
White women, the figure is much less progressive, 1% or so.
Probably most non-whites who've thought they slept with a white woman actually slept with a Jewess. Ironic.
Interracial relationships are still a chastised rarity despite efforts to present them as normal or common.
Jews are much more prone to sexual deviancy than anyone else. Sup Forums needs to learn to connect the dots on why Jewish males are such perverts and its entirely the result of being raised by a Jewish mom. Jewish women are insane.
>every christmas commercial shows BMWF couple
>oy vey why aren't they buying my product?
>movies with black actors chastising whites
>oy vey why don't whites want to watch this blatant propaganda and learn how to behave?
the jews ran out of tricks, it's just taken about a decade to come to a head
obama really did us a service by accelerating the brainwashing / culture change to an unsustainable level, the backlash is already enormous and will only grow
generation z is so right wing that even the most hardened nazis would find them terrifying
>online dating the problem
OK bud
Gen Z is 21 and younger and don't care about politics. The 19-21 year olds didn't even vote last year lol
I know I didn't
wrong you black pilled faggot
Idk what that is
This is a slide thread
kys OP
Just good old American tradition I don't see what's wrong with it shill
it's you, you're a fag
>not posting the -100% face
even if one relationship happens then it's one too much.
good on you, user
soon you'll come to get to know yourself instead of just listening to what satarical Sup Forumstards say on here
>Interracial relationships are booming because of online dating. Thoughts?
Couldn't have anything to do with the fact that white women have turned into man hating feminist and they're fucking crazy?
That's Jewish by religion. Otherwise Jews by ethnicity are just counted as white in the USA
BW/WM is all about their children getting "Good" hair or having a stable family. To them it's dating up rather than down.
>believing this
get off Sup Forums and politics for a while. you seem to see the world like it's a college campus. or is this the absolute state of america right now?
“dating” apps
tinder is not a dating app