Is this the holy grail of asspulls? Does any other asspull can top this in level of bullshitness?
Is this the holy grail of asspulls? Does any other asspull can top this in level of bullshitness?
Brayden Evans
Colton Myers
One of her eye is fake
Ryder Richardson
you are like little baby
watch this
Xavier Phillips
I want to say something from Bleach or SAO but those gave me cheap laughs. FT actually angers me.
Jordan Cruz
its a joke manga. dont worry about it
Benjamin Reyes
That wasn't the explanation.
Angel Robinson
>holy grail of asspulls
No, that's HxH.
Camden Lopez
Caleb Mitchell
can't wait to see August job to Jellal.
Eileen will probably get talked to surrendering/siding with Erza. mfw Erza has inherited Nurutus talk-no-jutsu.
Elijah Campbell