FUCK. Roy Moore is losing. We're fucked, anons.
FUCK. Roy Moore is losing. We're fucked, anons
Reminder that trump endorsed doug jones, not roy moore.
rape allegations is a common leftist tactic.
we? i didn't fucking run for senate.
I wonder how long they can keep this tactic up. They tried it on Trump during the elections, and it slid right off him. Looks like they created a new virulent political form of "sexual misconduct allegation" after first testing it out on their own in Hollywood. It's only a matter of time before the public becomes inoculated to it and it's a dead social biological weapon.
Daily reminder that Roy Moore is a man of patrician tastes and that all God-fearing conservatives should be supporting him. God himself chose to impregnate Mary when she was 14-years old. Are you saying that God has bad taste?
>ages 3-5: innocent children
>ages 6-8: cute
>ages 9-11: reaching their prime
>ages 12-14: prime femininity
>ages 15-17: combination of femininity/maturity
>ages 18-20: can still be attractive, but showing signs of age
>ages 21-23: the last chance for women to have birth without increased risk of genetic defects
>ages 24-26: past their expiration date
>ages 27-29: if you enjoy rotten food, you might enjoy this age group
>ages 30+: you might as well be fucking a corpse
Maybe that is why they gaslit hollywood. Inoculate everyone to all of this rape/pedo stuff and when members of govt start to go down it'll be no big deal.
Dougie Jones?
>> trump endorsed doug jones, not roy moore.
Please explain pic related?
Why are you defending the child molester Roy Moore?
Even when the accuser is a diehard Trump voter?
>Even when the accuser is a diehard Trump voter?
how do you know that?
She voted trump, said she was proud to. The story is starting to picked up a lot now in Alabama
because she claimed support for Trump. she voted for trump.
why am i trying to inject reason into a child-diddler like you?
>because she said so
I'm asking for a source, not your worthless words.
what, do you need a notary public to make the call? jesus christ you people are so fucking hopeless
Your concern is noted.
Just Google her name dude. She's done interviews on it. I'd get you a link but I'm literally about to go to work
I need some kind of a source for why you are claiming she is a Trump supporter. Just a quote in an article of her saying as much would be a start. I don't generally believe lying kike faggots and their shill army (You) even if they happen to be right for once, but I will weigh actual evidence.
How do you think Bannon is feeling right now?
Look how desperate the establishment shill is. Everybody point and laugh at him.
>Takes the lead in new poll
>in new poll
Kys nigger, you're a moron.
Don't vote for a pedo degenerate.
Why is it that people who spend hours every day to expose pizzagate want this fucker in office?
The cognitive dissonance of Sup Forums is baffling.
Our country is beyond saving. Deep State is far too powerful and corrupt. It really doesn't matter who we elect.
Rural retards aren’t sophisticated enough to recognize Russian active measures.
The only accusation that actually matters is the 14 year old, which he denies. So it's a he said she said from the 70s.
The rest are perfectly legal in the state of alabama and entirely consensual.
how can a state that is only 60% white be so red?
Democrats pull this same shit over and over because 1. they are shameless and 2. they don't know what else to do. It works like this, remember:
>Character assassinate in media
>Release (((polls))) showing that "public opinion" turns against the target
>Cross fingers and hope the herd actually change their real opinion to match what you deceptively present as the new popular consensus.
Democrats did this same shit with Trump.
>Release pussy grabbing tapes
>Release polls showing huge gains for Hillary
>"Oh no, goys, Trump has no chance now, everyone in these polls hates him you better hate him too.
>Trump wins anyway
Despite Hollywood prejudice, people in the South are not stupid. Hillbillies might not be able to do quantum physics, but they can smell a rat, and the anti-Moore train is pretty pathetic.
Moore will win and the Bannon party will continue. If Strange had won the primary something similar would be happening to him right now.
I find it difficult to believe he will lose. Whenever there was a scandal for either Clinton or Trump their supporters just stopped answering polls. I think he will win (moore) but it will be closer than it should be for a republican in Alabama
Concern troll shill thread
Moore will win. Polls mean nothing in Alabama.
Fuck off, Schlomo.
>Please explain pic related?
Seems pretty self explanatory. You have a non-burger flag, so Ill explain a bit.
>Who won last week's GOP primary
Prior to the primary election, Trump did not support Moore. Only when Alabama selected Moore as their candidate for the general election, did Trump give "support". When you work with large parties like the GOP, you have to draw lines in the sand. Obviously this support is because there are no other republicans, and this was prior to all of the allegations.
Polls were popular yesterday here on Sup Forums when Moore was ahead.
> She said herself she is a hardcore Trump supporter
I won't lie, former Trump supporter here. It's hilarious watching Roy Moore crash and burn, but in all seriousness, we cannot let the perv have the key to the loli rooms.
Naw, Moore is gonna win. Screech about all you like.
>Sup Forums is one person
Polls are used for influence peddling, not gauging sentiment.
>jew shill pools
>saying jew prefered candidate is winning, suddenly overcoming 4-6 points, SOMEHOW
>11-8-16 aaaallll over again
So, Moore has this shit in the bag then.
Cool beans!
>not all mooslims
>new (((polls))) showing a swing of 15+ points to the Democrats
Really makes you think
America is going to be such a shit show by 2020. Dems will probably just declare open borders.
Yeah well he is now wrapped up in the rape hysteria that started at Fox News and has spread into everywhere
Shills are so easy to spot.
It's easier to find Bigfoot riding on the Loch Ness monster than it is to find a legit former Trump supporter in the flesh.
> Trump supported Strange
> Strange lost
> Trump now has to support the Democrat opponent, because the political is supposed to be personal
> the absolute madman supports Moore instead
> what the actual fuck, he's insane, we have an insane president who won't throw a childish temper tantrum over personal grudges like sane people are supposed to
Kys you nihilist fuck
Because 100% of the whites have had some experience and contact with Niggers.
One afternoon with a pack of chimps will turn you red for life
>i-it's over for the pedo roy moore guys i-i swear...p-pol btfo...AWW JUST FUCK MY SHIT UP *BOOM*
Tick tock democraps, drumpfkins
That makes Alex Jones is a leftist I guess.