David why haven't you named the Jew?

alright David Wilcock I know you lurk here, I think you are a good guy but why haven't you named the Jew?
You have to know from being here that its the kikes that are pulling the strings and running the pedo rings as well as the banking cartel.

>We have extensively documented evidence that the world is secretly run by a cultish, racist, genocidal and sexually perverted group we call the Cabal.
>One major surprise for newbies, or "normies" in Sup Forums lingo, is the fact that much of the US military and intelligence community is now working against the Cabal.

I remember when corey goode said the Anshar were pissed that we were "too mixed" but never heard anymore on this

David why on your show are the Space Nazi's the bad guys? in my opinion they are the only ones that can save us from the Kikes.

forgive me I know this belongs on /x/ but David obviously lurks on Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:


David Wilcock is literally paid by Jews to propagate his bluebeam disinfo.

I hope not but, the fact that he lurks here and doesn't remotely ever call out the Jew makes me believe so

And lurk he does...

really makes you think.

jesus......thanks user thats some spoopy stuff

Softly softly catchy monkee...
too much info splurge can be quite upsetting.

shills are shilling hard.
blue avians are literally all over ancient Egypt

Aliens arent real you fucking faggot.

user the universe is so big that its impossible to think we are the only ones in it.

That's a myth. We are the center of the universe.

He talks about the jew every post he makes- he talks about "The Cabal" which is the Khazar mafia faction of the elite. Normal jews are just a victim of them as you or I.

don't be gay. you are better than that

so its like the water filters salesman using (((globalists))). makes sense, it sucks because ive heard him on multiple occasions say its not the Jews. but then again if you said it was you'd be laughed at more than talking about aliens


The Earth is the center of the universe. Corey Goode and David Wilcock are mental predators. They feed a constant stream of bullshit filled with contradictions and fairy tales. At the bottom of their cup of bullshit you'll fall right into (((their))) hands because all they are describing is bluebeam bullshit.

The Earth has openings at the North and South Poles. There aren't fucking nordics or whatever the fuck Corey Goode is LARPing about these days. There are civilizations down there though. Humans.

I really am just wanting Ice Nazi's to be real. If the other stuff is real as well thats just another huge bonus

Wow shill you TOTALLY rocked my world with that one!!

well it's like when Sup Forums call them (((them))) we all know who we're talking about. All jews are not under this label as they are al not elite. They will shill for other jews regardless and this is merely mere footsoldiers of the overarching clan.

thanks Ausanon I appreciate your responses


nice trips.
>Hitler was a pupper of the secret societies - viril etc
> viril had the secret tech
>abandoned hitley and germany and europe as lost cause
>went to antarctica
> supported by argentina
> what is operation high jump?
> why were the americans BTFO in antarcica after WW2?
> Ice nazis
> went on to form alliances with NASA
> space program was a cover for secret space programs
> in league with some bad aliens in exchange for bigger and better tech.
> became known as the dark fleet
> in league with reptilians from the draco system
> overpowering whole solar systems
> today offshoots are out there in the guise of 'black sun' - see previous breads
pic semi related

lol top Asian QT thanks for that


I know the Dracos are bad cats but weren't the Vril society and Maria Orsitsch good? I can't see why they would leave Germany to die.
also wasn't the SS making the bases in Antarctica. I think like 70 something U boats and 270,000 personell were missing. Were these just the cream of the crop to start a breakaway society because they couldn't produce the tech in large enough numbers to win the war? I feel like the SS teaming up with America and thus the jews doesn't make sense to me

>Anshar were pissed that we were "too mixed"
he said they they somewhat arrogantly asserted that they were racially superior and elite:
bit like pic related

poor choice in words on my part. If they are us from the future like they claim does that mean to me that means the Jews lose their plan to destroy the white race through massive unrestricted immigration

It wasn't Jews and was (((space Jews from beyond other dimensions)))

No one understands you when you go all British on us!

I listened to him on Coast to Coast with Jimmy Church back in august, and it was breddy fuckin good desu

it was a good listened. I truly enjoy listening to david and I think he's a good guy. some shit sounds crazy but then again if you told me a 2 years ago I would be getting most of my news from an anonymous image board I would of said you were bananas

Good intentions but when you dance with the devil the devil doesn't change, The devil changes you.
They were losing the war on both sides - US/UK and Russia. Starving forces.

lots went to argentina - it's why they are white/germanic somewhat today.

the US/NAZI alliance wasn't the government - it was called Military industrial complex - made possible through the connections made into the 1000's of german scientists brought over in project paperclip. Jews were not part of this venture. They made their bread in wall st, hollywood, government - later controlling the narrative on all levels to extract even more money through creative accouting.

Nazis had the tech backing the and they used it - google foo fighters ww2

not from the future.
Atlantean in origin with advanced tech and advanced psi ability. they just moved underground to espape perils of climate changes and strfe - and maybe jews

>Jews lose their plan to destroy the white race through massive unrestricted immigration

When white Christian republicans go away, every Jew on the planet dies. White Christian republicans are the ONLY ones supporting Israel while the left openly throws Jews under the bus to cater to Muslims. And if they doubt it then they need to be reminded of how Obama did it to them and with him the whole of the UN voted AGAINST the only non-Islamic nation in the middle east. Most of the time they only refer to Israel as a "state" and not a nation.

But does that stop western Jews from trying to destroy whites? Nope. It's like they WANT to go extinct. And it's like they want to stop being rich because they can't be oblivious to the fact that total economic collapse will occur once whites stop being the backbone of the western economies and it all becomes a giant Detroit.

They're killing themselves but are too stupid to realize it.

Look at how in denial they are, and how they want to blame "white nationals" and not Muslims for rising anti-semitism as Europe becomes more Islamic which by Islam makes Europe more and more anti-Jewish.


It's like they're setting up their own apocalypse.


oh geez an outerspace faggot

David is of the light, for all of you who have lost the connection..

Nice forehead fuckwit

A black democrat American President colluded with pretty much all nations of the world to throw the only non-Muslim nation in the entire middle east under the bus for daring to build houses in an area that was Jewish for thousands of years before Islam even existed.

Most nations including most democrats don't even call Israel a nation, and call it a state as if it's a province of something larger that's controlled by someone else who's NOT Jews.

Jews need to remember that while they continue their support of that party.

can you really take wilcock seriously?
he goes on about aliens and imminent earth changes then he goes to record songs


and then there's his channeling


>That fuggin head
He must be the envy of Richard Spencer. How the fuck can headlets even compete??

Wilcock confirmed.

I hope he does come here, so we can all laugh at his friend corey goode and his blue space chickens

benjamin fulford is interesting though

since when does wilcock live in england?

tell kerry cassidy that she's lost the plot

He posted ITT.

I don't think they set out to deceive
I think they just don't know any better and believe any "insider" that walks up to them and accepts their disinfo

same problem with kerry cassidy, not enough discernment

unless he blogs about this thread, I'm skeptical

>the fact that much of the US military and intelligence community is now working against the Cabal

David Wilcock is literally a CIA shill.


Life sure is strange I saw him yesterday on Nat geo show on Atlantis and I see him on ancient aliens all the time, so I decided to look up his wiki page. Now today randomly someone posts him here