I'm Russia and I do.
Do you support Pan-European Nationalism?
No suck thing. Europeans have always been at war with one another. White people are far to vicious to cooperate.
Fucking lowearthorbitniggers
t. outer-space master-race
yes. Someone has to be contrarian.
Brexit.... Fuck off were full.
That's probably what will happen, but think about it. Each and every country would be fighting "equals" - they will not be fighting niggers that can't fight back, but people that CAN fight. This is what drives progress.
>Eastern Europe
>Fight back
Probably not. They'll all just be under the heel of a small number is EU nations like they are now.
Maybe if it was a white ethnostate. But it's not
Yes but it would take an incredible leader and he'd have to lead us into world conquest and then space. I don't see that happening.
The 2012 one is photoshopped
Only for white Europeans. Niggers and Muslims don't belong in Europe.
No, I'd rather be friends with -stans and Asia than with those pigdogs from Eastern Europe, who will betray you for a dollar.
Would be bretty gud, but in reality, all we'll get is a faggy ass institution such as the current EU.
Fuck those backstabbing western rats, they never saw us as equals but as "untermenschen, schismatics, barbarians" and now its time to remind them that a european should not expect any help from a barbarian and slavic untermensch
I guess shit happens when you occupy their country and impose a failed economic system
This. And liberal cucks who are pro-muslim and pro-lgbt, those guys will ruin us again if we let them have any kind of power.
how are these two things exclusive to one another?