Is Rock gay or just autistic?
Is Rock gay or just autistic?
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a cuck
A little bit of column A, a little bit of column B.
Maybe "Don't stick in crazy" is his motto.
Who am I kidding: they're gonna do it
Also what's the manga status in Japan?
Maybe just scared that all those females be like that of a female Preymantis and would bite his fucking head off after sex.
he just doesn't want used whore
this pic bothers me everytime i see it
why doesnt he have a raging boner? i mean just look at situation...
Open your eyes balalaika, you're clearing goin gto miss and shoot Revy
i'll take her
Just an adult way past the horny teenager phase
>those girls will never point their guns at my dick
you're mom is a used whore
He's not horny high schooler.
It could be great self control. Maybe he just evaluating the situation. Pondering who is first and last. Who does he attempt to impregnate with his seed.
low test betacucks detected
>chapter 88 never
>season 4 never
Can Rock even handle Revy?
Revy is used and abused
Doesn't stop her from being a top tier girl, and also rock is used goods so they're perfect
>also rock is used goods
how so?
The Jap yakuza chick gave me many faps
He's a fucking Nippon salary man user, and the story isn't your cliche romantic highschool comedy.
She can do one hell of a deepthroat if you know what i mean.
Roberta a best you hear me; tied with Bakalaika.
He doesn't want to get beaten up badly
too soon
Post the Revy and Balalaika one.
never stick dick in crazy
keep spouting buzzwords, maybe if you say enough of them someone will take you seriously
Despite what people say, a life with lots of adrenaline isn't a life with high libido.
Get out.
Doesn't constant threat of death stimulate libido?
I don't think Revy is an example of chastity even considering her teens.
What would you like user: one good shag with a crasy and gruesome, painful death afterwards or several meh ones during your long boring life?
The anime isn't really canon.
I'm sorry little boy but, this is it, the end of the line for you, but before that happens, you have to apologize for all the mischief you've caused isn't that right? and now you're gonna kneel before me and beg forgiveness, I SAID KNEEL ~DE GESO
here we go
>Doesn't constant threat of death stimulate libido?
It only stimulates libido if it doesn't happens very often.
How do you imagine being married to Roberta would be like?
As with the conclusion of Roberta's arc, Rock is just as much of a schemer as everyone else, if not even smarter. He would kneel in front of Balalaika if it's part of some plot of his and immediately turn it around to have her kneel in front of him.
So a constant one, like for a soldier or mercenary, doesn't do that?
Good to know.
She'll be the one opening the jars and taking one go with two weeks worth of groceries.
Also don't know how to illustrate another point better than snu snu.
Look at it this way, if we later see Roberta with all of her limbs, then the anime can't possibly be canon.
it would be hard because she missing an arm and a leg, she probably lost her libido also
>he thinks the manga will ever continue
I know few guys who managed with prosthetic limbs just fine.
the black lagoon is just a tv show and the characters are actors is such a fucking weird ass thing for an author to suggest, its a pretty amazing gag
What happened to it?
Another author dodging taxes went to jail?
he's just a regular civilian now.
They will fuck someday
Will this shit ever come out of hiatus?
I literally can't cheat on her.
I think she knew when I had a short time fun with some Venezuelan maid.
Yeah, this. Bitch is as vulgar as they come.
So dropped out of mangaka business for good?
Shit, that's sad.
he's still tweeting something about Black Lagoon
just check his twitter
>he doesn't know about the power of love and/or dick
We literally have pictures of the new volume being worked on.
I know that large percent of homicides is related to squabbling couples.
Bad idea to stick it into a crazy chick.
Might not worth it.
And Revy is as crazy as it goes.
We'll never see "Queen Revy" that was supposed to appear in future chapters.
what did he mean by this
>She brings a knife to a gunfight.
I'm talking about Sawyer though.
Maybe we'd squabble like any couple, but we'd never hurt each other.
You say that like its a bad thing.
post them then
Why didn't you protect her smile Sup Forums?
Pump and dump Rosarita
best girl
im calling the cops
why live?
>you will never go home to that woman
best tits
just look at them
Is Revy a dyke?
Er, no
What if the child that Balalaika saved, came to Roanapur to find her.
im literally crying
>those tanlines
but no, revy tits best tits
Its 3.AM user. Were have you been?
He's just Japanese. So, autistic.
Arent those two correlated with each other so either is the same answer right?
Why would ANYONE want to tap Revy when there is a superior girl in the SAME show?
None of your fucking business, fry-face.
Is that so?