Well mates. Looks like we've lost.
Well mates. Looks like we've lost
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So tear it down.
It looks like complete shit.
We can't lose. We stand for the right values, and our lives will be good even If our Icons are torn down.
The left however, curse themselves with their own lives every day that they live it.
*Statues of Idols being erected.
Worship at the feet of the vagina goys!
Truly women are pathetic, yet undeserving of pity.
I hate this fucking planet.
Based Swede
The land of the WE and the home of the whopper
Seems like western countries are becomming de jure cuntocracies. Soon all beta males will be closed in gulags and concentration camps.
Fucking hell it's not even good, what an awkward pose, the dimensions are all wrong and the dress looks retarded, dresses don't curl that way.
Not a word of a lie, that is one horribly sculpted piece of shite statue. WTF is wrong with America?
they are 56% white and under the boot of you-know-who
A meaningless statue looks like shit... color me shocked.
2/10 wouldnt bang
I'm outraged that this statue is depicting a woman who is skinny, this is not body acceptance.
and so on and so on, defeat them with the same bullshit they shout off about everything.
Stop being pussy and take it down.
Well then go rip it down. It couldn’t be that hard. Decent truck, chain, a few guys, and about minutes.
You could be in and out before anyone knew what the fuck was happening.
Only logical answer
Also, is this a statue of any particular woman? Or just A woman?
What a way to word it. Like it was just magic.
two minutes*
Their oval office got blacked
What did this woman do?
We replaced our artisan class with faggy "makers" and dindu diversity grants.
From what we can see of the one on the left he is some mystery meat mongrel
Does this mean you would bang? Am confused?
But matriarchy is the aether pill.
Only betas and stupid alphas are afraid of powerful women.
The modern Western "stronk womyn" is a result of women being forced by capitalism to imitate the lowest and stupidest men. They're a warped version of what strong women should actually look like.
In "patriarchal" societies like East Asia and Russia, the women are actually more alpha.
you should shoot up a school to get revenge
It's a queen
Anybody in the area and have access to some form of explosives?
why the left can't into art?
that shit is embarrassing
Women only have as much as power as the men let them.
Reminds me of Spain renaming Franco streets after women. I think this is meant to emasculate and demoralize.
Gas the cunts gender war now
O .U
W .F
E .R
R .E
F .W
U .O
L U F R E W O .P
postmodernism says that beauty is not objective.
So they make the shittest looking stuff imaginable
And it's ugly as fuck too.
I'm not at all surprised.
This is art in burgerland.
What did this woman do in her life to be granted a statue?
Even your statues look like a mongrel.
That face is almost Ronaldo bust tier.
>Jefferson Davis
He barely did anything, replace him with a Bobby Lee or a Stonewall Jackson. The shitty bitch statue is bullshit tho.
That wont last. Somebody will chizzle its head off or draw in swastikas. Spray paint "Worthless woman making a sandwich"
Which - for a strong man with a place in society - is nearly all of it in matters of family and home, where the patriarch acts as more of a consultant to the matriarch and his spawn.
That is a repulsive statue. At least ISIS doesn't erect shitty monuments over statues they destroy...
She had a vagina.
Ugh... she's a woman... that alone is worth more than any racist confederate history, shitlord...
(They actually think like this)
Our country is controlled by yankee nigger lovers and jews
You know I never really bought into the whole civil war 2.0 meme, but this racial tension that seems to be building up in the states is gonna lead to an almighty kaboom if things continue...
At least she's wearing a dress.
I'm surprised they didn't put a whore up there/
Is she balding?
God dammit I forgot about that shit, I can't hate the man for trying but it turned out just fucking hilariously awful
>These women believe anyone but niggers and shit skins want them bad enough to rape
But guys black people have become productive members of society since they tore down the confederate statues. That's all they needed to do to turn black people around.
I still prefer some nudity.
I read somewhere that it's supposed to be a pregnant black woman. Someone should blow it up and replace it with a statue of abortion.
What's written on his card is "not in my name" these guys were most likely protesting a terrorist attack, as they are expected to.
Yep. Ya lost. Can you please fucking stop fighting battles from over a hundred years ago, now?
>clothing is optional rape is not.
What did she mean by this?
c-c-civil w-war s-s-soon a-antifa
Where is this? maybe someone will take a rope and a pickup truck and fuck it up
Art like that requieres effort, discipline and patience.
More Swedes, nay, more men should be like you.
>has tits and long hair
Pretty fucking triggering. How long are they going to stereotype women?
Simple fix. Don the masks. Raise the flags.. gather in numbers.. tear down these new statues.. if (they) can do it to our why cant we do it in return?
Well said fellow Russian
Well if it's aesthetic then I don't mind.
But we now how the left likes to "liberate" things
Liberals and bankers who don’t give a shit about Americans, control them and every American either bends the knee to Israel because muh greatest ally or they bend the knee to niggers because muh slavery. Then, our colleges brainwash millennials into killing their country through degeneracy and rejecting natural law. The worst part is that whenever anyone brings up race or Israel it’ll go in one ear and out their mouth as “ur wacist.” Basically our constitution has been destroyed be the Jews, commies and people who are too lazy to give a shit about it.
Bro the confederates already lost a long time ago
It's an excuse for a lack of perspective, proportion, and overall objective quality. There is no standard in art anymore. I forget what it's called but there is a video explaining why exactly the bar for modern art is so absurdly low.
Women can’t lead for shit. Every time a society turns into one where a woman is in charge, either it continues just the same, nothing happens or she goes mad and the society breaks down or is damaged because of it.
I don't mind that it's a statue of a woman but it genuinely looks like shit.
Of course it's a nigger, eventually everything white in this country will be gone, even then they'll just pick a new race to bash and demoralize for their failures
Evola wrote a chapter on postmodernist art in Riding the Tiger
Looks like it was made out of play-doh
Some women are just inherently great, as are some men.
Betas and stupid alphas might try to suppress them, but you can't "take" true power.
>Psssh white boi
>Muh confederate
The General Lee himself asked for not having statues of him.
It looks like a bunch of sculpty clay. No detail whatsoever. I bet they found it in etsy.
it looks like shit, fitting hahaha
Bra sagt.
This needs to be tore down.
Not because of race or gender bullshit.
But because when someone tears down your statue, then puts up their own statue to spite you, you must retaliate in kind.
Appeasement will make this phenomena spread, we need action.
she looks dumb as fuck like all blacks
holy fuck europeans are ugly as shit
Slavery results in the prolonged contact of lesser races with greater ones. Not only does this usually result in miscegenation (the US is actually a historical exception to this), but it weakens the master race by gradually making them lazier with every generation.
Any slave owner or slavery supporter did more damage to US society than any given woman.
fuck off koike