How can you sit by and allow these poor migrants to drown en masse in international waters? Do you feel no shame?
Our economic systems are designed to support those in need, we should offer them help.
Morally reprehensible
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>Don't you feel shame if some random foreigner you never met before drowns because he was trying to illegally enter your country to leech welfare checks?
No, not really.
If refugees want to resettle in Atlantis, that's their business.
Let these motherfuckers drown. I don't give a single fuck. If it was up to me I'd sink every single ship of those goatfuckers
That's exactly what Hitler would have said. For shame. Looks like you forgot the 6 Gorillion already.
Your fault for encouraging low IQ retards to try and cross the sea in fucking dinghies
Not our problem you stupid faggot
That guy deserves an Oscar. Fake. Sage.
Why did they put themselves at such high risk of death? Seems like no matter how bad it was for them where they came from, it would have been preferable to drowning.
>How can you sit by and allow these poor migrants to drown en masse in international waters?
You asking me why I keep forcing them onto shoddy boats at gunpoint?
Just subsidise swimming lessons and let god sort them out
They're not designed to accommodate hundreds of thousands or even millions of third-worlders flocking in to enjoy that ez money
The foot must be put down, the later you leave it the worse things will get and the bigger the bubble will grow before it pops. Make it clear that this sea-border-hopping will not work, and it will stop. THEN lives will be saved.
Where is the Egyptian white supermacist biggots to help them?
>How can you sit by and allow these poor migrants to drown en masse in international waters?
Can't do anything to prevent it even if I wanted to.
>Do you feel no shame?
>Our economic systems are designed to support those in need, we should offer them help.
No. Our social insurance systems were made by the people, for the people, of the people.
Not by, for or of other people.
That picture is hilarious dude!
Please tell me the nigger drowned!
The gyppo does present a strong case.
ofcourse they need help to drown
We should send our mighty warships to destroy the invaders shipping in their illegal ports. Then they wont drown. The solution to this crisis is to designate all those travelling without correct visas and passports as invading enemy forces and kill them on site. If this policy was adopted all over Europe then Europe would be so much more popular. Then apply the rule to any overstays or illegals already here. If caught after the one day amnesty violators will be summarily executed. No invaders allowed!
What's the context of that pic?
The real tragedy is that the ocean could have been 6 inches deeper if we had only helped global warming do it's job sooner.
Oh god the agony amongst kangz. my sides.
Let the fuckers die!
Fuck you, German faggot. Y'all had a chance to vote out toxic Merkel and y'all fucked it up. Now sit and take Muslim cock up your assholes.
It's 100% their own fault.
>international waters
yeah, not my problem
>How can you sit by and allow these poor migrants to drown en masse in international waters?
Because I don't have forced them to pay for the boat trip. It's their decision
Don't make the trip in the first place
>muh infinite money
Why are leftists droit de l'hommistes scum like you think that hard working people should give everything they work for to keep afloat (literally or not) genetic dead end that can't support their own miserable life ?
Letting people like this enter Europe and leach off it for generation is like cutting the branch we sit on that still somewhat allow us to be "attractive" to these people.
once they enter a country all they will do is leech welfare spread radical islam and breed like rabbits they are a pest
I can because I do
Let them all drown
muslims and their barbaric culture have no place in modern soceity
They may be witches and you can't be too careful when dealing with the super natural. Would it make you feel better if there was a priest offering Baptisms as they go down?
How do you sit comfy at home when you know there's homeless people outside. Invite them in! You wouldn't want them to freeze to death!
Those communist life vests don’t work very well...
There was a thread once showing the reporters making a black guy get back in the water so they could take fake drowning photos..
>1 post by this ID
Nice try, Soros nigger. Fuck off back to your master, slave.
Arabs was civilized but... Religion of Peace.
They destroy their own capitals, burn the libraries and disappear in the deserts.
cry me a river. and then drown in that
But we want those rural and suburban retards
dude I fucking voted against Merkel. The problem are the lefty cucks. Every single wealthy country is degenerating these ages. Look at Sweden, Norway, the UK, the US etc. Our generation is build 90% of fags and cocksuckers. Not enough redpills available I guess
There is hope, brother. Gen Z(yklon). They are the chosen ones, who will bring balance to the force.
Fucking kek
Did I put them there? Then I don't owe them anything.
I don't think they can be baptized in salt water
show your flag
He is summoning Cthulhu.
Quit starting threads, get off the internet, and help those people. Quit being a lazy ass OP by trying to get everyone else to do your dirty work.
its the curent year
lol, yeah.
that's pretty funny, right?
I'll fucking sing "under the sea"
Don't they feel morally reprehensible for taking advantage of the good will of people, purposefully sinking their ships to extort help from a more moral people?
>drowning with a life jacket
He's not even wearing it correctly. Just grab the sides and pull yourself up you stupid piece of shit.
>How can you sit by and allow these poor migrants to drown en masse in international waters?
get/pick a chair, sit on it. it's easy
Do you feel no shame?
>Our economic systems are designed to support those in need
not in all of the world it isn't, support them with your own money faggot!
>we should offer them help
then swim out and cry for them, they'll probably kill you regardless of your fake virtues.
>with a life jacket
I'm honestly impressed at this feat
vikings did it and everyone knows the vikangz wuz black nigga u a hater i bet the white man sold them those shitty dingy dingys
Already gave a nigger a life vest. It never stops with you people.
>drowning while wearing a life preserver
only niggers
Haven't you ever heard of the scorpion and the frog. If we help them, they will sting us.
Because it's in their nature.
If you help them too much, they will get lazy.
These migrants are the worst of the worst. Economic ones who won't give anything in return.
Let them do what the west did to get great which is fight for their country and be happy for their nation and the west can help to by not accepting migrants.
Because if you haven't noticed, the west has been letting the brightest of minds migrate to the west, so letting them stay there will allow their countries to improve as the smart ones improve their own nation, which would build stability, meaning less wars, less poverty, and less migration.
The solution seems to be to let them improve their own countries and not take any in,
You're right. I should be helping...
Does anyone have a boat, spear gun, and long pole they're willing to share?
We should really be there pushing heads underwater and demoralizing them with the false promise of a rescue.
don't forget who the real ennemy is, it's not the immigrant, it's those who make them come here.
the races are not the ennemy, the raceless and soulless jew is the ennemy.
They have to go back
She obviously wasn't listening.
You would give all men fish until no-one remembered how to fish
Stop the inflow: Torpedo the boats, particularly the soros/european flagged cuck boats that ferry in hundreds of niggers at a time, regularly.
i'm the user that sells them "life jackets" heh heh
I always thought the "nogs cant swim" was a meme.
the things I learn on Sup Forums
give me a 17 years and 364 days old syrian girl and 1000€ a month than i care
geeez she is hot
Herd them all into melbourne and with a single nuke we'll save the world.
End melbournisation now.
>Our economic systems are designed to support those in need
Okay, so first, if this is true, it shouldn't be. Secondly your own people need help you weak faggot, so if your economy is designed to support those in need (which it shouldn't be) you should start with your own fucking people you cultureless maggot.
I hate that this needs to be explained. Maybe you should make like the good fucking buffer state between the UK and Russia that you were always intended to be and do what we fucking say.
Assholes. You let Euros pretend to have sovereignty for one minute and they start acting like they're going to save the world. No, retard, that's our job, we do it with bombs.
I met an asylum seeker from Iran and I asked him why boat all the way to australia, and he said "I thought I was going by cruise, like a big luxurious one"
Oh sweet naive user
You’re right, we shouldn’t let them drown. We should just shoot them instead.
Has flotation device
drowns anyway
Because they are cancer. I don't get upset when cancer cells die.
Eurofag-flag making the rounds this morning. Sage.
fuck you
That orange life vest wasn't free.
>nogs who know they can't swim sink their own boats to force us to bring them to the gibs
The only obligation we have is to make sure the last thing they hear is laughter
>international waters
instead of coming to Europe, why don't they simply invite the Europeans back to Africa to recolonize their countries?
they decided to swim. they need to deal with the consequences of their own decisions. don't try to drag me into this shit by guilt tripping me.
That is a truly great question. Zimbabwe is already on it, SA is moving in that direction.
I don't understand this shit
Yes it's horrible but what is the alternative?
Every single migrant in one of these shitty third world countries would want to come to Europe, Australia or the US.
Literally can't take them all. I literally don't understand what these cucks are arguing for. No borders? No migration control?
What is the fucking point.
I want all brown people to drown en masse
I think saying that is illegal in your country, friend
Is that another CNN photoshoot in 2 feet of water?