Gook scans are out:
Magi - 326
First for best boy
Unlucky lad.
A-1 is going to have a field with this design.
field day
Judging from the chapter it looks like Baba misunderstood something as usual since Morgiana was acting as usual throughout the chapter.I don't think Sinbad is that petty that he would fuck with Baba's marriage.
Also is Sinbad God now?
Sinbad isn't just a god, he is god above god.
From the start of the series when Ugo fought the Judar Ugo said he used up all the magoi Solomon left him. Thats complete bullshit, since he is truly god above god, so why did he decide to stop interfering directly in that world?
>his smile and optimism gone
Fin. Where are you based translator-kun?
Is Alladin being controlled by Sinbads fate manipulation?
I don't understand. Mor doesn't look angry or anything. Is Alibaba just being an idiot again or what?
What happened?
>Is Alibaba just being an idiot again or what
It's probably this. I don't understand why Ohtaka felt the need to do this yet again. I thought all the relationship and shipping bullshit was done after chapter 314, but here we go again. You should have seen the last thread, it was a complete shitfest.
Either that or Sinbad is being a petty faggot and trying to spite Baba.
I was here for a while but I left when people started shitting up the thread with fanart.
This feels really unnecessary, it's not like we don't know everything will be fine.
But that's the thing, wouldn't she look a little different? Unhappier or something? She looks pretty normal to me. I also think Baba's probably misunderstanding something yet again.
somebody please translate
my body can't handle this hype
Well, something obviously happened off-panel.
Still, I find it really odd, this is out of nowhere. I'm feeling like this is a red herring to make us think it's Sinbad and then it'll turn out it was.
Fuck Sinbad, still.
Didn't the other guy say we'd get it around tomorrow? Gonna have to be patient.
>Fish and Baba smiling at each other
Fuck's sake, I'm convinced Ohtaka knows exactly what she's doing here.
They've really always done that before.
Yeah, but it just gives more ammo for the shipping cancer to use in threads.
It would be weird as fuck if their friendship suddenly stopped just because Alimor became canon. Some authors dump the loser relationship completely once a love triangle is decided even if they were god friends. So I'm glad that the BabaFish friendship is still strong.
Because people read too deeply into things. I still remember the "muh hakumor stares" and look where that went.
Let's hope this thread isn't shit up.
This, I think they're great friends and I'm glad Ohtaka's not taking a huge dump over their relationship.
How the fuck did Sinbad get god power though? The djinns pulled his rukh from the flow, David created an illusion to take care of Ugo, and that's it? Ugo studied the world for a shitton of years to find out how to do it
>friends aren't allowed to smile at each other
That's not what I'm saying. Any time a boy and a girl share a prominent panel together, shipping faggots go haywire over it.
Yeah, it can't be stopped. It's best to ignore this shit.
Can't wait until Baba BTFO's Simbob once and for all.
Best boy will take everything that's rightfully his back.
So, this guy turned out to be fodder, huh?
>"muh hakumor stares"
It's called a hint, user. The next chapter will reinforce it.
You mean the cuck who has just been dumped by his soon-to-be wife?
>get Ugo to go gay elsewhere
>put his djinn in charge of the sacred palace
>have his Magi David do some voodoo
>milk baba suffering
But then he only controls the regular world we know, he's not a supreme god or whatever like Ugo, right?
They might be lesser gods, but I'm sure they have all the same powers as a supreme god, given that the actual supreme god is off being a homo and ignoring them.
That's Cuckuryuu, user. His only chance left is the fujo ship.
>Implying Sinbad didn't rewrite reality
>Implying in this new reality Mor wasn't free from the fate of being a slave
>Implying in this reality Mor is autistic just like the old one
>Implying the new Mor isn't in love with Hakuryuu
Ohtaka probably watchs Erased too, user.
Good thing that he seems okay with that.
FishBaba true end, I knew it.
He won't be alone after Sinbad fucks Morgiana in front of Alibaba and everyone else.
Sinbad rewriting reality and abolishing slavery in the past is a pretty Sinbad thing to do considering it's one of his pet peeves. If he did, all those slaves that died in the past would probably be somewhere living ordinary lives currently. But it'll also mean Morgiana's past has been changed so she's different from the Morgiana that Alibaba gets along with. I could see it happening.
I think Sinbad might have used his god powers to influence Baba's luck (perhaps not even on purpose but rather as a result of him testing them out on the world) to create this situation. So Morg is still herself but Baba luck caused some major misunderstanding.
What if Alibaba simply ruined the wedding by trying anal sex with Morgiana?
>inb4 her ruined it because Tota or Sharkkan tried to throw him a bachelor party and he went crazy
Pretty sure Ugo could still slap anyones shit if he wasn't a literal retard with brain problems.
Or Maybe Mor don't want to marry baba because she can't have kid ?
How would she know now?
it look like aladdin just came all over baba
I still think all of this is just Baba being a retard and she didn't do anything.
Somehow everything is still Sinbad's fault even if he didn't do anything.
I'm not even a Sinbad fan but I feel like this is just a troll to make us think he did it just to reveal it was Baba being a dunce again.
>Implying Sinbad didn't rewrite reality
Wouldn't he be rewriting himself too? He was also a slave once.
We need an "I bet Sinbad did this" edit
What if it is Sinbad's fault?
It probably is but I don't think it'll be as simple as him screwing Alibaba over. I think it'll be Sinbad changing things causing a butterfly effect which screws over Alibaba by accident.
It could be that too.
But I wonder, will they convince him to change things back at the end or will they somehow defeat him? I'm having a hard time figuring out how they'd do the latter.
According to shippers logic Sinbad is gonna fuck Alibaba. And they would be right if the speculations happen to be real.
>rukh looks like butterflies
>butterfly effect
Morgiana is still best girl and I love her. Everything will be daijoubu.
>more alibabore drama
That's what this series has always ran on, user.
so sinbad did that bullshit
what is stopping others from pulling out their bullshit to counter his bullshit
why not just
become bigger god than sinbad
why not just stop him
How did Sinbad even become a bigger God than Ugo in the first place?
So whats all that shit covering him? Lion saliva or maybe vaginal juices?
His bull pissed on him.
He tried to fuck Lion Mor and couldn't handle the feline wetness. That's why she got offended.
>Sinbad cucks Baba
For what purpose?
Okay could someone explain what's going on? I thought sinbad died and solomon was a piece of shit? I don't understand. I'm a huge retard.
Mor dumps baba in this new, best timeline
I don't know what's up with his body but he either rewrote the world to make Mor dump Baba or Baba misunderstood something again. Either way, we need to wait for next week cause there's barely any answers here.
This image may need an update.
Does any have a link to the raws? I can do a really quick but shitty translation. This page just has Alibaba saying that Morg dumped him
Literally in the OP m8
>Does any have a link to the raws?
No, only gooks have them but they don't share them.
It's the rain. Did you not look at the panel beforehand and see the rain?
>user asks for raws
>direct him to gookshit
You are not very bright, are you
>Expecting me to know the difference between one set of runes and the other
Sorry, I'm not autistic.
I didn't even notice this but that's pitifully funny.
>stand in the rain moping about waifu
He was outside the flow of time in Solomon's palace, so he had infinite time to figure things out. Since he was a super genius he figured out how to be the super god and I'm supposing came back into contact with the flow of time.