Anyone notice how this Christmas will be the most Anti-White yet?

Anyone notice how this Christmas will be the most Anti-White yet?

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well, in their defense they don't want to risk offending the anti-white racists in the UK by showing a traditional white/white couple, as they do make a majority of the population now

No I don't watch TV.

Kill your tv

Fuck off faggot.

This is done on purpose to promote racemixing


how do you know?

Uhmmmm ....But....

> literally forced to pay for this

Because all the companies running these ads are run by Jews. Literally every single one.

The same people who promote mass immigration to white lands, fought against whites on every turn and betrayed whites for centuries.

They are not forced to pay for it. They could stop paying for TV and stop watching it. I have not had cable TV in nearly 20 years. Dont miss it.

Honest question lads.

Why is it almost always BM/WF? It's not just these Christmas ads, either. Every single fucking commercial on American television is this way. The Kardashians that every tween follows religiously, although they're not traditional white, are all dating black niggers. The most popular celebrity family in America has entirely been blacked. And every new movie on Netflix has the most blatant BM/WF coupling.

Am I just being too autistic for noticing this, am I exaggerating? I've been watching TV since the early 90s and it has NEVER been this way, it was extremely rare to see interacial couples in commercials and movies, and the few that were were almost always white guy / black female. What is the reasoning behind always including this particular combination of white woman/black male?

Gotta breed out whitey.

I still see more wm/bf

>im dreaming of a white christmas

Push this back

To lighten you up I can say that we know santa and a nigger father don't exist in real life

Christmas advertisements in november?

proofs that they are all run by jews?

There must be some blacks who are not okay with this either. Right?

There are more black males in this country than black females. Simple as.

It’s all part of the agenda

why is this always black male and white female?

only reverse situation in media i remember was some old couple, white man, black emale - from "lost" tv show.

Because it's always like that IRL

Everyone likes white women, no one likes black women.

I don't particularly mind the rest of the Beatles, but there are a multitude of reason I wish that John Lennon had been shot 20 years earlier.

Why do you think jews only consider those who have a jewish mother as jews?

No. Its because women are dumb and easier to influence through media.

They know that women will racemix if they make it cool and hip

I... I like black women. Black women are freakin' beautiful.

I like to fap to them. But it has to be really black shade of skin, no brownish amerimutt one.

Its not anti 2hite in the least it simply represants reality - white women love niggers. Everybodys getting blacked

Ebay ad is missing from this pic


John Levi a way of Jews making a Jewish last name sound more British.

John Lewis is a Jewish company

here they are in all there glory.
updated daily.

t.white women

When I said no one like black women, I obviously didn't mean literally.
Some people fap to feet. Some like kids. You like black women. It's okay.

Stop watching and shilling porn


Mostly black women because they're the absolute ugliest, lowest form of female in the human species. Therefore, they HATE seeing black men with white women, because they see it as severely reducing their chances of reproductive success.

But nigger males see it as a step up. Whites are the most beautiful people, at the top of the chain in the desirable gene pool. They don't give a fuck about destroying white genetics so that there are no more beautiful white genes in the future. They just care about having children that have better genes than they do.

Niggers......this is why we need to kill them all.

That autistic Jew who is too low IQ to use a proxy so he hides behind ANCAP flag

My great grandfather goyed a Jewish woman in ww2.

She cucked the Jew for some food when they were starving

>When I said no one like black women, I obviously didn't mean literally.

So you wouldn't smash? That's what you're saying?

kys faggot shill, retarded cancer

You better fucking believe it. But that doesnt fit the "kill all niggers" narrative so I'm throwing my opinion into an ocean of piss.

They know women are far more naive and easy to manipulate, so they target their subconscious and play to women’s need to look for/follow social cues so it’s implanted into their minds that dating niggers is socially acceptable. Jews have been targeting women with this type of propaganda since Freud’s uncle Edward Bernays led the campaign to get them smoking nearly a century ago. They’re truly sick people.

waitrose confirmed our guys

>white women over the age of 55 who still watch broadcast TV love niggers
It's demographic pandering to the last audience left for their shilling. They'd put up a Hitler one for us if they thought they could get away with it, marketing is entirely amoral.


Fuck, I planned on buying some clothes from Marks&Spencer. Now I can't. FFS.

It's because males pass on dominant genes.

If they promote black men over others within generations they skin will become darker.

While if the opposite happened the skin wouod become bleached. As a halfy female procreating with a white male would churn out WHITE babies.

The jew makes you hate blackness through ethnicity when the jew never cared about skin color. Why do you think they say they aren't white?

Jews created race to make things literally "diverse" in perspective so that white people could be targeted as an individualized minority.

she needs a ton of makeup to look halfway human

What are you? A retard?

No one has ever said "kill all niggers"

We simply realize that blacks should not live among us as it will eventually lead to mixing even if minor and create mongrel babies.

Not only that blacks and whites never got along well. It is pointless for us to live with each other in constant conflict when we all have our lands and places

Ebay one needs adding, shows another bm/wf couple

>Niggers......this is why we need to kill them all.

Be humane user, CIA is watching, CNN is watching. They will think this is reddit

and that trendy one, boohoo or some crap


i cant find anything about john lewis having been a jew. who is the current owner of the company?

Nope. None.

just saw this trailer yesterday, it's basically every movie now too. wtf

This. They only care about pleasing the demographic buying their shit. Once gen z rises they will be playing ads with hitlers and merchants

Her hair and makeup look TERRIBLE in that picture, but she's still beautiful? Its not my fault that you only like one facial shape, like a person who only eats Borscht.

This, a thousand times this.

It’s in ads everywhere now. Pic related is one I caught on the normiebox by chance the other day

It wont matter in the next coming months, you'll be chipped or dead under the NWO regime by the time your campaign gets off the ground. Your lot is to live and die by the sword esau, there is no halting this word.

>implying niggers deserve humanity

This to be honest.

>implying it's my taste that is weird for disliking that creature
Please, user.

we can launch a two-pronged attack on this one, chaps

first, there's the instictual revulsion every white male feels when they see it. making them aware of these ads is enough.

second, there's the fact that black women are almost nonexistent in propagandized TV. there's obvious discrimination and disregard for black women. use SJWism against the purveyors and advocates of this rubbish.

it really is absolutely everywhere. i say "oy vey what a pairing" to the senpai every time.

Daily reminder that Jews hate Christmas and hate Christianity. They're angry that they get blamed for killing Jesus.

The Jewish woman had a husband?

if you say so buddy....I'm sorry about your vision problems.

Who cares?
Christmas has turned into a consumerist fuck fest. Buy overpriced shit for you ungrateful kids and fat wife so they shut up.

pretty sure if white guys weren't consumer whores and didn't spend their money on the worthless shit at these fucking places then the ads wouldn't even matter

Jesus never set foot on earth for he is the sun.

Your taste is weird, in that you're a racist who is artificially constraining your breeding pool.

Now quick, post some pictures of 10/10 slavs next to the very worst pictures of black girls you can find, to justify your ignorance.

Hans is right. As much as I like tradition & preserving it, the commercialization of Christmas has all but ruined it for me. All i see it as is a time of year i'm obliged against my will to buy people stupid shit that they can buy on their own. The only part of Christmas i still like is looking at lights & trees.

I don't watch the electric jew

There is a fair way of doing this. For example, do a google image search for "average russian girl" vs "average black girl".

This is a fact. Christmas is dead. Thanksgiving is the last good holiday remaining. Honest, family values. No consumerism. Too bad Christmas has been eating it like a turkey for the last few years.
>Christmas ads begin as soon as November starts; Thanksgiving completely glossed over
>(((Black Friday))) Christmas shopping pushed earlier and earlier, now begins Thanksgiving evening and takes away from employees' time with families
(((They))) ruin everything good.

Yes, GIS, the most reliable and least intentionally influenced medium. Good call. Faggot.

It is part of their Kalergi plan to get rid of whites and make mixed race people with lower IQ' that will be easier to control by chosen people from etnicaly pure Israel.

The red pill feminists and black activists should be forced to swallow is that it is the white female who is objectified and used as a pawn, not the black female as they claim. The vast majority of white women are repulsed by non white men, but the corporatists, globalists, and all their assorted Useful idiots, pets and puppets are determined to force it anyway.

Are you just going to complain about muh racism without offering your solution?

Last time I checked, Google is strongly regressive left-leaning, so it is expected for google to display results that favor blacks. Me agreeing to use google is a bonus for you.

That's pretty late, senpai. They start the advertisement in September here. They put chocolate Santa's on the shelves and stuff.

He's actually right though. And "black" women that are popular, such as Beyonce and Rihanna are nowhere near as black as actual Africans.

I don't watch TV, but I'm concerned that this is being shown to the plebs that do.

Yeah, next to the Halloween masks and table fireworks.

Are you a Disney shill? She's the ugliest actress in Marvel, and should never have been chosen for Valkyrie.

They are literally doing this because of you guys.. media has everyone thinking theres a pro white movement and strong racism returning. Mix racing and procgay stuff will be out in full force itll be the born because yall had to expose urself to normies

this, right here

I only sometimes watch clips from Youtube

I think you're misunderstanding something here.

And right after new year the start advertising for Easter. It's really unbearable.

No its done to promote tolerance... when ppl likenur faggots complain about ego waffles commercials with mix race couples it just makes them want to keep doing it.. racism has been giving attention over the last 2 years to the point making an all white family on tv will literally upset ppl. And mixed race only upsets you ppl.. which everyone hayes.. this is 100% about ppl hating you.

Better to replace the white men since hes the new nigger of society l.

>Are you just going to complain about muh racism without offering your solution?

Nope. I'm just going to continue ridiculing what a retarded sham everything you're saying is.

Women are a weak point who are more easily manipulated by making horrible shit seem socially normal

Are you posting from the timeline where Clinton won?

Black men are valued more than black women, by a lot. White women are valued over white men.

>i'm not complaining
>i'm ridiculing
this changes everything

>Buries head in the sand
This board for people willing to discuss our society, not pussies whose response to everything degenerate and bad for society is to virtue signal that they personally don't participate. Good for you, but the rest of society does, and that's what we're discussing.

I'm dreaming
Of a whiiiiite Christmas

Don't want the niggers or the spiiiiics