What the fuck is wrong with these people?
Yeah throw your expensive piece of equipment out the window because they don't advertise on Hannity
What the fuck is wrong with these people?
Maybe we could get liberals dindus to protest Trump by burning thier EBT cards..
Nah... who my kidding..
It's called voting with your wallet, paco
>Expensive equipment
All coffee should be cold brewed anyway.
It is already roasted
Throwing out an expensive coffee burner is like seeing someone throw out an expensive toaster that turns pre-toasted toast into charcoal.
Christmas is coming up. This could hit keurig hard.
But they've already got your money
Not if you throw it out the window
>supporting trump = supporting a fox news pundit
>All coffee should be cold brewed anyway.
>falling for the cold coffee jew
Who the fuck is that?
All I remember when trump was elected is absolutely everyone in the media taking a dump on trump.
These people sound like liberals to me.
How are these people not on the same level as the sjw ?
>destroying the product after you've already bought it
Americans need to learn how boycotting works
Keurig is shit anyway
each pack is so expensive for no reason other to scam people out of their money
Mine already broke internally, so they are pieces of shit either way.
I do enjoy the laugh that this is giving me. Liberals threaten to boycott Keureg, and everyone knows they are not consumers....So keureg virtue signals....Low and behold, right wing people with jobs and money don't have any issue making a point.
I bought a keureg years ago, it lasted 4 months before it began leaking water internally. Eventually it would trip the GFCI, so I knew it was fucked. Why would I pay that much for overpriced single serving cups, when my percolator from 1983 still works just fine?
Just stop replying to Americans and maybe they disappear
>Americans need to learn how boycotting works
When you have to buy the "K-cups" which are licensed proprietary coffee packs, this is actually sending a strong message.
Just don't buy any more k-cups for the boycott period you fucking retard. How the fuck are they going to know you threw out your Keurig?
This isn't rocket science.
That's actually the first time anyone has made a valid point about this Keurig nonsense.
Why are we pretending this guy is serious? Are we also trolling? I don't get Sup Forums sometimes.
>Just don't buy any more k-cups for the boycott period you fucking retard.
Until you realize that you are paying 5x as much for a cup of coffee....All the costs of a fancy coffee shop, and none of the atmosphere or stinky liberals.
You can get a drip coffee pot for the cost of a pack or 2 of k-cups.
>That's actually the first time anyone has made a valid point about this Keurig nonsense.
The amount they charge, and what you get from it is absurd. The device is total waste. Look at how it damages the environment. All that plastic waste, just for the convenience. It is cheaper to make 12 cups in a percolator and dump 10 down the drain then 1 cup from the k-machine
>Are we also trolling?
No, and I think calling it a boycott is only half-fair. This is people tired of virtue signaling. IF keureg wants to bend over to a vocal minority, that is fine....But coffee is serious business in the USA. They didn't realize that the silent majority would stop being silent. The message they are sending is simple. If you cater to these insane people, don't expect our money.
Hannity is one of the few who shilled for trump from the very beginning and never backed down even once, all the way to election
He undoubtedly helped get trump elected
But fuck fox anyways
k-cups are shit and putting regular Coffee in keurig is a hassle
what even is keurig?
>there are people who don't boil their water on the stove and brew their coffee with s French press
Absolutely plebian
I would never buy a glorified hot water heater.
SJWs wordhip Brown people.
coffee is a christian tradition, promoted by the church, stop drinking the black jew
>hot water heater
Found the southern retard
>He doesn't use a moka
The absolute state of america
The_donald has always been some of the worst type of cancer. They unironically think Hannity and Tucker Carlson are going to show them the Way
What a bunch of fucking ass-clowns
The Keurig is a one time purchase. sunk cost now. Stop buying green mountain pods and you'll fuck em
I wouldn't know, I brew my coffee the old-fashioned way.
One reason is that the whole "coffee pellets" thing always seemed like a scam to me.
Still don't think having a fit and destroying your coffee machine is a good idea.
Would rather flood ebay and craigslist (or send it back for "damage" and ask for a new machine in return (to then put on ebay or craigslist).
This is not a good look.
>already own a Mr. Coffee
>just decline to buy keurig cups
Boycott achieved
>normie herd animals do stupid shit
Big news, better register as a democrat and vote against my interests
despite what faggot in OP thinks, I'm having instant covfefe this morning and my Keurig is gonna make it. sure, i wont buy another one but I'm not dumb enough to throw out my expensive coffee maker over the fact that they are exercising their rights in a free market. normalfags threw out theirs and will be buying another maker somewhere in the future or paying for starbucks. both stupid choices.
Look, I'm happy we got them to stop watching NFL, but who cares about this.
Buy a lido2+aeropress. Use cheap coffee filters and rip the excess when you scew in the AP lid.
that coffee is freaking nasty... libs should and everyone should the use of it as the containers are not biodegradable.
I can understand the convenience of coffee pods but in the end they're just solluble coffee packaged in a fancy way. Anyone could just get a jar of nescafé if they want to drink some nasty-ass coffee
I keep seeing this argument. No you fucktard. Keurig makes their money from selling the overpriced K-cups.
Fucking brainlets, I swear.
No it shouldn't be; cold-brewed is a shit
Fuck you
literally only faggots and retards own these things
nah, they don't even buy food with them, they trade for money to buy weed and crack
Trump supporters are brainwashed cultists
((Keurigs)) are loaded with mold and bacteria.
They're designed to use proprietary, disposable cartridges. Imagine a microwave or a rice cooker that can only make one brand's proprietary food packages, and only sized for one portion, or a car that can only accept gasoline from one company. Their business model depends on limiting the kind of coffee you can buy for it, so yes replacing your machine will deprive them of money.
>mfw Americans call bread "pre-toasted toast"
That's why I got rid of mine years ago. I had a med student roommate who was totally against it because of germs. I thought he was just being fanatic before I looked into it for myself.
Now I have a hot water kettle and use the pour over method.
They also make money when you buy their $100 machines you fucking moron.
They are. It’s faux outrage virtue signaling for validation on twitter . Last month it was burning their NFL jerseys instead of donating them to charity for the poor because that wouldn’t be what garbage humans need to thrive. RTs.
This pattern of tactics will backfire like it did to the left. Shit always cycles.
The cash flow comes from the K-cups. The sell the machine practically at cost just to hook you on disposables. They are out to leverage the addictive properties of caffeine to cultivate consumer lock-in. They've even tried to sue companies for making compatible pods without a 'license'.
It's the super Jewish business model we all hate.
Atleast they bought it with their own earned money unlike you lefty scums survive on state welfare
You're not very good at reading are you
he probably thinks hes a clever little spit fuck. look at that picture. omg.
Shit tier coffee. Threw mine away years ago.
Hannity and Tucker Carlson are oretty much the only actual journalists on tv
No one should be using Keurig for coffee anyway. Running hot water over plastic is bad for you (BPA, Parabens).
Use pourovers with ceramic, glass or metal.
Great argument, calling me a sucker for explaining why their business model is predatory. That must mean I'm wrong, and millions of people didn't fall for it.