Arabs into anime
my arab net pal translated this
>"Glimpse of the trailer Faris The Desertman produced by @airinat_official feauturing the Japanese studio @GAINAXNET and was aired today for the first time at @ANIMEAbuDhabi

Am I the only one surprised to find out that mudslimes have their own animation studio moreover that a nip studio would invest in such a thing.

Personally, I love gainax even all their shitty stuff but do they really have to throw money at this shit, or is there a business model I'm missing.

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f*ck off back to Sup Forums you racist troglodyte drumpf voter.

Sup Forums is a pro-Hillary safespace board.

Fuck off.

Fuck off.

Is this not the way to talk to my fellow memers xDDDD

Kill yourself

I live in Kuwait, showed it to some of my friends, we all agree it's shit, and probably Saudi propaganda BS. Anime is huge here, and a lot of people want to make their own animated show, but not like this.

Expect this thread to become shitposting general or another Sup Forums circlejerk. Bravo OP.

The friend I asked to tl this said it's so ''stereotypically'' racist

I refuse your offer kind sir

Man, what the fuck happened to Gainax?
