Precure thread
Precure thread
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To the user who was asking last thread:
>could you post the endcard for episode 4?
My bad. I don't have it either.
I have the DVD raws. I downloaded them a long ago but I don't remember where (it wasn't from nyaa though).
Damn. Anyhow, my only problem with the torrent on nyaa is that I've got all the DVDs except 7-9 which are all stuck at 50% since the guy who was at 100% hasn't seeded in months and most likely won't come back on.
And that's the only place on the net to get them as Japanese sites with DL links are all dead or have missing parts.
Whoa! Look at this:
For some reason the endcards are split into 4 images.
I'm going to search also for Splash Star.
That's cool. Thanks. That'll help for the MH one's as I don't know if there are TV broadcast versions still available.
Also, let us know if you find SS one's. They'll be cool to see.
It's Halloween and this little semen demon knocks on your door asking for candy.
What do you do?
Fill her mouth with my white candy.
Tell her to get off my lawn before I call the police.
Mirai is the cutest girl in the whole world!
Give her some candy and pat her on the head obviously.
"Aww what a cute Kirara!" Pat her head, scratch behind ears and give cookies and a pan.
Mai Mai Halloween!
Honestly, I would hug her and then cry while mumbling to myself "You're finally real."
What Precure do you wish to spend Halloween with, /pc/?
My favourite pairing.
I don't like the way this artist draws Tsubomi.
I love the way this artist draws Tsubomi.
Why is Tsubomi such a slut?
I want to fuck Riko
Tsubomi is NOT a SLUT!
Tsubomi is the best Precure in the world and I cannot abide by her being insulted.
Y-You too.
That was cute.
Precures should kiss other precures on the cheek more often.
I just got back from reading this myself.
I'm not sure if I should love or hate the way this artist draws Tsubomi.
Life is good.
Remove this picture, onegai.
In my pants.
What's wrong? They're just wishing you a happy Halloween.
I see three, THREE moons!
Are you sure there isn't one somewhere who is cuter?
I feel like the episodes improved recently but frankly this is the most forgettable Precure ever, among the ones I watched. DokiDoki and Happiness Charge, I admit that I remember almost nothing about them, but even then I remember something, if I read an episode synopsis I say "oh yeah, right", here an episode end and I already erased it from my mind.
How do you not remember Mana's exploits?
My memory is not that great honestly.
I remember Mana running up the stairs for 999 floors.
Whoa why does she want that one?
haha she said pregnant so naughty
don't tell mom I wach this stuff okay
Mom's gonna freak!
Same. On the bright side, the new season is closer than ever!
yeah, that was the point, im glad you got it
Why would they say something like that in my little girl cartoon? Isn't that a subject for an older crowd?
its ok, target audience is 5-10yo girls and 30-40yo boys
What if a little girl gets pregnant? They need to be ready
little girls already know where babies come from
however, they don't know how babies are made so that scene was perfectly ok
When you think about it, humans are very icky
>30-40yo boys
>more like 16-30
Is that actually the case? I've seen this image around, but does it even say Precure anywhere?
does that precure merch on the bottom left not tip you off?
or Nagisa on the left?
Ah, right. But what year is that image even from? How are we to know if it's still relevant or if they even still aim toward a small male demographic?
You realize last year we had official precure dakimakura
Talking about the show and series itself.
What about Cure peace
They even said bigfriends to be considerate and not stand up for the movie.
But yeah they aren't stupid and know older boys watch precure too, it's just that by making cute girls do cute things you can appeal to little girls and bigfriends at the same time without looking strange
They say not to stand up in all the movies.
You do this kind of dumb posting so much I can't tell if you're being intentionally dense or if you're genuinely stupid.
What are you doing, Mofurun?
Whaa? What's going on there?
Is Mirai /fa/?
Daily shimapan inspection.
Check the box and press the button by them spooky skeleton now!
I don't even know Japanese, but something about manga Mirai feels as if she has more personality than the cardboard cutout in the anime.
Why is she in prison?
>tfw I really like Kirara but I don't desire any lewds of her
>tfw no face
I understand that her depiction in fanart was inevitable but I just wanted most of her pictures to be cute without any oversexualization.
Seeing her like this gives me a strange feeling in my heart.
She's like the most-sexualised Precure.
On Par with Yuuyuu
Looks too fat.
Donuts = Oishii
awaken my masters
>She's like the most-sexualised Precure.
>On Par with Yuuyuu
These two statements contradict each other.
she's got the most porn for any cure.
Healthy, not fat. Not thicc either.
I thought that was Yayoi.
YuuYuu and Kirara feel sexualised even without all the fanart/doujins
You might be a mothercon.
Why do older men start getting into it?
People with kids or lolicons
They want to relive their youth. But wish they were little girls.
>people with kids
More like no kids. Don't be stupid.
i want her to step on my balls
I want that but by a cure that isn't ugly.
Because you realize that all you want is just cute little girls being gay for each other.
>beautiful, elegant, and sexy Kurumi
You're beyond saving. I recommend a gunshot through your empty skull.
I also want that.