Who would've thunk right?
Who would've thunk right?
Other urls found in this thread:
There's thousands of posts here every minute. Coincidence.
fuck off tourist
Big if true (it's not).
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
Lmao right
Thousands of people posting three plus signs for lolz
coincidence is the unintelligent minds' way of saying "i dont want to know ,im scared"
Q is a LARP
Big if huge
Trump is having fun
its a larp and we proved it already fuck off kike.
big if lel
Can you post the proof? I haven't been following qanon/cbts, but this video intrigues me.
City retards have lower IQs
Cali has one of the lowest.
Psst only faggots and whores, and idiots voted for hillary, which one are you?
tldr, where's the rundown you faggot
yes it's Trump larping
no. it's not.
Q > White House user
No you. The OP video shows a very curious coincidence that's easily understood in about 30 seconds. If it's a proven larp and you have evidence you should post it, not just link to a long thread of autistic rambling and random posts that may be disinfo shills for all I know.
>23 thousand views
THE FUCKING NORMIES!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
plus ultra??
No you. The OP in the thread you linked didn't even post a proper image, it's obviously the scaled down mobile version. Learn to use Sup Forums right you stupid shill bot.
No YOU kill YOUR self worthless faggot
So how does this explain how someone posted the +++ thing 8 minutes before Trump posted them?You fuckin moron
kys faggot
Um, Trump has said on multiple occasions that he doesn't even use the internet. He's 71 years old.. All of his social media stuff is handled by his assistant.
This is a bot. If it's not a bot it will recite the first verse of mary had a little lamb in its next post.
Then his assistant posted it? lol
the butthurt, are you mcmuffin?
that pic with the times, the post in 14:07, and the tweet is 13:15, BUT its a time zone issue, BOTH where at the SAME HOUR, you shill probably choose those pics on purpose
its true
Only rural and suburban retards still post this shitty meme.
City people are all bored of it.
Oh haha, I didn't even realize that's what he was trying to imply, I just assumed timezone difference
im not a monkey faggot. I do what I want. Q is a LARP.
You do what you want but you can't pass my turing test.
I prefer to post trap porn bate
Do you faggots even bother checking the archive yourself, cross referencing time zones?
No. That's what you're for.
if it's true then bummer :(
Can we get a "only one Q larping general" rule so I filter this retarded shit?
I've been thinking about beginning to larp as a redneck, listen to banjo music and shit
I bet we can make souther culture cool for normies
I fucking hate you retards every single one of you
kek if lel
I think if tomorrow nothing happens we should ban q threads altogether
that clears it up gg
oh shit. Now I'm back to not being sure all over again.
they'll just jump into another retarded thing
or they'll claim whatever bullshit happens as "the happening"
these people never stop, they are a collection of paid shills sliding good threads and morons with empty lives, a desire to participate in political life but too intellectually lazy to spend the necessary time educating themselves with boring old books.
Primary concern is paranoid tinhats are coming from all over the internet to join in, might as well call ourselves the tinfoilhat board then
Can someone just link to the OP?
Nico is best idol.
Okay now that I'm home and actually looked at the timestamps, I guess the OW6vuc5E faggot was right, the timestamps don't match up. After about 5 minutes of searching to realize there's no simple way to view UTC tweet timestamps (?), Trumps latest tweet according to the timestamp displayed in my browser is 2 hours ago, and the time displayed is 4:33 AM, 11/13. It's 23:15 Japan time right now, that puts Trump's latest tweet at 21:33 my time, with a diff of +17 hrs. The timestamp for the +++ tweet is 1:15 PM 11/6, a.k.a. 13:15 11/6, +17 hrs to get to 6:15 11/7 my time. The QAnon post in question is 7:07 11/7 my time, as displayed by my browser, and I can confirm that this time is correct by looking at my recent posts on 4plebs. Therefore it seems the QAnon post happened almost 1 hour after the Trump post. I'm kind of drunk right now, so some other autist please confirm that my maths are right.
Sorry for calling you a shill mate, but if you have a point to make you should really post it with a simple explanation and not some contrived bullshit, there's no advantage to you to keep out people with less time to spend staring at timestamps.
Everyone report this poster for being gay
Reported. It's against the rules to incite mass flagging
You guys are great.
Because Obama treated the middle class like shit for 8 years.
Suburbans is where all the rich intelligent people live
Does this mean we will actually be united with our cartoon wives?
A man can dream. Now I can finally legally buy a bodypillow of Ludleth of Courland
Don't let your dreams be dreams!
Suburban people are empirically morally, culturally and materially superior to urbanites.