Biden refuses to answer if he is running in 2020

Biden refuses to answer if he is running in 2020.

Would you be ok with President Biden?

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He's too old.

Another sexual predator like bill clinton,so no

Only 74, will only be a little older than bernie was.

Ain't shit slidin' like Joe Biden.
It's a no from me.

I’d love to see the debates

creepy crazy old uncle Joe? no thanks

He has admitted that he is a zionist. Oh, and he's a nigger loving, Traitor faggot.

>implying he isn't going to hang.





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>Biden refuses to answer if
he's just biden' his time


Is a pedo and part of the child sex ring with podesta. Look it up.

Well we already got 1 person with a history of sexually assaulting women so I don't see the problem of letting another pervert into the white house

It’s not a judge Moore thread idiot

Post the unphotoshopped pic where he's pulling her eyes squinty. Very disrespectful.

Pedo psychopath

can't be biden democrats will never again nominate a straight white male. plus he's 100 years old and has an iq of 75

He's far too old and is a filthy pedo like all dems

No but I want this creepy old fuddy duddy to run on the dem ticket and keep awkwardly touching women on camera.

Somebody turn this into a "BIDEN 2020" poster.

no, he isn't a smart he already got shamed from plagiarizing a paper or two.....he is a liar......doesn't anyone remember he ran against Bush ?

Joe Biden has zero chance of ever being president.

Screencap this: pic related will be elected US president in 2020. Female, attractive, no Hillary type baggage. Smart, articulate, serious.

After 2016 the desire to elect a female will be the only thing that matters to a lot of people. If Hillary were even slightly likable she would have been elected.

He'll get swept up in the Pedo thing. So, he'll be in jail.

>Biden refuses to answer if he is running in 2020.

Maybe the people who own him have yet to tell him if he is allowed to.

and here's the clincher: It did not even occur to me to point out that she's black. That is her ace in the hole. Being ethnic but not having that define you.

"She is the daughter of a Tamil Indian mother, Shyamala Gopalan Harris (1938–2009), and a Jamaican father, Donald Harris"

So she will get the benefit of that without being a Maxine Waters or Jessie Jackson type black who would turn off many white voters.


He wont commit because of the Giuliani curse. Peaking too soon will down your campaign.

Joe Biden is an actual pervert

It’s funny because pedo is good when it’s conservative

I wish I was super popular like Lady Gaga. She is so beautiful!

>Gropes children at photo ops.
Yes please have him run. It will be legendary

>be Muhammad, warlord pedophile
>muslims love you
>liberals love you too

Could this be true?

Meme Biden for president into reality
When Biden wins nomination>>> take out the trash and flood the internet with his creepy videos

LMAO. He is too old.

The next president it going to be a female, and under the age of 50.

Only if he nuzzles my ear and tells me to smile for the camera and what a good girl i am.

No way they will run my funny uncle. It is going to be a black woman - prob michelle

Oprah could screw things up for Kamala because of her name recognition, reputation, and popularity.

LOL at some of the names in this list.

>under the age of 50.

that's way too young for a female, and probably too young for most males. Kennedy had the charm along with running against Nixon. Other than him, Clinton and Barack are the youngest modern presidents at 54 and 55.

Nigga is having panic attacks every time a new Hollywood pedo is exposed.

In an honest world, Trump wipes the floor with Creepy Joe in debates. In the (((world))) we have today, the audience will be hand-selected and carefully coached to erupt in applause at scripted lines, with which Biden will be programmed. I still think Trump could take him, though. biden has to run on Obama's record; unless Trump is completely prevented from undoing Obama's commie bullshit, that won't be hard. Think Reagan/Mondale.

I think this is the one. Normie white Americans are very accepting of ethnically ambiguous 56%ers and bernout progressive dipshits could easily be fooled into electing a swamp creature as long as it's a "woman of color" shoveling the shit into their mouths.

What a fucking creeper

>ethnically ambiguous 56%ers

and that's significant to a lot of people. think Tiger Woods vs. Serena Williams. He seems like just another ethnic guy while she's simply a black person.

Her actual politics are far left, in the Sanders realm, even if she larps as a swamp creature to get ahead. If she gets the nomination, we will see what Trump is really made of - unless we fail to neutralize CIA/Goldmanite Evan McMuffin and his scummy little "Reagan Battalion" actually knocks Trump off in the primaries. If Trump and Harris debate, it will come down to whether Trump actually believes in free market economics and our founding documents. If he does, he'll mop the floor with her, hanging her Marxist bullshit around her neck for the whole country to see. If not, she will campaign on being Santa, just like Bernie did, and since she's a charismatic mulatto instead of a goofy old Jew, it will resonate with a lot more people.

>he's just biden' his time

hope he does run
he will lose very easily

>Her actual politics are far left, i

I don't see that, unless it's her support for single-payer healthcare which a lot of centrists argue is the best solution as it dispenses with the insurance companies who do nothing but skim their overhead and profits.

Also, her history is first in San Francisco and then California; she can easily shift towards the center to run a national campaign without appearing to have no principles.

I think her only obstacle is Oprah. Trump will be 74 or so in the next election, and he might still be energetic, but the age difference will not be in his favor. If he actually accomplishes something in this term that will help. It's fun to read his twitter insults, but that might not help if he's running against a respected candidate. Kamala is not Hillary, and that's her strength.

>and that's significant to a lot of people. think Tiger Woods vs. Serena Williams.
Agreed. The first thing that came to my mind was Vin Diesel and that never-ending series of movies about stealing cars that rake in obscene amounts of money. He's not as dark as anyone mentioned above but it's the same concept of appealing to a broad range of people.

I'm imagining an Obama style pivot from a young fresh face seemingly divorced from the big money and corruption that proceeded her in the party to the same old dirty bag of tricks once she gets elected to office. Which of course goes completely unnoticed by her base as long as she throws token favors to whatever minority is en vogue at the moment and the media sings her praises.

Trump would jump to expose him as a creeper who touches kiddies. It would be pretty entertaining.

What are his policies?
Why do politicians always say they're gonna do something and then do the complete opposite?

Just forgetting the known MS13 gang member with a mile long rap sheet she released because they were an illegal alien/sanctuary city who assassinated an entire family.

Can imagine the PAC ads now.

Are you imagining that commies are actually against money once they're in power? That's all rhetoric for the proles. Every single far-left country has a ruling class that puts the American robber barons to shame, in terms of wealth discrepancy. "All animals are equal..."

Will the love live girls come forward about his inappropriate touching?

And this is just one of many things, once the dirt-digging machine gets fired up. She can also be held accountable for every shitty thing the Dems have done since she became a politician.

These shitlib shills and trolls are willfully ignoring the fact that the pendulum has started to swing back the other way; the world has turned and their day of dominance has passed. It's not going to be smooth sailing, at least not for a while, but the only thing which can stop a worldwide BTFO of (((Marxism))) is a complete and total systemic global collapse. And as much as (((some))) might actually be trying to bring that about, it's actually their worst nightmare. Imagine hundreds of millions of hungry, redpilled people, all willing to lay down their lives for payback. Inb4 muh shitskins chimpout and kill whitey. If a collaspe does happen, whitey will pull together like few people can now even imagine, and there will be actual rivers of shitskin blood in the streets. That's just the facts.

Needs Clinton to sign his permission slip

Could be worse. At least he's a fucking white male.

Fuck no.

He's more senile than Hillary.

President Kiddie-Fiddler?
Yeah, nah.