What does Sup Forums think of Plastic memories?
Plastic memories
idk never watched it looks boring as fuck
The basic KEY-style feels story was okay, the universe was extremely contrived, and the Love Hina romcom shenanigans were retarded. Overall it's pretty mediocre, but it has its moments.
It was good. The main complaint I had was the fact that Isla's character needed more development but the small number of episodes could be at fault too. Regardless I still cried a lot.
It was pretty good
Great characters, boring story.
meh/10 overall
The lie down on ground scenes got me real good.
Tears in the rain man, tears in the rain.
I liked the romance, but the setting felt contrived and poorly developed.
The fucking bladerunner arc was absolutely retarded and almost made me drop the show. Seriously, what the fuck was that shit?
The tearjerking was mediocre but the ending was handled pretty well and the development of their relationship in the latter half of the show was pretty solid. Reminded me of one of those 80's/90's teen movies about coming-of-age highschool romance.
It would have made a great movie or 6 ep OVA series.
One of the few series I've actually dropped mid episode.
I'm still super super fucking mad and sad at the ending. I refuse to believe the girl at the end isn't her.
If any of you are interested, the manga is currently in the process of being translated. Chapter 2 should be up soon.
user, they spend half of their episodes telling you things like:
>no, her memories won't come back when you reuse her
>no, you can't just keep her running
>no dreams only tears now
You need to face reality.
also the show was quite good, people need to stop getting hung up on those 2 random Psycho Pass episodes.
Boring shit.
I think he meant another giftia in Isla's old body.
It started out really good, but fell flat. There were just too many things that did not make sense, even within the universe the anime tried to create. I feel like this is said with a lot of anime, but it had a lot of potential but wasted it. I was not a fan of the ending either.
But what's the point?
It's like demanding that your new flat mate continue using your previous flat mate's clothes.
I'm sure Tsukasa wasn't over it. Maybe having Isla's body would help him get over it?
I agree, it is a bit fucked up, but I'm sure he was well aware despite being the same body, it wouldn't be Isla when he chose to reuse her body.
No the user is right, I meant Isla in a new body. It's my faggot headcanon and no one can take it from me!
I simply cannot believe that, for all their technology, these fucking people don't know how to make a fucking storage device that is transferable.
Why is the software update that reduces file corruption and noise accumulation in the giftia's memory being held back anyway?
If it's just to force people to repurchase their old giftias, I'm sure some good-hearted coder could upload a free as in freedom solution.
I find this most likely. Even smartphones are engineering to fail about 2 years after manufacturing. SAI wouldn't make any money otherwise. In reality, SAI is the true antagonist of the series.
The issue isn't inability to transfer robot brains but that they degrade over time. I don't see why they couldn't make reset points, though. Even if that means losing years of memories, it beats dying.
Yeah, that's true. Even with the degradation, with that being an issue for so long, it's hard to believe somebody somewhere wouldn't be working on a way around it.
Assuming they are the kind of artificial intelligence of our world, their "souls" are just binary data like anything else. In reality, I think that their souls are something more that we can't really comprehend today.
Honestly, I don't think it really matters. The point of the anime was more to tell a love story, not define a hugely detailed sci-fi world.
You're missing the important point that the whole story about falling in love and then losing an artificial life wouldn't quite work if all it took was just a little update to make everything fine again.
Shh, let us have our autism circle. It's not like there's much else to discuss about the show.
The only sci-fi element was the robots really. It was also about mortality. That could have been handled with a disease or clannAIDS magic but the sci-fi gave them something to do for 13 episodes.
I think it worked well. Having there be clear differences between humans and gifitas made the love story more tragic, yet heartwarming. Plus, it kinda leaves room open for more content even if it is unlikely.
Nobody here is missing the point, you lovable shitbag. It's wishful thinking and conjecture.
>plot aids is okay, AI breaking down isn't
I don't like you, user. Also her being an AI added a different nuance to it like how an AI defines her self worth and it also made it possible to show how different people react to this kind of situation.
Also you usually don't have a sickness where you know 9 years and x days (however long it was) in advance when it's going to get you.
Nigga that's some fucking nightmare shit. "Oh hey I'm a stranger in your dead girlfriend's body, here to remind you every day of what you've lost".
Done correctly, I don't think it'd hurt the narrative at all if she came back in some way. The story is fine as it is, but there's nothing wrong in wanting a different ending to things.The problem is that too much emphasis was being placed on the "they're dying and there's nothing anyone can ever do, ever." thing.
As you know, Tsukasa wasn't the most stable of protagonists. I don't think he 100% accepted that Isla was completely gone. Who knows why he really left after Isla died, maybe he was trying to recreate her soul/personality?
I'm not sure how a show focusing on it's central theme (or however you wanna call it) is a bad thing.
Her coming back would invalidate the whole feeling of loss. I think those asspull happy endings only feel satisfying in the short term and people are trying to fundamentally change what the story was about - making me afraid that they are going to ask for a tournament arc in YuruYuri next.
There was that side plot about the big tiddies maintenance girl and her old friendship. It could be seen as setting the precedence.
Of course, he genuinely believed that Eru's friend would show a glimpse of her old self, despite all the facts saying no. Who knows if he really accepted it in the end?
I know where this is going.
Gonne have to explain this one; not all of us are 60 years old.
I'll never forget Isla!
I get the point perfectly, and I agree with .
They could have gone with fairies or golems or whatever to tell the same story (though the atmosphere would have been slightly different. But by choosing robotics they made fair game of discussions of "why didn't he just backup her data" or "why didn't she just run ccleaner on herself?"
Just like we'd discuss the pros and cons of hexagrams over pentagrams when embedding your golem with artificial life if they'd gone a different route.
While simplifying and leaving a lot out, the second half of vertigo is the main character trying to desperately force his new girlfriend to adopt all of the traits and appearance of his former, recently deceased (or so he thinks) lover.
If they are going to reuse their bodies, at least they should change their faces. It shouldn't be to hard to make different rubber mask.
The ending was creepy as hell. I can't tell if that was intentional or not, but I liked that.
The ending was shit.
If you were the author, how would you end it? Not that i´m starting a debate, just being curious,
I can see Tsukasa doing exactly that. Maybe trying his hardest to treat the new giftia as her own person, but ultimately breaking down and failing, maybe even throwing a fit when he confesses to her and she says no.
>the whole story about falling in love and then losing an artificial life wouldn't quite work
it doesnt work at all, nothing about the story even matters about robots besides the blade runner shit which wasn't important. Isla could've been a human girl with cancer and it would've been the exact same story.
A well written romance anime that ended happily ever after.
Sure, her not being a "real human being" and the predictability of her certain death many years in advance matters a lot.
I would've placed only a little less emphasis on the futility of the MC's relationship, and try to be as subtle as possible in implying that someone at the office is working on creating a method to "save" Isla. Right when you think it's all over, MC goes back to work the next day and gets pulled aside by the character who was working diligently the whole time. He gets pulled down into that lab area where Isla did her training, and the monitors are going through each and every one of her memories. You can visibly tell where the degradation is eating at certain memories, but they're trying to save as many as possible. Nothing is certain, but there's hope. Before the MC leaves, he glances down at Isla's "sleeping" form and promises to move forward no matter what happens.
Time goes by and Isla is waiting for him one day, and though she recognizes him, unfortunately a great deal of her memories could not be saved. A lot of data had to be sacrificed in order to stabilize her, but she's up and running, and surprisingly enough, can be so indefinitely as long as she is carefully maintained. They'll learn from the process and see if something more can come out of the data, a solid method of preserving an AI's memories and keeping them stable. Although Isla is sad and apologizes for not being able to regain her feelings for the MC yet, MC encourages her by saying they can always make new memories. At that moment the two of them get called out for an assignment, with Isla being nervous all over again as she was in the beginning of the show for comedic effect. The show ends on a somewhat high note.
Yes it's gay, you might even think it terrible, but this is all I could come up with off the top of my head. Don't misunderstand, I liked the ending—this is just something a little happier.
Not really terrible, it´s actually a pretty good idea on how to conclude the anime, and i also agree that the ending could be a happy one instead of being sad.