>Eric Zemmour
>Sephardi Jew
>anti-human rights
>said "almost every drug dealers are Blacks and Arabs"
>regurally call for closing France's borders
>race realist
>said "virility is dying in France"
>was called "antisemitic Jew" by Jacques Attali, the most powerful Jew in France
Jews can be redpilled. We need to ally with the redpilled Jews.
Literally /ourjew/
Other urls found in this thread:
sephardi are a different breed to ashkeNAZI
It's a trap
He is a good redpill dispenser and they can't shut him down even if they tried
Trump supporters: I hate the Jews, they are somehow hurting my fragile "superior" race with interracial TV ads!
Also Trump supporters: Based Jew, he's a greasy, nasty racist asshole like me!
he is controlled opposition you fuck
2017 Emil Maurice?
Honestly, I'm all for redpilled Jews. They're for only ones who can get away with saying things that would land a white man in prison in Eurabia
Salut Alain
Il est le francais.
He is the only jew that should be spared. He has the French spirit.
>practicing jew
>french spirit
pick one
So a Jew is attempting to gain influence among your far right by telling you things you want to hear.
And you're falling for it.
Makes you wonder who the real untermensch are.
ben voyons
Redpilled jews are gonna be useful, but they still get the rope in the end.
He is more patriot than 100% of white leftists.
How come i never heard of this guy before
its statistically likely at least one would be cool
He's the French Douglas Murray, spoke about the French armies plans for invading their own country
You probably live in the deepest cave ever created
Because you're not really interested in politics.
This kike is only a means to an end.
means you have never owned a tv, never even looked at a magazine or newspaper cover in any newstand in the country, and never browsed any news website in your entire existence.
Which makes me wonder how you made it to Sup Forums in the first place.
And he praised the regime of Vichy
atheistic Jews are 100 times worse than practicing jews
Sephardi Jews are dark skinned Ashkenazis. Mizrahis are the real deal
Sup Forums 2017
OP trusted a jew, this not gonna end well
why do they all look indian
You are all poor and have trash culture and music. Litteraly the Jewish version of niggers
זדיין אשכנזי מניאק תראה תדגל
Yes. Jews aren't admirable. Avoid them at all costs. Forgive them, as you destroy them, for they do not know of their ways. The time to manage them has already started.
hey I'm not greasy
I like the guy because he says he's French before he's a jew. He's kind of a civic nationalist but he sees browns for what they are.
He conveniently avoids the jewish question, though.
He's one of the best speakers and writer in France, but we can't rely on him in the long run.
He's not "anti human rights" though.
He's sort of red pilled but he recently had been pushing the Front National to get rid of Phillipot which is going to result in the Front National being an irrelevant party again.
I don't think he did because he thought it would weaken France's most right wing party, but in fact it's exactly what he did.
>get rid of Phillipot which is going to result in the Front National being an irrelevant party again.
lol wat? no one cares about philipot. I am surrounded by people who told me they joined the front because of him, but they didn't leave it when he was kicked out. The bought into the "all behind marine the chief" narrative, which isn't more reassuring but at least ensure the voter/militant base stays cohesive.
This whole "philipot out FN dead" mediatic propaganda is yet an other storm in a teacup fomented by the jews.
Hitler had 6 honorary jews of I remember right.
We should screen carefully.
The issue is not really Philippot himself but what it means for the party line. Basically they will go back to what the FN did 20 years ago minus Jean-Marie Le Pen. They are hoping to find some friends in Les Républicains.
The result of this will be a party that will never go over 20% again.
Anyway the Emperor Macron is just too good, he'll be reelected in 2022.
Sephardi and mizrahi shouldn't hate one another.
It's the eternal yid who is the common enemy of all that is good in the world.
Because you think philipot wasn't there enough to bring it at it's pike ability.
We got macron elected. We could have replaced marine with jesus we'd have lost regardless. It really doesn't matter what the FN is or does, the reason it went that high isn't because florian or marine tried to show a good image of them but because the situation requires it. It's not the new FN that does 30%, it's the old FN who was always right as reality now shows it to the average fag.
He clearly is not since he was redpilling France during a decade alone.
However the high ranked jews probably let him shit everywhere on the leftists and globalists because he is an insurance in case the far-right ever reach power.
From my experience he is relatively popular in his own community, lots of jews were expelled from Algeria where they lived as dhimmis during centuries so they have no urge to experience the same thing all over again, especially the ones in the lower class.
I think he is pretty much maurrassien in his convictions overall.
Philippot is a good tactician but when it comes to strategy he sucks balls, could be a german general kek.
He thought he could make the FN win by attracting the "hard/old school" left (in opposition to the social democrats) and basically create an anti-globalist alliance, but those guys are way too retarded and short-sighted for that, that's why they made "anti-fascist" protests, pissed in her face and went full retard voting Macron.
Marion line was the good one: the FN needs to be on the far-right both when it comes to values and economy, that's how the french right can unify and the far right can finally have ministers, MP and take a foothold in the establishment like we used to have before WW2.
Bonne analyse l'ami.
>somehow hurting my fragile
If I had a dime for every hypocritically insecure progressishite that began an argument like this in front of me I'd have enough money to personally castrate you all.
I might be a nasty, racist asshole, but if you call me greasy once more I will track your IP and kick your face in.
my parents are friends with a sephardi family, the parents are super strict, the eldest daughter is a super high ranking public worker and the son is studying to be an ambassador.
you can say lot's of things about jews but they really are intelligent and diligent