
I've done my part.

>location, Churchlands Senior High School, WA, AUS

Other urls found in this thread:


Props to you other fags

>you know who you are

You did it wrong. Nice job, roo

Why would you put Sup Forums on the paper though?

>maling am entire thread for your ego
>putting Sup Forums on it, wow nice job you needed to stoke your dick on an anonymous imageboard. Literally woman-tier. Im surprised you didnt include your face too. Also this isnt even a thing in Australia, its an American effort.

>high school

nice b8 m8


>putting Sup Forums on the paper

Are you retarded or something?

I fucking erased the pen you choff

yes it's one of those pens

did someone else write Sup Forums on it? Can you not read the rules you autistic ausfag?

> putting Sup Forums on the paper
You literally missed the point and gave your schools IT department a keyword to track.

cheers from another "good" senior high school

ID Cum, kek, high school it department browses pol

Ok then but not many people would be able to read that, maybe you can edit the original post so everyone can see this

Great job aside from the Sup Forums fag

>when a perth fag delivers, nice.
you're underage though.

>I...I was only pretending to be retarded!

Why did you put it there in the first place. All /iotbw/ generals clearly said to NOT CHANGE THE MESSAGE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. But you just had to "tag" it like the underage little faggot you are.

you guys are idiots if you don't think every IT guy in the world doesn't know what Sup Forums is


Is it asking too much for this post to be satire?

what are you doing

>Sup Forums has nothing to do with this
Are you fucking retarded? everyone knows it's you fags

Good work OP (though you shouldnt've written Sup Forums on it)



> Sup Forums
> High School

Fuckin underage fat virgin retard

People aren't sufficiently mad enough about the fact that stating it is okay to be white is considered white supremacy to all main stream media outlets.

I always knew pol was filled with underage redditshits

you had one job user
We have proxy at work that blocks nearly anything unrelated to work. Strangely enough the only forums on Sup Forums that are not blocked are /h/ /o/ and Sup Forums

great job my man keep up the good work

>you guys are idiots if you don't think every IT guy in the world doesn't know what Sup Forums is

You'd be surprised how many don't know about it, and if they do, they think it's just something for kids and not a resource.

>not putting "no it's not" "fuck whites" handwritten on the sign for max effect
Guys, we're not gonna make it


dont fucking editorialize you ignorant faggot
5 words. 5 world only. nothing else. nothing. simpering stupid beta bitch.

I know this place, it is in the female bathroom. Show boobs, op.

fuck youre a dumb cunt



How many nangs and bucket hats did you walk over to post that shitty meme?
But the reaction will be interesting.


>posting Sup Forums

for what purpose?

You are a dumb fucker. Leave this place for your stupidity.

>post a political message
>attach a (incorrectly spelled) board to it that posts daily about the best way to gas jews

You almost smell like a jew.
Or you're literally fucking autistic.

F*k uuuu f**gggttt!!!!!
Simple rule your mother can adhere faggot cuck

If they know OP posted it, he's fucked.

Don't add "pol" you fucking cunt.

Words hurt.

It's fucking reddit or some shit.
Sup Forums just shitposts daily, day in, day out.

Oh and reads some leaks occasionally... because it's interesting.

Mark it leftypol or Ben garrison

Thats for sure, I was surprised that /mlp/ is blocked as I would swear that one of them is closet brony

all those little pieces of tape. would take a while to put those on. you need to be faster.

>adds "Sup Forums" to message in spite of instructions not to alter

gee dude - next time just spell out the 14 words and add Racial Holy War Now

Reminder that in less than 35 hours we'll find out if the pooftas will be able to marry

I don't get it

well done lad

>polluting the message

Should be:
>It's ok to vote no
since we have the whole fag marriage thing right now.

God you're stupid, it painful


>sabotaging a movement that fights for your rights
I am so mad, i almost gave a fuck

He erased the Sup Forums bit with one of (((those))) pens

Well done, I wondered if Perth would put itself on the map

> Having such a fragile movement that some graffiti will take it down

Implying doing anything to the flyers changes anything mohamed

how about that


So basically what you're saying is that your big trolling project is only for little slaveboys who do exactly what your )))paymasters((( tell them to?

Go home, Milo, you're drunk.

Oh wait you can't, your surviving parent won't let you back in the basement.

Which island is that? New Zealand or the small one with Austria on it somewhere?


I'm hesitant to add a location to the list from an image that is unverifiable. Thoughts?

The entire point is to have the media outrage over an innocuous message that cannot possibly be linked to anything right wing. Writing Sup Forums on it defeats that purpose. This really isn't that hard to understand.

>I wondered if Perth would put itself on the map
I wish a nuke would put this hole visibly on a map.


I'm not the one complaining that Sup Forums isn't obeying my orders well enough.

> high school
holy shit, this board really is dead

the whole point is to be as unobtrusive as possible but some of us just aren't the brightest penny in the roll