Do you think white people will still exist in 1000 years in the future?
Do you think white people will still exist in 1000 years in the future?
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we'll exist as the world controllers. few but powerful
Yes, because it's a region based reality.
Peoples live in regions with low levels of sunlight will evolve to have fair complexions. Conversely, peoples living in regions with higher levels of sunlight will evolve to be darker.
Black people that move to regions with snow will evolve to be white.
>Grandad, what did oyu do for fun whe nyou were young?
>I shitposted about the death of the white race on Sup Forums, sweetheart
In Russia and eastern europe, perhaps. My guess is that all whites in the west will be genocided at some point. Russia can defend itself with nukes
I hope not
>he thinks Russia has a lot of whites/whites only policies
This is dumb. You're dumb. How are people going to regionally evolve when we have fucking airplanes? When whites disappear, I only hope asians do what we should have done to the negro.
Evolution will go on,....we will cease to exist in our momentary form.
But we will be the seed for what is to come..
Yes... but only in the orbital pleasure domes and off world colonies. The earth will be abandoned to the assorted brown depth grovellers who will slave away all day in underground burunidum mines to fuel our extra-terrestrial expansions
Do you think the future will exist 1000 years from now without whites?
We will still exist, of this I have no doubt.
Many if not most or all of our nation-states and ethnic groups will have disappeared by then, replaced by new ones
Will you exist 1000 years later? No, you won't. So why does it matter?
nah we’ll all be uploaded into the mattress by then
Hey that pic is from Sweden
Brazil has been racemixing for over 500 years. They never had white nationalism. They are still ruled by a 40% pure European white elite that totally dominates politics, business, media, and culture. There are also still nearly a million natives there.
In North America, there are still over 30 million natives despite them being literally genocided by the common cold and numerous battles and massacres against Europeans.
In the Middle East, there are still millions strong enclaves of the original white Christian inhabitants after 1,400 years of muslim Arab military and imperial domination, such as the Armenians, Lebanese, Yazidis, Coptics, etc.
Not only are whites not under direct military threat, they are not dependant on other races like American natives or South African blacks. In fact, it is in whites' interests to self-segregate to improve quality of life.
There is also the fact that we live in white ancestral homelands spread across earth with strong historical white nationalist cultures. White consciousness has grown dramatically in recent years. Multiculturalism has already been declared a failure by neocons like Merkel or Cameron, and actively resisted by guys like Trump. We got Brexit and numerous nationalist movements and governments across Europe.
The internet has taken information and communication out of the jews' hands and put it in ours. Our propaganda is funnier, our information is truer.
Only the stupid, weak, and ugly race mix in general. The patriarchal social structures that enabled degenerates to breed have been removed. Effeminate men (nu-males, etc) and masculine females (feminists, etc), and all kinds of undesirables will be removed from the genepool.
The white race is refining itself into a more intelligent and aesthetic race, making the contrast with the lesser races even starker, therefore making race mixing even less likely. An uber white race with a genetic predisposition to be racist af that will survive forever.
Wow buuuurp Morty that's like uh buuuurrrp really nihilistic of buuuurrrp you
The environmental pressures that cause evolution have been removed by technology. Civilisation is designed for our current form. It is more likely that we will regress in some ways, because technology and civilisation is also dysgenic, enabling the weak and stupid to breed.
>I will be dead, so I will never have to take responsibility for my action that might affact future generations
Weak faggot
Holy shit that pic made me think about how white people will move to another planet and black people will try to get there on some shitty spaceship and it'll fall to pieces and all these dead niggers will be floating all over the place. It will be like now with Europe.
What a cuck.
Depends if nationalists tolerste anti racists and the jew promoters.
The ruling class will basically consist of the whitest people existing, with the whiteness going down by each class, just look at Brazil
Only whites will exist, hopefully.
No race of people will exist in 1000 years.
No tolerance for anti racists.
You can't evolve in 1000 year you dumbfuck, also whites evolved this way because they lived a primitive life, modern technology has altered our diet etc. a lot and would not lead to nigger converting to whites, they would just take vitamin D pills and would never become light, just like Eskimos are still quite dark
The complexity of information is growing exponentially from the big bang on.
Not just since Moore's law.
We are standing at the biggest crossroad of humanity right now....straight up or straight down.
All branches of science are exploding with new insights into the nature of reality.
Either we destroy ourselves now,...or we will witness the next explosion in complexity,...fasten your seatbelts.
At some point, whites will quit Earth and board Orion Project style colony ships and head out into deep space. Meanwhile the (((Elites))) will finish out their white replacement agenda and brown up the earth. After the spacefaring whites found a new home on a distant planet (20-30ly away), the (((elites))) will lose control and finally irrevocably fuck up the planet through an all out nuclear war or some shit. In order to survive they will go into the underground regions of the earth and become something like Morlocks while keeping the brown people around as slaves. When the earth finally recovers, the elities will hunt down the whites (who by now have founded their own spacefaring civilization). The (((elities))) or Morlocks will declare war on the new White civilization because it was only their white privilege which allowed them to escape the horrors of the old world.
If you put 20 mating pairs of niggers in the northern hemisphere you'll get white people in 20,000 years.
Humans are like Pokemon, but a little slower
everyone wants white, European babies
Whites around the world are waking up, and it's not like they haven't been invaded like this before
You don't understand the first thing about natural selection.
You're a disappointment to the flag
this so fucking much it hurts, shitskins are afraid of water and toilets, they will never step a foot inside a spacecraft.
the white man (and obviously honorable exceptions) is the only one who is willing to undergo the necessarily body motivications to survive the harshness of space. in a 1000 years earth will be remembered as the ugly cocoon of mankind at a time before enlightment. people will have the same bewilderedness thinking of being form earth as they had when the theory of evolution was proposed.
Yes because of CRISPR.
>whites like me
Why do americans always make the dumbest, most exaggerated posts?
Yes, whites ate as brutal as they are compassionate.
When they finally feel cornered, itll be a slaughter
Yes, 1000 years is pretty short period actually.
Why do leafs sperg out about everything? It was meant to be an exaggeration because the OP isn't something that can really be predicted at the present time.
The human race will have gone extinct by then.
1. crispr doesn't work.
2. sperm donation eugenics does work, and will preserve and spread intelligence genes.
why give a fuck?!
Won't happen. When non cucked Whites get backed into the corner enough, shit will get real. Whites and Asians will band together and the Great cleansing will ensue. The World after this purge will be very peaceful and prosperous, with very very low levels of crime and disease.
Depends on the events that will happen. If things going like right now, there will be few left.
Small pockets that will be sold to the enemy by white women who will be fooled by non white agents with
>we don't want to harm you!
>we just want peace
>we can live together!
and then some dumb cunt will lead non white soldiers to the white camp and all whites will be killed and women taken as live stock
>1. crispr doesn't work
source, buddyolio?
If whites manage to survive the next 100 years, I'd actually bet on this happening.
>Black people that move to regions with snow will evolve to be white.
No they won't, we are not even completely the same race. White people have neanderthal DNA, black people don't. We are actually more genetically different than a pitbull and a poodle.
>Whites around the world are waking up,
>and it's not like they haven't been invaded like this before
also wrong
>>and it's not like they haven't been invaded like this before
but they have been retard, look up Turkish invasion of Europe.
Assuming things continue to go badly for us, yes. But only in some far-flung corners of the world in small enclaves, like on little islands or frozen wastelands. Also small ethnic enclaves within Asian countries, assuming the Asians don't get cucked by multiculti in the future. Like in China, you'll see like a little European village where whites live, and the Chinese folks will treat it as a curiosity, almost like a zoo to go and visit and get to experience lost culture and race.
this, it will be just like Indian parks but for whites
>didn't ask if anyone besides whites will exist
being this retarded
Not unless we figure out how to survive. White people don't live in reality, we live in a state of ideology-induced hypnosis. It's like holding flashy lights up to distract a cow before it gets its throat slit. That's us right now.
How would crispr preserve whiteness?
I assume he means you can't just inject crispr'd cells like this retard:-
Absolutely no.
The future is black. Whites (including arabs and latio) are about to extinct.
> telling a Maltese person about the Turkish invasion of Europe
This is nothing like that. There wasn't the subversion in the media, the brainwashing, the politicians siding with the invaders.
No, if they behave like Sup Forums
They won't be white, they will be stainless steel. Future humans will never exist in space given our ridiculously weak biological systems. The future is cybernetics and robotics. We will exist as biological constructs within a mechanical shell. Until we completely virtualize and become simply data.
If we ever meet another intelligent lifeform it will only know our species as a race of mechanically independent programs. White, black, jew or hispanic will have long since died out. We will all have shiny metal asses.
bait. every turk i met tries to come somehow to the west and i mean the educated ones. this guy would litteraly suck your cock so he could come to the eu or us.
No, American whites are on the way out and Europeans have been completely subverted and emasculated
Fuck off kike
earth wont exist in 1000yrs
Sure. Some places have weather so hostile that only whites and maybe certain Asian ethnicities will ever accept living in those areas.
But because of the climate change, those regions that are currently undesirable climate-wise, will turn to be the most desirable. So no.
>white people become the jew after cleansing the world from jews
>Holy shit that pic made me think about how white people will move to another planet and black people will try to get there on some shitty spaceship and it'll fall to pieces and all these dead niggers will be floating all over the place.
anything can happen in 1000 years
This. Though our cultural (and ethnic) heritage will shape initial forms and -- since most things are path-dependent -- thus influence future outcomes.
That's pretty much the plot of the movie Elysium.
Id be suprised if homo sapiens exist in a 1000 years at all.
checked, n kek'd n underrated
Ahhh, the brazilian middle/upper class.
Where leftists, feminists and whores are born.
I can affirm to you atleast 70% of those teens had more cock in them than all their ancestors.
i dont think PEOPLE will exist in 1000 years
>The patriarchal social structures that enabled degenerates to breed have been removed.
>ywn live in an age where 'out of Earth theory' is the new 'out of Africa theory'
In a thousand years, most people in the civilized world will be so genetically engineered and cybernetically enhanced, it would be hard to call them "White." That is, if Civilization doesn't outright collapse.
I think the worlds population will be greatly reduced from something in the next 1000 years.
I also tend to think that we will see the events of the movie Gattaca unfold as we are almost seeing now with selective abortions.
We will more than likely solve cancer and other genetic illnesses like alzheimers and parkinsons by removing it from the gene pool entirely. Life spans will normalize at 150 years old. People that aren't genetically enhanced by dna "upgrades" pre-conception will be the nigger tier, colored or not.
whiteness will never evolve again unless society collapses so hard we go back to literal caveman times assuming anyone survives long enough to migrate north and survive as tribes of ice age hunters.
So long as we have any technology, once white people go it's full shitskin idiocracy mode forever run by Jews or probably Asians later.
maybe, if we aren't dead via nuclear bombs in the next 3
People forget the only reason whites exist in the first place is sexual selection. Like, literally, all "white" traits are less than 10,000 years old and all are recessive.
How the fuck do you think they'd spread if not people wanting to fuck beautiful fair-haired fair-skinned blue-eyed tall walking deities?
If it happened once, it will surely happen again.
it is, after all, only a matter of time before the blatantly false "everyone is beautiful!!!" culture gives way.
This planet will be a dead rock in 1000 years. Asians like Chinks and the Shitskins will destroy every wild animal and natural resource.
yes, in the zoos, but just so we can teach our children how merciful we were for not getting completely rid of such an unsightly and evil creature
they look slavic, kike. enjoy your inbred capital i mean israel
I hope no people exist 1000 years in the future.
Honestly this. I keep seeing people saying the white race will fight back but every day I wait. And I wait. And likely I will wait another 70 years. And this hurts me.
The way I see it, the only way to subvert (((them))) is to breed with their daughters and subvert to degeneracy just enough to exude normalcy to the normies. Then take over from the inside out. Let's be honest; white birth rates being low aren't changing. Hispanic birth rates being high aren't changing. So we have to change.
Only white people will exist. All other races will be destroyed when whites get pushed too far.
I won't be around, so I really don't care.
>Biological is worst than mechanical
No it's not, it's pretty much superior in most respects.