>I never dated an underaged girl without her parents permission
What did he mean by this?
I never dated an underaged girl without her parents permission
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That he never dated an underaged girl without her parents permission
Daily reminder that Sup Forums is an international board. have some decency.
The age of consent in Germany is 14. please stop and think before posting stories that may throw shade on a cultural practice.
Germany is the Alabama of Europe
Could have been 20 when he was dating a 17 year old? That statement is pretty vague, explain further pls.
Sure you are not a leaf? Thats some quality bait I must say. And no the age for consent in Germany is 16 (her/his parents have to agree). 14 only if you are underage yourself.
1- underage is a legal term. Not pedophilia.
2- Under 14 is pedophilia by law.
3- parents have the legal right to grant permission of underage teens dating of age people.
Seems clear to me.
If my wife's son can consent to wanting to be trans, then he can consent to sex.
this guy is old as fuck, this was normal in his day
It's simply wrong tho.
> trusting a cartoon
> getting called out
He was 32 when he was fucking a 14 year old he picked up outside a courthouse while her divorced parents were having a custody hearing
Fake news.
Liberals are the biggest advocates of pedophilia anyway. That makes you a hypocrite.
And 8 if you are a Muslim.
Was it always like that is or did they change the law for newcomers like Muhammad and pals?
>age of consent is 14 in germany
How is that wrong, pedohans?
That's why divorce is so damaging.
No, consent laws apply to muslims as well.
Again: 14 if you're under 18 yourself, after that 16.
>The age of consent in Germany is 14, as long as a person over the age of 21 does not exploit a 14- to 15-year-old person's lack of capacity for sexual self-determination, in which case a conviction of an individual over the age of 21 requires a complaint from the younger individual.
Paedophiles that lie about the law are the worst.
learn to read a thread properly burger
Rape laws don't even apply to Muslims. Are you telling me that Mutti would prosecute a shitskin for underage sex?
protip: that lie only works up to the point people type into google "age of consent in Germany"....
He means that the age of consent at the time in Alabama was 12 and he did literally nothing wrong
>"I was only following my prophet and what he would want me to do. Besides I demand this be contested under sharia law"
>not guilty
It may "apply" but they get out of it. If that doesn't work
>sexual emergency
But the law says they aren’t pedos
better tip: actually reading the paragraph of the law might be better than trusting google
2 of the 3 girls were of legal age and then the 3rd girl never had anything sexual happen between them and neither did the other 2.
This is a slander and libel by the same people that coordinated the same attacks against Trump.
No it wasn't. Why is Sup Forums continuing to push this lie?
>(a) A person commits the crime of sexual abuse in the second degree if:
>(2) He, being 19 years old or older, subjects another person to sexual contact who is less than 16 years old, but more than 12 years old.
Ah, not a lie - I was just wrong.
§180 StGB is about abetting the commission of sexual acts, not sexual acts themselves. I stand corrected.
Not a single time has that worked in court.
That's simply not true. Of course they do.
Speaking of lies. Why did you say that he had sex with these girls? None of them said that. The most they said is that he kissed them.
>he bought into Mitch McConnell's nuclear option
Why do Muzzies have their child brides legally in Germany than?
I once fucked a 14-year-old when I was 15. Aah, good times.
>On a second visit, she says, he took off her shirt and pants and removed his clothes. He touched her over her bra and underpants, she says, and guided her hand to touch him over his underwear.
Should have said sexually abusing, not fucking. My mistake.
He still committed a crime and should be disqualified from becoming Senator.
If Moore we're guilty then he would be in the club, protected. GOP was silent about Hastert weren't they? Moore is innocent and they despise him for it.
He’s a kiddie diddler
In the olden days, and parts of the country that still resemble them, it's not uncommon for an established but unmarried man to take a (pubescent, but teenaged) girl for a wife. If done with parents permission, this tends to be legal and above board.
Basically, people are decontextualizing the actions of an old school guy in order to find excuses to hate on him because they don't like his politics.
Are people really so brain dead not the see the timing alone implies these allegations are fabricated?
Democracy was a mistake.
> when he was fucking
She didn’t even claim that they had sex. Stop lying, lefty shill. Your lies show that you have no shame or shred of decency, just a blind thirst for invidious revenge against the successful political party.
>he still committed a crime
He's denied it and hasn't even been charged. Democrats have no problem with their Senator holding office while actively undergoing a federal bribery trial.
Oh noes.
We didn't have an explicit ban on child marriages (yet) - just formal issues regarding the possibility of nullification.
Most muslims do because they came a year ago and we had general elections, so nothing's been done yet.
There's been a resolution in July 2017 that no wedlock is to be made with underage people; already existing marriages are to be nullified asap.
Now with all the paperwork we're dealing with right now, it might be a while before that goes through.
The point is: our system is slow, but steady.
fucking based
I thought he only dated her?
Was there vaginal intercourses with the minor as well.
The reporters started doing the reporting and heard the story after Moore won the primary.
They wouldn't have been in Alabama reporting on him previous to that, especially as an in-state candidate in a state that doesn't have much impact.
What's strange about that?
What a cozy (((coincidence))).
This isn't 1939, Austria is not Germany
see I think if you have to differentiate between whether your senate candidate fucked an underaged girl or only molested her, you're in deep shit. But that's rednecks for you, I guess.
Give us Bill Clinton's head on a platter and we give y'all Moore.
Otherwise, justice for Juanita has to wait.
Liberals don’t advocate pedo.
I think it’s clear with the defense of this man which group supports kid diddling.
Austria doesn't fart without permission from Mutti. They are the same country in every way but name.
Don't they have court hearings in the morning or early afternoon? Why was she out of school?
>in politics for over 40 years
>not a peep
>comes out as pro-trump
>hated by the left and neocons
>beats luther strange, mcconnell's candidate
>right after election, allegations
>neocons come forward in unison on social media
So you think every politician who is accused of a crime should step aside?
>Pedo States of America
No, they're not.
Two seperate entities, two seperate penal codes, two seperate ways to cultivate judges.
You're just being intellectually lazy so you can pretend to be right about this.
There were rumors for years that he couldn't keep his hands to himself.
Journalists started doing research when he started getting more public attention.
In the South at that time, this was completely normal procedure with the family's permission. My aunt a long time ago (hundred years or so) had one suitor who didn't have the family's permission, so he brought his brother/friends with a few guns to come get her and marry. Luckily my family was packing and killed on of them in a self-defense situation.
Long story short, if Moore did anything wrong he would have been shot
This story gets more twisted by the second
Spare me the sanctimonious nonsense. We both know European governments let your little refugees get away with everything.
If you think that every man accused of anything without evidence is automatically guilty without even a trial, you are the one with problems.
dating doesn't always mean sex you fucking degenerates.
Yeah, it gets even worse. I heard that he got caught jacking off in court while staring at the flag.
I can't say anything about other European governments, but your claim was that German law doesn't apply to muslims, and that's demonstrably false.
It means he's defending personal liberty for us all. Praise be to sexual freedom.
Should the US cut all ties to the pedophile terror state Germany, where the age of consent is 14?
>32 year old dating a
>14 year old
Only in the Pedo States of America this can be considered as normal.
I think every politician that takes money from foreign countries or attends any Israel AIPAC type even should be executed for treason. Yes.
So basically Alabama is land of the
Even Mutti wouldn't be so arrogant as to explicitly write such a thing out. That is de facto the case though.
The age of consent is merely indicative.
I guess that the 95% percent of the population disapproves relationships like that.
What are you too stupid to understand
>False claim by Clinton satanic minion(s)
>Refutes false claim by paid agents of Killary
"You took the cookie without PERMISSION!"
"I did not take the cookie without permission"
Which he never did
You're a retard
We should be digging up muslim child bride cases in the states approved by democrats
Well now that would be ok I do that myself.
Fuck me yanks are actually defending this
It was a custody hearing so she may have been asked to testify if the judge requested, requiring her presence.
It depends on the specific situation. In this case the accusations are more credible than the defense.
Also this. Some people in the DA office knew he liked them "young" but they mostly thought he was just a creep going after above-age (16) girls.
It's not normal procedure for a predatory 30+ year old man to molest a 14 year old girl from a broken home.
Except for the part where he undressed her and made her touch his dick.
What a courageous man.
Also this.
An 80 year old man dating an 18 year old isn't illegal. But people would still find it creepy and weird.
But molesting a 14 year old, which it seems like he did, is both illegal and creepy.
They are changing the name of the country to the Pedo States of America now.
So why are you surprised by their defense of this animal?
I hoped he fucked her right there on court without breaking eye contact with her parents.
>*unf* *unf* this is what you get! *unf* *unf* this is what you get when you ruin a stable environment for children for entirely selfish reasons! *unf* *unf* *unf* don't look away you cunt! *unf* *unf* *unf* *unf* did you get a boner you fucking degenerate!? *unf* *unf* *unf* *unf* *unf*
3 time divorced psychotic wrecking ball with a history of fabricating claims....hmmm Also they got her age at the time wrogn she was older AND BTW they "the wapo" knowingly started a smear campaign based on unsubstanited and now baseless DOA lies.....Sad dems your party is going down
>the accusations are more credible than the defense
Oh. I thought this was determined by a trial? It seems odd you are so comfortable making such a determination without any evidence on either side.
>get molested by a creepy old man
>become a wreck
Gee, I wonder why
>I never dated an underaged girl without her parents permission
He didn't mean much by it because he never said it.
>putting a foreign country's interests above your own somehow isn't treason
I think you'll find the law vindicates me.
Not really considering you need the mother's permission to date. It was just a time of more hierarchy, honor, and just violence.
Don't ever reply to me again. But he didn't molest her, and a real family would've given him the business if what he did were true
The Intercept has really gone down hill. This article adds nothing new except an unsourced claim that it was well known for years.
Maybe you should look up the definition of treason....
Do you require a trial every time you have to make a decision about someone?
>Well Jack says he saw James stealing $500 from him and James says he found it, but I'm still going to be friends with James because there isn't enough evidence to convict him beyond a reasonable doubt.
You were being an obnoxious dick and whatever argument proposed was dismissed as stupid distraction?
If there's no evidence, how can I be sure either way?
It's funny to me that the same people crying for Moore to step aside have said nothing about Menendez, who is actually on trial for fraud and bribery as we speak.
It means younger women are simply more attractive. About every girl I know looked her best at age 15, 20s is still tolerable of course.
he is an honest observer of the NAP