I was not expecting to be treated in lesbian card games of all places.
Wasn't he a girl originally?
He's a guy who gets his mind replaced with that of a girl when he loses.
Unless you're talking about the Nakamuraslut in which case, who knows.
>91 Dyays bonus episodes takes place during the road trip.
>no corteo
Happy Halloween.
Got a pound cake for Barnaby's birthday to honor poor aunt Samantha's tradition,would post pics but visitors showed up and I had to eat it with my family; still hoping for season 2 someday.
Anyone reads this? It's from PH author, 2 boys lead.
>91 Days bonus episodes
What! there is a bonus episode?
>PH author
I have no faith after that ending.
Why? I don't recall it being that bad, though the story itself got a bit bumpy.
Speaking of Manga, anyone read N.6 one?
Is it better than the Anime?
Happy halloween faggots.
Gonna make some brownies using a recipe I clipped out of martha stewart. Wish me luck.
Do your best user, post results later.
Be a little festive user, life is too short and we are already wasting it indoors.
Happy Halloween.
No. Kill yourself.
I'm not going to kill myself just to cheer you up, just like you are not going to kill yourself to cheer me up.
Yes, it's better. It's a more direct adaptation of the novels so it has less cut out. It's also the most fluffy rendition of the story thanks to the artists cute style.
Want to participate in Homo card swap? Send an email to [email protected]
Send your info like taste, boys and shows you like, how many cards you'd like to send out and your address. I'll pair you up with a friendly homodachi!
I'm wasting it indoors precisely because I don't want to be reminded of the outside. Fuck off.
So am I user, candy and booze helps; post your best boy and relax.
We have a shota who turns into female maho shojo and this it a guy whos mind got replaced with maho shojo from the card.
I know. I hope it won't end in that episode.
Bookmaker felt like a cool faggot too.
Today is a holiday, faggot
If either of them die I will be furious.
Happy Halloween you faggots.
I hope you all get nice and sweaty in your costumes if you do leave the basement tonight.
Why is he so ripped?
That is very far from ripped. I like it though
It's like a mix between normal and chubby.
I still want to bully him.
His bromance with gajin guy is fun though
It's in the perfect inbetween zone known as "soft"
Bullying is rude.
Reminder that this got updated
It's definitely over with the way that episode ended.
Bookmaker might corrupt whitefag into actually battling somehow though.
So "soft" is a bit of chubbyness? I've seen other boys being called soft here who are very skinny, like Mochi.
I liked this one better.
His body's skinny but he has a cute kyoani baby face
>tfw no OVA with Yuuta meeting Mochi and have a one night stand at the onsen
>with Oreki joining in later on
You know Oreki would top the shit out of them.
However, who would Oreki choose as his lover?
Satoshi ;_;
Whoever is able to take his 9 inches of love.
Should have princess carried him, tho'
Hopefully this new season inspires some Tsukki doujin with his oniichan and not more shit with Kuroo.
Is the show worth to be picked up for these two?
This episode was somewhat decent, but other than that, It's quite bad and it looks like shit.
I wouldn't recommend it, I only watch it because nothing that interest me airs on Monday and I like the mystery+homolust combo.
Eh, I guess it's decent. Do it if you don't have anything better to do.
How do you deal with the never-ending cocktease of homo shows?
Honestly, why keep watching these shows when romantic payoff never happens? I'm becoming disheartened.
>How do you deal with the never-ending cocktease of homo shows?
Don't care much, I don't need Victor and Yuuri to fuck on screen to imagine Saya and Kubo visioned them as ghey.
I'm not sure if I actually want to see this. The fujos usually produce enough fanart to satisfy my needs.
This is why I can't watch shows for the homo unless I'm interested in the story/theme. Otherwise I would be all over that rugby show. I'm not into rugby though so I'd be bored. It's something I'm working on though. Being interested in stuff for superficial reasons.
Expect nothing ever, that way you're never disappointed
What's your favorite halloween candy?
Yuuta is not a slut!!
He deserved it
Usually I don't care, fanart/doujins/my imagination/fanfic is easily enough.
It only bothers me when I think a canon romance would really improve the series quality (in terms of writing, character/relationship development, thematic depth, etc), and I'm really emotionally invested. That said I WILL riot if Yuuri/Victor doesn't end up at least somewhat unambiguous. They're taking the tease too far not to give us something.
Man, Battery manga is so much better than the anime, especially Takumi character.
How the fuck did they fuck it so badly.
I don't mind if they never deliver as long they keep it ambiguous. It's not like author writer straight character by default.
Shit like really annoys me however.
>fanart/doujins/my imagination/fanfic
The descending hierarchy of options before you're forced to give up and find something else to masturbate to.
I just delude myself into thinking it happened. I can be satisfied with doujins and fanarts that hit the right spot.
That pairing is totally endgame though and even the creator approves.
They are yummy. Maybe a little less yummy than storebought premixed brownies but I usually get ones with chips and this is straight chewy brownies.
This has made me realize that brownies are like 90% chocolate, butter, and sugar and only 10% flour/baking powder. Spooky!
I want to marry you, user.
Really? Has he approved it in one of his interviews?
Be careful, I don't think doujins are a healthy tool for hitting your prostate.
Too late, I already shoved a whole doujin up my ass.
I actually find that when fic is good, it's the absolute best choice. But it's a bit haram on Sup Forums so I'm not gonna put it first.
Okay. I'm not picky as long as you're attractive and not unattractive. :^)
Truth be told I'm still holding out for the day anime becomes 3D and I can claim Andou Jurai as my catamite.
>Has he approved it in one of his interviews?
Like when he made Nagito confess in DR2 and orgasm in DR3?
The ratio of plot to sex makes it annoying. You have to keep your dick ready hoping the fucking takes place soon and lasts long enough so that it doesn't cut back to plot.
It's like a feature film, possible but certainly not convenient.
Looks nice user.
Me on the right.
fujoshit pls, Hinata would scream Nanami's name during sex even if they got together
>How do you deal with the never-ending cocktease of homo shows?
The same way I deal with a lot of shows and manga that hint romance and never deliver or takes 400 chapters to do it.
Why do people need "delivery" to consider a pairing canon? If Nezumi and Shion in N.6 never kissed, would you say they weren't mean to be in love with each others because the show never "delivered" technically?
Can't fuck the dead either way.
Hinata is Ultimate Everything, he could fuck her mentally if he wanted to.
I'm just saying KomaHina is implausible and by no means approved after DR3 took a huge shit on it.
>I'm just saying KomaHina is implausible
Let me review this for you:
Is kill
Is alive
Is alive and willing to fuck Hinata
Doesn't mind homolust
>took a huge shit on it
By killing off Nanami for good and making Hinata and Komaeda appear cozy on a boat?
He's a hottie.
Doujins exist to take care of that user
By your retarded logic, Hinata could be fucking everyone in the entire cast.
>took precious screentime out to confirm Hinata as a weirdo waifufag who projects so hard he can talk to a spirit
Again, even if they fucked, he'd be screaming out her name.
>making Hinata and Komaeda appear cozy on a boat?
>stood by eachother for two seconds at the last part of the episode
>Nanami literally fades into nothingness as Hinata runs off to Komaeda
>Is shown chilling with Komaeda specifically
>Komaeda is as gay for Hinata as they come. Despair arc reinforced that if anything.
>T-there's no basis to KomaHina guys! HinaNami going strong as ever!
For the record, I'm not claiming Hinata didn't love her in Despair Arc, but the chick is dead, Komaeda is willing, and they're on good terms, so I don't get where you're getting the idea that it's an impossible ship.
If you are seriously implying that two seconds of Komaeda and Hinata standing by eachother implies there is any mutually romantic chemistry between them (after 12 episodes of shoving straightshit down your throat), I'll just leave before this autism spreads.
>so I don't get where you're getting the idea that it's an impossible ship.
My problem is that your assuming that because Nanami is dead, Komaeda is suddenly #1 in Hinata's heart when there is nothing to imply that. That's fujo delusion.
>By your retarded logic, Hinata could be fucking everyone in the entire cast.
Did any of these characters confessed their love for Hinata and are a pairing option for him in merchandise/fandom?
Komaeda literally had an orgasm when he meet him in Despair.
>Komaeda is suddenly #1 in Hinata's heart when there is nothing to imply that.
Doesn't have to be #1, Komaeda is a romantic interest, like he has been since fucking DR2.
Killua is cute!