I think indians are fucking amazing! what you think
I think indians are fucking amazing! what you think
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they are self secure af think they are the smartes dopest people on earth. claiming that they will be a superpower while being the shithole of asia - literally. they live a beautiful lie, wish i could
No mate, Indians are not fucking amazing they are fucking amazing.
Fuck off pajeet. Go get housebroken and come back in a few generations.
Sikhs are bro tier tho.
Non-materialists, biofuel accessible on their streets, primal desire to want a man named bob to be open and want pictures of vegetables. Truly wholesome individuals
I like Indians desu. Though I may sometimes scream POO IN LOO deep down I still like them. I bully out of love.
Not until my dog knows more about where to shit.
Precisely this.
>they are self secure af
We have to study, marry our own cast, and breed otherwise our society and own family will not consider us as human.
Indians are amazing when they discovery identity other than guru and will do anything to pretend to be that new identity, even if it kills them.
We love our based indians, don't we folks. In terms of minorities in america, Indians (both kinds) > chinese (other asians) > Mexicans> muslims> blacks
helo. I love you. Show bobs and vagene
Go be a 46% mongrel somewhere else, I swear
i unironically like indians. they are a better minority than niggers, at least they work and their women can't beat me in a fight
you are better than pakishits
I think you're a cool guy for being unashamed and not using a meme flag.
>Average IQ: 82
They're sub-human street shitters. Lovecraft was 100% correct.
I give you the sexi sex.
honestly I'm disappointed
the indian border is the second example of eurocucks inventing countries for muslim pandering. unlike us however you didn't stomp, steamroll and occupy pakistan
put more effort into containing those shit sacks and keeping them out of the UK, because jews get blamed for them running rampant
I heard the poos now have a space program ?
When you get to the moon are you going to find a clean crater and poo in it ?
I think Indians need to stop raping women.
disgusting subhumans
no they're not. most indians i met are annoying as fuck
Fuck India
"HOLY RIVER! We must also shit in it due to Hindu.
Why is holy river filthy?!"
Their whole society is disqusting. They smell worse than niggers.
yeah right... we launched 104 satellites at once... what's your excuse fag?
India has the highest population of Muslims in relation to European problems, only Indonesia has more Muslims, but those aren't violent or migrants, so technically India has the most Muslims of interest in European disinterest.
>Averae IQ: 82
maybe if you count the clubfoot, untouchable street urchins and beggars. the Indians I have met, the ones who had the means to migrate to the USA and open gas stations and subways, seem to be as smart as your typical white guy. Hindus are also second to Jews for average wealth, they are hard working, family oriented people and their kids tend to be nerds, not violent animals like niggers and latinos.
Were they all powered by methane gas ?
then what was the fucking point of inventing pakiland?
also what was the fucking point of WW1 if the entire balkans hate the serbs?
They smell very bad
Cats are better than Indians.
I had many colleagues who were good, though a few were very smelly, and I hired many too for contracts. When I lived in Kuwait and Abu Dhabi I had two Indian maids, and both were thieves. Sri Lankans and Filipinos were honest.
I've enjoyed my five travels in India, but the first time was an assault on all senses. It's like being hit by an avalanche or tsunami.
The annoying thing about them is they are the stariest mofos around. They love to gather and stare, like they're watching TV, but nothing eventful is happening. I'm playing with my dog; two dozen Indians standing there staring (this was in Kuwait and Abu Dhabi). Indians can be a bit pesky, for example incessant begging and "come to my uncle's flying carpet shop" said repeatedly. They'll ask weird questions, like want to buy the shoes I'm wearing. I'm thinking the fella wants to know the shop, but no, he wanted to buy the shoes off my feet. I've been to India when the Brahmins were chimping out over reservations for the tribals and scheduled castes, the actions included firebombing a train I was in and stopping all traffic to demand bribes to pass. I had a fella befriend me and then invite me to his daughter's wedding. What a coincidence the groom was from the same country as me. Then a very long, elaborate story about the wedding ceremony. He mentions they were hosting a special concert, invites me, and then mentions the different tickets and their prices; a-hah, I see where this is going but play along. He wants to know which seat I want, and I tell him I don't want him to spend too much money on his quest, especially one he just met. "No sir, you will pay for the ticket." "Really, that's strange, I thought I was your guest. I don't want to pay for the ticket." He was befuddled.
The Indians are keen for a theft and a scam, and they chimp out like the nogs, but all in all they're not as bad as them.
the basic explanation of "indians simply did not possess the societal tools required to adapt to the internet" makes this image almost sad
nice d&c meme nigger
Yeah they're all from the Brahman class and they still represent the very top percentile of that class. They're the end of the bell curve for their racial stock and even then their intellect isn't impressive.
T. Pajeet diaspora
The point is in controlling clay, you should know that more than anybody else in 21st century.
Indians are better than Indians
that beta is probably less of a faggot than you
>we launched 104 satellites at once
OOooo, nano cubes! You'll get a lot of use out of those!
I'm disappointed that the Lebanese, Syrian, Jordanian, and Egyptian borders are examples of eurocucks inventing countries for jewish pandering
Ugly niggers just like their paki neighbors
Indians won't even poo in the litterbox.
Manned space will be bad with all that ass wiping with their hands.
>controlling clay
>Ameriorc so triggered by our superiority
>I think indians are fucking amazing! what you think
> Posted by a poo
I am amazed that a country with over a billion people can't train their citizens not to shit in the streets.
Also post your POO memes
>I think indians are fucking amazing! what you think
I work on the IT industry i can assure you, any person who works with indians , ends up hating indians.
>Harvest Moon was right
Not a big fan of shitting on the street.
fresh indian water
why jewish pandering? I'd be a lot happier if all those countries were still french and british
Easily worst country.
>yeah man Indians are totally bas-
Since their country is so dirty, do you think this helps the fittest Indians to be even more fit than the fittest of other races regular folk? I don't think Indians are known for athletics, but they are known for medicine. Do they just have a lot of practice with disease because of all the shit and dead bodies everywhere?
rich indian village with a toilet
Why do indians do this? Who taught them this?
They were never French and British, just controlled by them, like Palestine.
Top kek
Indians are sacred!
One small chunk for poo and one giant turd for poo kind.
>then what was the fucking point of inventing pakiland?
The Brits wanted to invent somewhere so shit that it made Israel look good by comparison.
I went on a trip to India who wants to see some photos of what I saw?
Superior Indian bantz.
Other than pakis, there is no race I hate more
Stay in India.
Most indians i have met were cool, hilarious, and friendly. They don't really bother me
nonsense, that's what canada is for
Same, mainly the northern/caucasian one.
We had a faggot for a prime minister who was a slave to the Eternal Anglo. Had Based Patel been the PM, Pakistan would've been history.
indians are simple annoying human beings
As someone genetically Indian but born and raised in the UK, you get a good perspective on what Indians think.
Indians believe they are the best - the most intelligent, morally correct race. They literally have no idea that the majority of the western world is mentally decades ahead of them.
If you try to explain why Indians are stupid fucks to an Indian, it goes straight through, doesn't even register. They're preconditioned to ignore it.
Indians in the UK seem to completely forget about all the Indian criminals/uneducated people living on benifits. In the mind of an Indian, all Indian children grow up to be doctors/lawers etc.
I fucking hate Indians.