should jews really lower themselves to date and marry goyim?
Should jews really lower themselves to date and marry goyim?
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wow, i think you've got that backwards, parasite
They should lower themselves so that they can fit more of themselves into ovens, beyond that they serve no purpose
Media matter shills are out in full force.
if we let dumb goyim in charge, cows will start to rule earth
She's likely a crypto in the first place. Prob ivanna is crypto. If ivanka doesn't set off your jewdar it's broken.
Jew here. Technically we shouldn't intermarry.
When I got engaged to a girl from a Catholic family, my mother was less than amused.
She converted though and my family warmed up to her which was good.
she's genetically less superior though. you are diluting your jewish genes. what if your kids turn out dumb like most goys?
Avoid Jews at all costs. Give them none of your time, do not do business, avoid any interaction. Ask if they are Jewish, and if they identify, immediately remove yourself. No explanations. Their auras are severely contaminated. No interaction with any Jew. The internet is the only safe place for interaction.
yes --- that's how we blend in
How I'd love to motorboat those titties though.
>she's genetically less superior though. you are diluting your jewish genes
I don't really see it that way. Marrying in the community here would almost be like marrying my cousin.
Also she and her family are bright and well-educated so I don't expect stupid children.
Sometimes we have to. He will be rewarded.
Most jews i've met were ugly swarthy slobs who'd be lucky to date an abo
i call fake&gay on you. we got rid of our money lenders
If you want to survive your inbred genetic diseases you do.
We shall post until max replies are hit because we all love slide threads and want to kill Sup Forums
We shall post until max replies are hit because we all love slide threads.
What is your expert opinion on this
>i call fake&gay on you. we got rid of our money lenders
Not all of us. Still a few thousand in Vienna.
Her mother is Czech and non-Jewish.
I know where she was born. That's like saying einstein was german.Obviously somewhere in her lineage there is jew because she has the jew face. Which is why she got the nose job.
Jews always mixed with other races to infiltrate them, that's how they survive. They are literally parasites.
you probably have a little jew in you too then
Why are you here normiekike? Stop bragging about your shiksa. You weakened the Catholic faith by forcing her to convert. Death upon you and your gassy family.
my comment was meant for you, jewnigger
If they don’t their genes literally degrade to the point where they can’t even breed after a few generations.