Are these people serious?
Better get it through your thick mind /pol!
See that date that's over ten days ago? Means this has been discussed already. Fuck off back to redit you boring cunt
shill harder nigger bitch
Under rated.
Get rid of the word seem and you're correct.
What am I shilling exactly?
she's never heard of africa has she
it has been discussed many times already but driveby faggots (1post by this ID) like OP can't stop sucking dick
probably an homojew in tel-aviv
sage and move on
Your weak beta mentality
But all three of those things are objective, statistically reinforced facts.
Imagine OD'ing on blue pills so hard that you've actually become red pilled to the max.
So if I understand correctly, if the last two are bullshit then jews don't control industry/power. But would that also mean that if the last two are true, then jews do control?
Guess I should go check those FBI stats again.
Turbo Jew
all of those are true wtf is she trying to imply
Imagine a world where this insanity continued to rule for many years to come. I can't imagine it continuing for a long time. This all will end in a huge bloodbath soon.
That if you goys just listen to her, everything will be Aaalllright
She misspelled true
Jewish AI
Exactly. People have looked the other way and pretended not to notice/ tried to get along for too long. That's becoming impossible.
It's better to avoid civil wars.
Has anyone considered the similarities between the US and EU and what happened in Syria?
A foreign country (or 2) has sent their agents (themselves and others- "terrorists", "rebels") into our country (-ies) to usurp control, suck up every resource, and oppress the existing, resident population.
It's past time to put a stop to it. Ideally, without violence, but whatever. We are at war. All of our problems; the communist left, the "terrorists", the "refugees", the illegals- even the traitors in the government, all stem from the same source.
>tiny voice
It's more like a fucking air horn that blares in my ears at all hours of the day and night because it's so overwhelmingly obvious that even the most braindead crack-smoking troglodyte understands on some level, whether he admits it or can even articulate it to himself or others that the KIKES ARE BEHIND IT ALL.
>If you know the last 2 are bullshit
And what if I know otherwise?
is there a word that means to unintentionally make a compelling argument for the other side?
This is a Herschel troll account, right? It smacks of IOTBW, I don't even know who's false-flagging who anymore.
Scoring an own goal.
As serious as they are uneducated on the subjects they talk about.
A-user... Japan is not a meme.
Lurk more.
It's not a conspiracy theory or some random tiny thought people have
Wake the fuck up, America