Sup Forums book recommendations
Sup Forums book recommendations
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Hitler's Revolution or Mussolini's Intellectuals. Both are great books.
Interesting to learn just how much effort the soviets put into spying, and how easy it was for them. Also interesting to learn the psychology of a totalitarian state and how easy it is to get people to do their jobs by informing on each other.
Lays out how modernism destroyed architecture. It was teh jews. Pretty funny too. Also recommend Bonfire of the Vanities by the same author.
Essential reading:
Ethics of liberty - Rothbard
Democracy tgtf - Hoppe
You disgustung statists
the burning coran
That's not how you spell the Quran you fucking retarded American.
Using a Q is just kissing Arab arsehole. Adding a few apostrophes here and there is worse, though. Coran is a long-established European spelling.
All of Dostoyevsky.
Barth David Schwartz- Pasolini Requiem
>haha let's get back at people by not knowing where their country is and spelling words wrong
I could swear that you're an American
IT, pic related
Lord of the World by Robert Hugh Benson.
Good to read back-to-back with Camp of the Saints.
Culture Of Critique
Mein Kampf
Democracy: The God That Failed
You're not a real Sup Forumsack until you've read the big three.
butthurt Mohammedean detected
Gulag Archipelago
Stay salty, Ackhmeth
>Democracy: The God That Failed
Stop pushing this neoliberal propaganda as Sup Forums. There's nothing Sup Forums in a multiracial, atomistic society.
Everyone from any political belief should read Karl Marx's 'Das Kapital'. It's literally one of the most influential and important books ever written.
To counter the arguments that Marx makes read FA Hayek's 'The Road to Serfdom'.
Eventually, you'll realise that social democracy (moderate socialism within a capitalist framework) mixed with Christian cultural conservatism is the only way to go.
>FA Hayek's 'The Road to Serfdom'
That book mainly centralizes around the notion of possible gubirmint tyranny, not really the economic arguments
>no leftist books
>not at least trying to know your enemy
the absolute state of the Sup Forums echochamber
Kapital is massive, and would thus be a pointless waste of time for most people without a critical commentary. Few actual communist activists read it anyway. The Manifesto is more than enough, really.
That's the whole point; Marx argues that under communism the state 'withers away'. Hayek argues that socialism and communism inevitably lead to government tyranny.
So far, it looks like Hayek has been proved conclusively right.
"White Identity" by Jared Taylor Red-pilled myself and a number of my friends. Very well done and full of data.
For JQ, definitely agree with OP that CofC is the Bible of understanding the evolutionary strategies of the Hostile Tribe.
Well yes, I guess it depends on what perspective you look at it
>Kapital is massive
Not really desu. You can read it in three volumes (three medium sized books).
This one has some really great ideas about building a strong communal ethnostate
Name a communist country that has caused the to wither away.
A classic
Haha, wow
You guys have any recommendations on the Weimar republic? I want to get up to speed on the degeneracy.
>no Camp of Saints
The parallels are scary. if you have normies friends or relatives that are on the fence about this whole multiculti and immigration you ned to make them read it.
It's a much more acceptable book to stomach for the average person than something like mein kampf and actually achieves the objective
Nice kike there, lolberg.
Here's a link to a pdf if you don't want to buy it
>ancap promoting leftism
Sorry for expressing myself so equivocally, here's what I meant to say:
>Well yes
I agree with him
>I guess it depends on what perspective you look at it
The book serves to refute Marxist fallacies from a political standpoint, but not so much from an economical one.
This is a very clear argument against interest based economics
Thanks for the link euro guy. Will definitely read later.
He's entirely right though, this is a board where most people can't even tell you the difference between a liberal and a socialist
You can't argue against things you can't even properly define
No problem. The more people read it the better
so many people make fools of themselves, allowing leftists to act smug
Camp of the Saints, as you said. I think that's #1 for our times.
Brave New World
Culture of Critique
It was actually a believable political ideology at some point in history, not just ideological mental gymnastics
Most people here have no interest in reading books either, so this thread isn't for them.
The Weimar Republic Sourcebook
>Right wing socialism
bogpill me on this book
Herbert Spencer's Synthetic Philosophy
>tl;dr Spencer was Marxism's Public Enemy #1 in the late 1800s
Spencer was one of the original targets of the Marxist character assassinations. Prior to the turn of the 20th century, Spencer was one of THE most read authors, let alone philosophers and theoriticians, on the planet, yet all we hear about from this era was Neitsche and Freud.
Mainstream academia asserts that he was a "social darwinist" and makes every conceivable effort to poison the well, warning readers to steer clear of anything by Spencer.
You may remember reading about Social Darwinism browsing your public school textbooks. Its all a farce.
Spencer advocated for free markets, small governments and explained the progression of man from primitive hunter gatherers to western civilization. He promoted frugality and raising close knit families. While not strictly against interracial breeding, he did warn that such behavior would produce offspring ill fit for either parent's natural environments.
How is Dracula political? It is a good book though.
have you read "The Man Versus the State" by him? If so, which one is better?
The family unit is a right wing example of "From each according to their ability to each according to their need". Socialism is inherently right wing and exists separately from the state. Get fucked.
This was actually breddy gud along with the rest of Nylund's writing. Too bad Bungie fucked it up.
It's not very long. Enjoy the audiobook
I read that book. Only read if you don't want to be able to change your mind back.
Every time.
Well it's not believable anymore is it?
If you're so fucking stupid that you need a book to tell you the difference between a liberal and a socialist then you're just a normie who read too much rightwing propaganda. Which then again is most of this board.
It is beyond comprehension why this isn't popular here. Can't even begin to explain how perfect this is.
Synthetic Philosophy is considered his Magnum Opus. It deals with far more subjects than Man Versus the State. Synthetic Philosophy ties (old) psychology with evolutionary biology, social structures and economic systems. Thus it is a multi-volume work and would take some considerable time reading.
Man Versus the State is shorter and focused more on the subject matter, yet Spencer naturally intertwines his knowledge of evolutionary biology into all of his writings as that was one of his primary interests.
Man Versus the State is available free online through Mises org. I'm not sure about his Synthetic Philosphy, but thats because I own a copy. Much of his work is available free online as I've found.
If any one single work should be mandatory for all Sup Forumsacks it should be CoC. No other work comes anywhere close to the detail and nuance that KMac does in explaining the Jewish Question.
It's funny how Jewish academics like Pinker refuse to even read it at all. It's too good at proving its case.
Arguably the dumbest post on Sup Forums this year
>implying it isn't about xenophobia isn't a central theme
The Gothic and Romaticism are redpilled movements.
Well i fucked that greentext up. Don't start drinking at 3 in the afternoon lads.
>Socialism is inherently right wing and exists separately from the state
I didn't know we had geniuses browsing Sup Forums.
It's an archaic spelling. Since it's from another alphabet there are different correct ways to write it.
But he probably didn't know that.
So what about Democracy the god that failed? Any informed opinion?
Well neither is exactly anything written by Plato for that matter.
Jesus, that really does have quite a few volumes now when I look into it. Thanks for the overview, m8.
Patrician. Fiction can say anything non-fiction can, just more beautifully.
>Socialism is inherently right wing
Bit of a reach. The author was probably a repressed homosexual, so if its anything other than a good adventure story it would be about that.
Camp of the Saints
About a migrant crisis in Europe which leads to western civilisation being lost. Scarily similar to today's migrant crisis. Written in 1973.
You're not helping your family out of pure altruism, you're doing for the benefits of passing on your genes (whether you're aware of this or not). Thus you're making the case for ethno nationalism, not socialism.
>The family unit is a right wing example of "From each according to their ability to each according to their need"
I don't think that the point of starting a family is efficient allocation of resources.
The book is very much about the negative influence of "the other" and the importance of feminine virtue. Also, talks about how the female is the vector for corruption. Here a quote:
"Your girls that you all love are mine already. And through them you and others shall yet be mine..."
Not at all a reach. Lefties hate Dracula because it's all about the fear of reverse colonialism corrupting traditional English values, and the importance of feminine virtue.
If I could make people read one book it would be Camp of the Saints.
I don't see how it's more of a reach than calling him a repressed homo like every teenage girl in a literature class does with any male character or author not openly so.
What biographies of US statesmen like Hamilton, Jefferson, and Lincoln would you guys recommend?
Women in humanities was a great mistake.
It is.
The notion of individualism has historically (keyword) been a liberal/progressive ideal, only in recent decades has it become the mantra of American conservatism.
>Women in humanities was a great mistake.
It's in no small part responsible for their decline, indeed.
Gene Wolfe solar cycle
It's also confusing because liberal is the label that the mainstream Democrats have adopted, even though they're less liberal (going by the general historical definition) than American conservatives.
>Camp of Saints
It would come across as somewhat tryhard if it weren't so damned prescient.
>An American party is known as "Liberal" therefore socialism is right wing
Did I say American liberalism?
Behind Communism, Frank L Britton
Are you guys 14?
Everyone knows the left-right axis alone is insufficient for even a basic analysis of political ideologies.
Just started Culture of Critique today. 20 pages in and its already very interesting.
You didn't refute his point at all.