Marxism fest 2017 - I need you help lads

Irish fash user here, need your help with pic related.

How can I stop this from going ahead/disrupt it without being hurt, doxxed or arrested?

Keep in mind Ireland is 99.9% liberals so this has to be a one man mission.

Other urls found in this thread:

Instead of putting flyers of "It's Okay To Be White", put flyers that say "The Greatest Story Never Told". They'll eventually research what it means and find the vid. Hopefully it will redpill en masse.

I did that maybe 2 weeks ago, the IOTBW posters were torn down the next day, any idea what kind of paste it best to keep them up for ages?

This is like a conference thing though, I need something to stop it going ahead, maybe like a bomb threat but much less illegal?

You want them to be easily torn off you moron. That proves your point. You're not committing an act if vandalism.

Make a cardboard paper cut out (carved words) of it and use spray can or a water bottle filled with paint. Do this around 3am.

simple solution. kidnap all marxist girls and send them to venzuela or the middle east. After they finish being raped by fat beaners or sand niggers hopefully they'll be beheaded and lower the world's population

more than 40% of the irish people don't even vote, bring them to the polls. older people are more likely to vote conservative and when i look at the irish demographics you have good chances. good luck

Call in the enriched muslims


Can't make a cake without breaking a few eggs.. do something illegal just don't get caught. Set fire to the stage or whatever they have set up. Make sure no one is injured though.

are you a professinal shiller? lookin for a job doh...

Is it literally called Marxism Fest or is that a shop? Because I can't tell you how many leftists I've seen doing the "hurr durr we're not marxists you don't know what it is" routine.

I used to work in a night club and someone emptied the whole place in minutes by walking around and discretely spraying something like the link below. It left about 600 ppl mildly irritated with a spiky cough. Every time we (the staff) tried to go back in we started coughing again.

This is a real thing google or facebook it.

I can see myself getting arrested for assault with that though. the auditorium is like a college classroom type thing where the speakers are looking at rows which increase in height level by level I couldn't do that and not get caught.

Let it procede and enjoy the cringe

>How can I stop this from going ahead/disrupt it without being hurt, doxxed or arrested?
modify the poster, and print them out yourself. Ruin the message.

No, the greatest story never told will not redpill anyone of even average intelligence. Fun little factoids but shitty argumentation. Do not push it on anyone, they will just consider you to be retarded.

You in contact with Young Right or GI?

I would say stink bombs but no one would be able to tell the difference

Try swat the place.

Once i stooped a rave that should last 2 days calling the cops and telling that kids where drinking and smoking weed all around the place. Police shows up and everyone run for their lives.
The organizer lost a shitload of money paying djs from the entire state and don't selling anything and never throw another party.

Pretty sure that antifa will not react peacefully to cops.

A few sprays of it is enough apparently.

>he auditorium is like a college classroom type thing where the speakers are looking at rows which increase in height level by level

Are you intending to sit through the lecture or something. If entrance is through the back i dont see the issue here, surely you'd just pretend you had the wrong room.

Irish police force is literally the descendant of the fascist blueshirts.

>Do not push it on anyone, they will just consider you to be retarded.

This. Its full of holes and mis-truths. Its basically Zeitgeist for right wingers.

Spread the word about the Trilateral Commission, the jewish organization started by the Rockefellers with Rothchild cash that advocates for a globalist government.
Read their about page if you dont believe me. And guess what, trump is a part of the globalist conspiracy poltards.

>How can I stop this from going ahead/disrupt it without being hurt, doxxed or arrested?

You've got to make sacrifices, man.
Evil won't be stopped by being nice.

Dont be as retarded as the left when it comes to censorship.

Try your best to inform those going to the festival about the dangers of Marxist ideology. Have leaflets full of solzenytsin gulag archipelago quotes. Etc.

>Larp as a commie and bomb it for not being communist enough


Anything written here, they would obviously read. Leftypol reads this too.

You're country is done. I went there on vacation last summer to Cork and Dublin, stopping at towns in between.

A cab driver told me that the "homeless" people in you're cities get weekly checks and a free place to live. Yet those white niggers still beg for money.

Dublin was a multicultural nightmare with everything costing too much. Seems like Ireland is already living by Marxism.

if you know how to fight show up in a ss uniform and film

spray glue over them.

honestly if we could meme a terror attack that'd be awesome.

Bonus points if isis into doing it.

I'll be there. You try anything I'll knock you out m8

It's too late to stop it. Just go and learn and report back. Try and learn the names of groups they use and find their connections to gov't big business. Learn their organization and street tactics. Report back. Spy. Spy. Spy.

People will be doing this anyway. We should get real intel on this so we can stop them in the future.

You could alternatively put up IOTBW posters in Gaelic to remind people that they are being alienated from their heritage by Marxism and Globalist movements.

tha e ceart gu bhith geal


>connections to gov't big business
You are delusional


> meme flag

> Commie think he can fight.

It goes on for a few days, I was thinking of maybe pulling the fire alarm that would shut it down pretty quick

>Commie think he can fight.
I can. Real life isn't like your Sup Forums memes friend, especially in Dublin. On second thought, show up if you want. You will see

You are ignorant. The modern marxist is nothing more than a useful idiot for neoliberal soft left politics. You are useful idiots. Not revolutionaries.

I meant to say gov't and big business. Find people with big jobs that fellow travel with these "extremists", and maybe people can be anonymously made aware of their co-workers' extra curricular activities.

remove meme fleg, prove you're a mick and i'll show up to give ye a knock

I am so scared of you please dont hurt my Comrade commisar.

I think i have a plan, and they wouldn't be able to stop it even if they knew before hand hehehe.

La ilah illahlah!

I'm up North atm. What are you even planning to do as one person at a Marxist talk? lmao

Intelligence on these people is more important, find out the big names, and bring them back here to connect. Then disrupt for the lulz.

You aren't even Irish or in Ireland you fucking memeflag LARPer faggot.

meant for

oh leaf, you are so silly and dumb you can tell that their ideology is really the most dangerous one that the governments are afriad of hence their ability to assemble legally in peace with no interferance from the government!


>doesn't have a picture of an actual worker

use paper mache to glue them to lamp posts and stuff like that. Also a good way to get anything shut down is to take a 2 euro decathlon backpack, stuff it with old electronics shit that you never use or even taken from the local recycle center and leave it semi open with wires visible near the place you want to shut down. It's not illegal since you can claim you just forgot your backpack and the place will be evacuated for a bomb threat

It depends, I may have a second man come with me on the mission to sit in the crowd and record it, pretending to be one of them and then half way through the talk set of a big disruption. from outside.

might have another guy come along for this mission, an IRL friend, the lads on twitter I've spoken with on the right wing in Ireland are generally retards, lots of race mixers and drug users.

Can't have liabilities like that come along with me so I gotta go deep cover, snake plisken style.

>I've spoken with on the right wing in Ireland are generally retards
Imagine my shock
>It depends, I may have a second man come with me on the mission to sit in the crowd and record it, pretending to be one of them and then half way through the talk set of a big disruption. from outside.
Thanks for the heads up I guess. I doubt you will actually do anything though

(: First actual good suggestion, this is the vein I'm thinking of enough to get it shut down but not enough to actually be committing a crime - I just want to prevent it going ahead and stop the college ever hosting such shit again.

You're right I won't nothing is going to happen, you can leave the thread now.

like i said, faggola. you want to fight the fash so badly i'll show up if you remove meme flag. screencap this, i'll write my user id on a tee. otherwise stop being an internet tough-guy

It's a great idea. We used to troll our school that way, but terrorism was still unheard of so we didn't get into any trouble, just angry looks. Also I'm not familiar with Irish law, so be careful and be smart about it

>remove meme flag.
I did you mong

you'll come across like a homo if you do. let them have their event if you shut it down you're no better than a kike. let your enemies express their shitty opinions, denying them makes you just as bad

Also keep in mind we were doing this prank pre 9/11. Don't know what would be the reaction now. Back then it was a great way to skip test

Paste over them with this.

>a brit

lmao you anglos are the biggest subverters, the jews could learn a thing or two.

>muh free speech
Except for people you disagree with of course

Put up edited posters advertising "Stalinism". Even people like me who are studying JC history atm will freak out.

"Only kikes disrupt the enemy" Oy vey good goy

Let them have their gay little event.It will serve as a reminder to everyone what type of people these are.
Hughie is that you?

OP is clearly a 15yo who just finished the greatist story never told but it doesnt make you any less of a sperg. i'll be there the first day if you wana get slapped around but neither you, me nor OP will do anything so this sntire thread is a dick measuring contest

who is your favourite fascist writer

>inb4 the heads of state

Just add "Free entrance" on their posters.

>Land of the IRA
>How do I remove a hostile foreign power?

I don't have a favorite per say, it also depends on what you mean, you mean like entertainment i.e fictional books or you mean Evola, Dugin, Júnger etc? Maybe my name is a little mis directing I wouldnt nail myself down to being purely a fascist more an ethno Nationalist.

That movie is shit.

Why won't our enemy let us speak?? :'((

The Communist part of Ireland requests an on going payment for membership. kek

They can't afford to do it for free. It's a private college.

nice googling, faggot. dont call yourself "fash" or "fashy" if you dont subscribe to the ideology. people like you do more damage to fascism than stormskin queers

You're a faggot who's all talk.

Of course they do you idiot, do you think a communist party can somehow run without funds?

tickets are 6 - 12 Euro would be an awful shame if it doesnt go ahead and they have to refund everything.

>Charging entry to a Marxism conference

I am a Fascist 14/88 brother Sieg heil.

You from Dublin? Wtf are you doing in the North they hate you Dub fags

Taking part in the evil capitalist system haha you mongs can't even get the basics of your own ideology right.


You don't want to do anything that would make them look like victims. You could pretend to be anti-white, like them, and ask questions that make the speakers look as anti-white as possible. That'll sway some people there who aren't all in, and be good on camera.

>You could pretend to be anti-white, like them, and ask questions that make the speakers look as anti-white as possible

Emglish teacher makes a good point. subversion is more useful than outright opression

This is a great idea.

These guys agree for a reason. Commies expect their opposition to play like Tolerant Goys are supposed to play and spaz when you flip the script. Shut it down old school style OP.

Yeah, my aim is something that will shut down the event without exactly looking like it was done intentionally, perhaps a firealarm, sewage issues something along those lines

>modify the pic related poster with "white race for the future".
>spread them carefully

let the morons have their stupid little Marxist fest.
There's actually a counter event going on but it's top secret.

if you opress marxist ideas all you'll do is create fertile grounds for a new sub-culture revolt like whats happening right now with the reactionary right and what happened in the 50s-60s. you eventually make marxism sexy again. let the weak congrigate in the open so the strong do flirt with their ideas and meet behind closed doors.
ridicule and dismantle their ideology instead of copying them and push them underground.

you're a castizo nigger so i wouldnt expect you to understand white people shit like tactics.

You just turn them into a victim and get even more people interested them. Just leave them alone and mock them on twitter.

Any time anyone describes themselves as being right wing but is against hurting commies in some way - Instant red flag for being either a Jew or a commie themselves.

I'm in one or two online groups and Opsec is so important, we have a guy from the US who is ex military and teaches us pointers on these things, but a shill is easily seen b the way they talk.

If he is actually a right winger, then he is the type of retard I mentioned above, very easily emotionally triggered no self control no thought towards strategy and takes any manifestation of the ideology he supposedly subscribes to as a false flag or someshit I.E Clinically retarded basement dweller.

some innocent act that could be mistaken as something serious is great, something like a sewage leak making the event un attend-able is even better because there is no suggestion of malevolence.

you're a fucking spaztic
>my aim is something that will shut down the event without exactly looking like it was done intentionally

you telling an imageboard about your intent, its like going to gorgrish and poltting a murder. you are useless to the movement, at best you'll make a decent foot soldier or flute player. keep your stupid ideas in your thick skull. look at the sugestions of the other anons
>change the flyer
>put "free entry"

do anything that requires though and will pay off with more than making the vermin who revill in victim politics the VICTIM. im almost 100% positive you're that lefty/pol/ fag who kept altering the IOTBW posters. either your a suberverter or a low iq mongaloid

whatever the case way get some help

yeah I think it could work, people see a few wires hanging out of a back pack and they would freak, I just want to avoid painting them as a victim, its a college so they have a canteen, maybe I can set a toaster on fire to trigger the fire alarm.

Someone innocently forgot their bread in the toaster, oops!

Do us all a favour and don't have children and sage

you wana know the best thing you can do? attend and spread overt anti-irish propaganda and do it in a way where the speakers will defend their anti white adgenda. if you do something stupid like a 6th year end of school prank, it'll make us look like we're the same shit as the feminists who shut down mra events.

use your brain, lad. we want to come across strong, not stoop to their level and seem petty

but you're gonna do fuck all so i just wanna remind you of your faggotry

Throw paint at them while they're talking. Cover the speaker in black paint and then yell out "Oi look, we can do finally see their black shirt"

Just go along and sit in the audience and discreetly shine a laser pen in the eyes of the people giving the talk. Worst that'll happen is if you're caught you'll be kicked out but it would be funny and somewhat disrupt the faggy Marxist lecture.

>Bomb threat hoax
>Disposable handset

One of the lads will sit in the audience "under cover" recording the speech to get the names and identity's of those speaking, We follow groups like these on FB with fake accounts to document commies in our own counties and to record the kind of things they get up to.

I have a list of about 100 people along with their faces and addresses cataloged for my own county alone.

Was thinking of using a public pay phone because Afaik you need to give a name and address to get a disposable phone, I'd be sketchy about using one and would rather stick with a public phone, we don't have as many CCTV cameras in Ireland as yee do and so being recorded is less likely

I do this myself too and I'm not even part of any group but. I won't ask the name of your group but I've been tempted to post some screenshots of individuals involved with AFA Ireland and other groups on Éire pol Southard maybe other people and groups would become aware of them too.

No fuck that. Keep it fairly tame and more mischievous rather than something like that.