How can small-chested girls even compete?

How can small-chested girls even compete?

Superior personality.

How can good things compete with bad things?
It's just unfair. We need stricter rules to protect the bad things from the good things.
I suggest we have para-olympics style best girl declarations for cows, so they have a chance at winning too.

>generic abusive tsundere
>superior personality

>perfect lover
>understanding lover
>hard-working member of family
>caring mother
Emi a best!!

They can't.

They have bette butts, which are more important than breasts.

They generally don't though, if they're flat they're flat all around.

>Superior personality.

They can't.

Hilarious how artists have to increase Emi's bust size substantially to look even remotely attractive.

they have to be endearing, obsessive or absolute sluts, then my dick will forgive their inadequate busts

Haven't you seen Kejio? They stay competitive by using their superior asses


with puffiness

I'm getting real sick and tired of all you shallow, small minded assholes honestly trying to judge a woman's worth by the size of her breasts when any civilized human being will tell you it's all about the ol' fudge factory. Turn it around, head on down, and take a trip back the the hometown my niggers.

Too Oppai

>tfw nobody remembers junko


they don't need to some men like big breasts some men prefer DFC/small breasts

>Cool mom
>Interesting and cute personality
>Great chemistry
>Cool powers
>Awesome battle waifu
Emi is superior everything.

I love me some breast envy

Teasing's good too.

>2hu everywhere
Are we being raided by /jp/?

Curse you Maou

But those are burgers user. Don't you notice the buns and lettuce?

Her personality is trash though


You poor uneducated soul

Step 1: Obtain Sharp instrument
Step 2: Obtain boat
Step 3: ????
Step 4: Profit

I don't particularly like or dislike any kind of breasts. As long as the girl looks good with them, it doesn't really matter.

Some girls pull of the slender elegant look. Others have that curvy busty look going for them.

auto fail
>Cool mom
forced into it by random god(dess). You kind ahave to do what the higher power says
>Interesting and cute personality
Hateful bitch who couldn't realise she was being minpulated for years. Hair trigger temper
>Cool powers
Nothing close to what Mahou does
>Awesome battle waifu
With all the battle harems that have been shit out, "battle waifu" has become vastly overused.

I'm sorry you can't appricate a girl unless she's a resentful cunt.

>Chihofag mad his girl is objectively inferior

Flat is justice thus it has no competition.

Hater much? Maou x Emi are perfect for each other. They drive the story and keep it interesting, heartwarming, and fun with their lively bickering married couple nteractions.

Don't they have a child


I do

Is the manga any good?

I know what these two words mean, but I do not understand this combination of them. Is there some hidden meaning here? Is it a code, Dan Brown?




Chest envy is hilarious.

They cant


Do you prefer shortstacks or busty tall girls?

They'll find a way.

how can cows even compete?
protip : they can't

They cant.

F is taller and with muscles but G has bigger boobs

This is hard

How can one woman be so drop dead gorgeous from head to toe?

Curves in all the right places.

Shortstacks are best but tall is good as long as its taller than me and not just tall for a girl. Muscles and fat are pretty good, G is probably well marbled from carrying around that giant flail.

And how can they be wasted so badly?

So I heard you liked your meat tender, so I beat it for you.

Now who's laughing, now who's laughing?

Is she fucking dead?


E is perfect
F is too muscly
G is too chubby
H is fine too


What ep is this from?

>tfw no twintail qt to mercilessly beat me to a pulp while she sits on my abdomen



>tfw no dairy farm gf







Vol 12 when? I need my fix of that shit!

I wanna fuck a thin girl with large breasts.

I can't even fap to small chested girls.


How can chestlets compete?

>not choosing the WcPick 2 option

No idea bro.

From the thumbnail they look like two giant hambagas

That's why they're sometimes called Chi's burgers.

Buta no Gotoki Sanzoku ni Torawarete Shojo wo Ubawareru Kyonyuu Himekishi & Onna Senshi

Typical Niggers. Fascinated with bottoms.

Bottom of the education system
Bottom of society
Bottom of the gene pool

>small chested girls




Truth hurts

How can a girl have such large bossom and flat tummy at the same time? Tell me your secret, 2Ds!