Why do shitskins lust for white women so much while claiming that they aren't inferior to us?
Why do shitskins lust for white women so much while claiming that they aren't inferior to us?
Because they are objectively the most beautiful
Best phisicay
Worst mentally
Says more about their inteligence really
It's a fetish born entirely out of the desire to conquer others and defile what they cherish.
To be fair, white man is the most lusted too.
All the empirical data of dating apps shows that.
The "lust for bbc" is a meme pushed by hollywood jews.
Sandniggers have a little more of appeal, but only if they are somehow mixed and look more like an southern european greek, italian than an arab.
It's funny all the Indians here want white girls but no one wants to touch a smelly curry. Even Pakistani and asian women don't like them.
My friends and I once did a few Tinder experiments and noticed that white men vastly got more matches in cities across the West. IIRC the most handsome black man we could find did only slightly better than an average white dude.
> not so smart but smart enough to cook and clean
> pretty
Best combo for a woman.
Because white women are whores
Ellie is so fucking hot
America belongs to Amerindians the same as europe belongs to europeans. Go back to europe, subhuman.
The Jews know shit skins wanna spread their inferior Gene's into white women that's why the Jews love immigration so much
How do you not just want to fuck her all day
Fuck, she's hot
checked bruh
the fuck?
It's not just white women. Everyone that isn't white, esp those from no white countries, wants to be white. In the near future when designer babies become a thing, they will be chosen to be white. There isn't a shitskin alive that doesn't wish they were born white.
Accurate depiction of what's to come
keep swallowing ' bbc ' faggot.
I believe it's some type of a revenge toward white men for colonization and slavery. They have the chip on the shoulder thanks to jewish indoctrination in academia, tv and hollywood which created non-white victimhood mentality. They are proud of themselves when they date white women because they subconsciesly believe whites are superior so having half white kids would be better.
There's also the aspect of degradation when they are with a white girl. She gets degraded and they feel empowered.
You will never get them to cook and clean though
Die faggot
Every good woman will cook and clean though
>Go back to europe, subhuman.
If Europe was reserve for Europeans I would have already left you shit eating faggot
No actual European would want you though.
Because boners aren't political
OP gib sauce
how about the name of that chick
Ultra Nigger Omen
Logic has always been their strength.
He has such a babyface. And with that beard he looks like one of the dolls on team america
our cracker brotha was thru a lot and nows that hitler drumpfs elected he be our saviour and our voice,that makes you look like that,all the hard work
I think that face app disproves racial superiority thru beauty. The Rihanna and Selena Gomez ones are all kind of cute. That last girl looks homely in all four versions.
Haven't there been studies about symmetry and facial proportions being important in physical beauty?
They want to be white so bad that they would do anything to be around white people, and make their offspring a lighter shade of poop brown.
But at the same time they hate us because they aint us.... Literally.
They want to literally be us, so since they hate themselves that much, if a white girl lives a black guy for example, he'll kill her. They are all full of self-hateand envy.
This is also what makes them attack random white people out of the blue. They want to be you, and they cant, and just you exisiting reminds them of their eternal inferiority and ugliness.
Ultimately, starring at their blank black cow eyes in the mirror every morning is the reason they want us gone. Either they want to see blue and actualhuman features, or they want to wrase all of us so they cant be reminded of how ugly they are.
no seriously,someones gotta know her name,dont leave me haning pol
White women are easily brainwashed and accept almost anything they see in front of them as fact,
shitskins know white women are superior deep down in their retarded shitskin minds
Jews use propaganda to tell white women to race mix
White women obey and the shitskins are happy
How do we fix this jewery
easy, genocide us
They know they can upgrade their DNA.
Besides the fact Black women are ugly and nobody would fuck them when they have the chance to have something with humans that look like angels.
White women regrettably obey. It should be noted that even as she grasps onto the shitty diarrhea hand of her ape nosed bug eyed pubic headed bald ghetto gorilla, she desires a white man, and is full of jealousy at white couple when she goes out in public.
She was told to hate herself from the moment she was born, but she looks in the mirror and sees a literal blue eyed angel starring back at her. She cant herself and she believes this makes her a bad person, because according to our culture, being white is bad.
So to compensate, she dates a negro, to ruin herself, now she DOES hate herself. It worked. Shes now miserable and sad. Her monkey boyfriend licks his chapped baboon lips in delight, as his miserable self-hating snowbunny submits.
But eventually and always, the woman grows tired of the self-hate,she cant keep it up forever... Soon she doesnt even care if it makes her a morally bad person, she wants a white man and she wants to be happy.
Every brainwashed bimbo has her cracking point.
The problem fixes itself
>How to fix
stop being so shitty at sex
Truth, it all boils down to envy.
gib leche
Look at the noses
I wonder