I need help Sup Forums. I'm about to go out with a nigger but I don't want black kids and she talks ghetto but she's cute. I feel like I'm betraying you guys so please stop me by making this a nigger hate thread. Show me the horror
I need help Sup Forums...
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Get off pol. Go fuck her. Call her a nigger during dirty talk, she'll love it.
Not all blacks are niggers
Its okay to give them the D, just not the seed. Im like this with latinas. But now im convinced that i need to marry a white woman and have 20 kids.
She straight up texts like dis muh nigga
Nice blog post faggot
>being attracted to black women
I hope she at least looks Europid, OP.
You forgot to tell us you were white.
I'm not a kike and I am white
She doesn't but she is cute
"Go out"?
You're DATING a ghetto bitch?
Whats wrong with you?
You don't DATE these slags. You call them up and fuck.
There is no "go out". You done fucked up, boy
Nice memeflag
What do I do? I need help man. Help me
Fuck you faggot kike
Treat her like the cumdumpster she is. She will appreciate it.
Call her up. Have her come over (preferably bang somewhere other than where you live). Smash. "That was fun". Leave.
Pre-marriage sex is a sin
Here you go
holy shit
>i'm going on a date but i'm feeling like i'm betraying a some losers on a forum
How much of a cuck are you?
Stop taking Sup Forums racist bullshit seriously and just go out with her.
My parents will murder me. I can't have her anywhere near my house
You are the cuck, I don't want nigger babies
Show us your flag yank.
Fucking horny teenager.
You don't have to impregnate her dude
good goy
Restricting the potency of your love life in the name of artificial principles is about the most cucked thing anyone can do. True alphas racemix, because true alphas don't give a fuck about barriers.
How fucking difficult is this?
You can fuck someone without impregnating them.
>I feel like I'm betraying you guys
You are not betraying "us", you are betraying yourself. Your children will be less intelligent than mine.
Personality traits are to a large extent heritable, same with intelligence.
Based on your post you are both literate and redpilled, thusly you should fornicate and spread your genome as you are the best of the best that the black community can produce. Your offspring will be the pride of your race.
Have a kid or two and make the world happy.
>don't use a condom, just pull out :^)
>*get leglocked as you're about to finish*
>be my baby's daddy!
Wear a cpndom. Sheboons have the most STDs of any demographic, and turns up pregnant all the time. They LOVE mixed babies. If she thinks she can get a mixed baby out of you, she WILL try. Niggers typically treat their women really bad, so as long as you treat her like half a human you're probably the best thing that happened to her since her last abortion.
If you do fuck her, insist on a master/slave roleplay. And don't end up like pic related.
What if she has aids or herpes?
Use. A. Fucking. Condom.
Your future child
well, actually, South Africans in 2015, but the same applies
Your thread is shit get your limp dick out of here. You find that thing cute ? A nigger ape woman cute ? You're broken you disguste me. Go out there and join the apes i'll kill you if you try to come back.
Have fun bro. If the ghetto talk bothers you, ask her to knock it off gradually.
Seriously, I can't understand African-American English.
That kid has fetal alcohol syndrome like op
She only dates white guys
What if she refuses and says she's on the pill
Calm down Ahmed, don't you have some French girls to rape
Doing your job to destroy your society and bring in a globalist world order. BASED!
I'll fuck a white bitch someday
Will she go for a master slave roleplay cause that's hot
You act like a fucking man and put on a condom anyway.
just you wait until the "cute" runs out and see if you still like to fuck greasy oily pussy.
Colonize her pussy
>implying that isn't the hottest thing a woman could possibly do to you
Use a condom.
Have some fun.
Not all blacks are niggers.
Just be sure you're a gentleman and she's a lady. Don't waste your time on a sheboon but I've found there to be lovely women in almost every race.
>Right when I started to get into reactionary right wing politics I had a black girlfriend and she was interested in it and supported me. We went our separate ways (higher education) but I still appreciate the time I had.