I keep hearing Sup Forums use the term "soy boy" but is there anything to this? From what I've read there is such a minute amount of "plant estrogen" in soy that it couldn't possibly have the effect being implied. Redpill me on soy.
Is Soy really turning men effeminate?
Pol can't read science, it's simple
I found these studies that might help:
>In conclusion, we found an inverse association between consumption of soy foods and sperm concentration which was more pronounced at the higher end of the sperm concentration distribution and among overweight or obese men. The clinical significance of these findings remains to be determined. Owing to the scarcity of human data in this area, it is very important that this issue is examined further, ideally in randomized trials.
>The reported studies suggest that soy consumption exerts small effects on hormones in both men and premenopausal women. Although these effects are generally in a beneficial direction, their clinical significance is yet to be established.
Of course not. Vegans have higher testosterone. Sorry carnie cucks!
Here's your redpill. Tobacco neutralizes estrogen. That's why the tobacco jew tries to shut it down.
just turned 20 and can confirm, all the faggots who avoided smoking look like little girls
Fucking manlets,anything under 190cm is woman height.
Any Brassicaceae food neutralizes estrogen.
Smoking is degenerate anyway.
No idea if its bro science or not but when I started lifting I was warned against soy
frankly soy is trash anyways so its wasnt particularly hard to "give up"
Weird how the nicotine jew promoted smoking for decades.
Dude looks more than one inch shorter. Even if the women took their heels.
wow gj american!
smokers in this republic look like this.
argument invalid
first day on the job, shill?
Like ants?
>head right at titty level
its really this easy, isnt it?
I think it has something to do with eating vegan shit to lose weight instead of working out.
Working out increases test while sitting on your vegan ass makes you a faggot.
soy literally raises your estrogen levels and gives you bitch tits. it also makes you feminine.
so yes, soy boy is a great term.
you must really be a 1%er to be this buttmad
no its shill psyop to make men more effeminate. yes soy and flaxseeds have pytho-estrogens. but they are far weaker than xenoestrogens like plastics or the shit they put in milk.
so by eating soy in moderate amounts
Unfermented soy is bad cuz it fucks with your hormones. It consists xeno esteogens which will cause a rise in bodyfat and waterstorage. More bodyfat means less testo, means you get depressive and shit
Shill or not, your comment was exceptionally stupid
its bro science soy and whey are very similar. what gives whey a slight edge is that it has igf1 and estrogen that promotes growth.
>one inch shorter
>top of head doesn't even comes close to reaching their shoulders
I've never met a vegan that wasn't either fat as fuck or a gay skelly with glass bones.
Is v*gan masculinity really this fragile?
>eats ranch
beta AF
nah its faggots are so indoctrinated into eating meat they are scared of taking the redpill. veganism is superior in every way.
mocking vegans is the same as mocking redpills about jews for being stormfront.
does that mean i shoulfnt use Whey Protein powder?
i need to get some more soy
>Pol can't read science
Jesus, you abo animal. It's not specifically "soy." It embodies a certain kind of "pajama boy" type, hillary-supporting cuckold.
Wow. Brazilians sure are smart.
desu there exist no masculine vegans. majority of vegans do it for emotional reasons and they can only argue using emotions. to make someone adopt veganism you have to use logic.
in reverse what you think is masculine of loud weightslamming bodybuilders is their are so insecure they cant stop eating bloody steaks because they cant handle their ego taking a slitght hit
Lol I ain't clicking that virus laden shit, show something from a regular site.
whats important is to research which brand have the least toxins and heavy metals. also only buy isolate protein. whey isnt inherently bad you can still use it go for which is cheaper.
it has a slight cancer risk but you can offset it by eating more vegetables and nuts
You are smart. How can I become as smart as you?
please post more tall chicks!
Don't forget all the hormones from dairy.
is that little feller anglin?
holy fuck you are retarded its the most mainstream medical science site
It's not soy. It's xenoestrogens in the water, mostly caused by the birth control pill but also due to plastics and chemicals in shampoo and deodorant.
Basically the process is the pill fucks with womens hormones and when they urinate their urine is filled with much more estrogen than usual. That estrogen is not filtered out through the water treatment process. 98% of estrogen and xenoestrogens are not filtered out by water treatment.
It's then injested by men and it causes their estrogen levels to rise.
Wherever you have a larger portion of women on the pill the men will be more faggoty (cities and Scandinavian countries). Where you have fewer women to pollute the water supply the men arent as gay, such as rural areas
Unfermented soy is full of isoflavones which act like estrogen in the human body, creating breast cancer and the likes in women, while crashing testosterone and promoting also breast growth and cancer in men.
Enjoy your 12 inch nipples soyboys, I don't give a fuck what you think
It's not soy. It's xenoestrogens in the water, mostly caused by the birth control pill but also due to plastics and chemicals in shampoo and deodorant.
Basically the process is the pill fucks with womens hormones and when they urinate their urine is filled with much more estrogen than usual. That estrogen is not filtered out through the water treatment process. 98% of estrogen and xenoestrogens are not filtered out by water treatment.
It's then injested by men and it causes their estrogen levels to rise.
Wherever you have a larger portion of women on the pill the men will be more faggoty (cities and Scandinavian countries). Where you have fewer women to pollute the water supply the men arent as gay, such as rural areas.
That picture looks like from a femdom scene.
>he took the time to make this shitty bait to try and trigger an anonymous internet poster
Nice effort I guess, low energy though.
Soy is probably not meaningfully estrogenic; it's much more likely that low test men are simply more likely to choose to consume soy
why'd they even need to, it's not like some random fuck can get that domain
Gubmint owns you already, no need for extra shit that might get detected by some smartass
The leaders of the free world, ladies and gentlemen.
it only seems like a lot of effort to you, since you are obese
It's bait, ya' dip.
Lol, that's a little better. Do another one desu
5'9'' is okay. Anything below that is manlet.
If you take your dairy from the garbage.
Andrew Anglin confirmed.
You really have nothing to do.
Do you? You're wasting your time.
Found the manlet
you know how this works, you have to say something american!
like id waste my time trying to slander some country no one has even heard of
Why arent women more feminine then?
Sorry m8 hold on
Whole plant vegan diet is the most high testosterone, chadlike diet
Junk food, virtue signalling vegans are soyboys.
This is an excellent point.
>dumb americunts xD
i fuckin hate you ((((((European jewnion))))))
>Why arent women more feminine then?
girls are getting their periods younger than ever in history, some as young 8 or 9 in ZOG. I think they would be more feminine (high body fat content is actually a symptom of too much estrogen). The reason women aren't acting that way IRL is jewish propaganda. Yet the same time, the fastest selling book for women ever was that trash "50 shades of grey" where some hooker supposedly gets dominated in S&M by a guy.
.gov is for sites owned by the government you retard. I bet you think .edu gives you a virus as well.
I hope you use these to trigger other Americans, I want to see my post again one day in the wild
>bruh its totally cool to blast your lungs with acidic chemical mixtures XDDDDDDD it totally doesn't congest your lymph or ruin your arterial walls lol haha XDDDDD what are you a normie?????
why is it people pushign this meme 24/7 never will show their own flags? Bc you are all jews or street shitters. If you're going to engage in banter with other nations and refuse to show your own flag, it defeats the point. Need an app to just filter out meme flags. If I were a shitskin and ashamed to be living in ZOG, would I just hide behind a meme flag like you do pajeet?
>drinking the lactation of a pregnant cow
Not to mention the growth hormone they're given, one of the symptoms of which is breast inflammation.
>not smoking unfiltered reds in the current year
>Asian bois eat soy with phytoestrogens
>wite bois drink milk with cow estrogen
Where was you when blacks be master race and we wuz Kang?
fuck I am 189
Fuck sake I literally just went out and spent £30 on protein powder and this thread has inspired me to check the ingredients, contains soy lecithin, should I bin it asap?
you ppl need to study more.
Soy is smallest problem here when you have EE2 estrogen in drinking water and bpa in every where. Woman will come more masculine when they get estrogen from environment, because they stop producing it. Same as if man keep using steroids. Man, boys will become more feminine.
Cow milk's estrogen is metabolized in a way that doesn't affect us.
The calcium, protein and vitamin D does make us healthier, taller, and much, much, MUCH more intelligent than you.
Besides, blacks have more estrogen than Whites, that's why they only care about petty material things like women do.
>muh jorduns N SHEEEEIIT!
>my high heels! :3 SQUEEEE!
Soy isn't the sole cause but it's part of a combination of things leading to the pussification of the western male. Soy is an issue however background stress is the biggest killer.
Did you even read that paper? Vegans tend to be younger and thus have higher testosterone. They're also more health conscious and avoid processed foods. In order to do a proper study you would have to measure a group of men who ate only natural foods vs and vegans who did the same.
no, just buy a pack of cigarettes and smoke one after you down some
Some things to watch out for with the chemical jew.
Avoid anything soy based. In fact if it comes in a plastic wrapper with pretty colors on it, avoid the shit out of it. Anything in a plastic wrapper that has been extruded into a bite sized shape for your enjoyment has so many fucking chemicals it's just fucking psychotic to eat that shit.
Avoid using all sweeteners that are not pure cane sugar. Once you eat it you will learn to be able to taste the difference. Pure cane sugar is obscenely delicious and you need very little of it for anything you bake. "Real sugar" the white shit you buy in squares or bags is white because they bleach it then wash it.
Shampoo, soap and shit you clean with should not have anything more then a base, carrying oil and a oil fragrance if you want to smell nice. If your shampoo or like has more then 4 or 5 ingredients on the back, if they look like a chemist had a autistic spluge on the back of the bottle. Then don't use it. Try to avoid shit in plastic, even "safe" plastic is made in the same place as "bad" plastic. If you buy the ingredients, you can make your own body wash, soap, toothpaste and shit and store it in glass bottles.
Get a RO/DI filter and a water test meter that shows PPM. Cook with 0 TDI water, don't drink 0 TDI water unless you mix something into it like fruit juice or something otherwise it will strip your body clean of minerals because it's too fucking pure. Don't drink anything over 120 TDI, try to be in the 20-40 range.
It's also got high levels of heavy metals, they all do. Eat a can of tuna or a steak or something. It's not hard to get 1g/lb of body weight from food alone.
>Dutchmen drink gallons of milk a month more than others
>Dutchmen are the tallest people on the planet
Feels legit.
I wish there was some data so we would think it's legit too.
Smoking is for degenerates. The real reason numales are numales is because they don't take care of themselves - they become skinny fat bitches with puffy faces and no face or body definition at all.
bin that shit. Eat a chicken breast from a source that doesn't inject it with 20 different hormones before they kill it.
What about raw local honey?
4chanX, but it gets tiresome sometimes because a lot of threads are pure meme flags.
In serious threads it's fine, but if you read the retarded threads like this one, tedious.
Mate, I have heard that lecithin might be ok even if it comes from soy but I wouldn't trust it desu.
Besides - protein powder is mostly a meme to make money off you. Better sources of protein exist: meat, eggs, cheese, etc. No need for powders.
Calcium's good for your bones.
What about brown sugar? Is that fine?
Raw honey is good but the issue with it is if it's real. A lot of honey is actually not honey but high fructose corn syrup colored and heated to act like honey. If you know a local bee farmer and they sell honey, it's good as fuck.
Honey is also a desiccator that will strip water from things it touches over time. So it acts as a antibiotic in that microbes die when exposed to it. Adding it to your tea or water when you drink can help add some taste and also affect your overall health.
Another awesome aspect of raw honey is that whatever plant the bees use to collect their pollen will also transfer to the honey. If you have allergies and use honey from a local bee keeper around you. Your allergies will actually diminish over time, they don't completely disappear but they get noticeably less vicious.
TLDR: If you have access to a local bee keeper, buy that shit.
Amerimutt on Damage Control!