Poland: A Nation of toilet scrubbers

Part 2 of the project to deconstruct the "Based Poland" meme. Time to get redpilled.

>Poland is a history of getting conquered by foreign powers
A simple look at Poland's history shows that their country has been ravaged by war and genocide. They claim to have a proud history, but almost every European power for the past 1000 years have taken Poland as the regular whore, to rape and pillage their land.

Other urls found in this thread:


Previous thread


kikes are trying to shut it down

eat some latkas shlomo

This is an anti-european shill thread.

>Poland is the last bastion of White Europeans

Poland was never a white European country. The vast majority of their ethnic population consists of gypsys, Jews and slavs. This is because the real Polish ethnic borders pre-1939 was closer to Ukraine and Russia than the current borders

...that got completely hijacked, you got BTFO'd SO FUCKING HARD YOU HAD TO MAKE ANOTHER THREAD.



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"Church of England issues transphobic bullying guidance"

ignore shill threads

how in the fuck is poorland pro-european, you delusional piss-stain?
another nigger-tier colony whose subhuman population steals money from the whiteman

Divide and conquer shill, just look at the previous thread to see them getting btfo

Just got back from Poland. I hung out with supposed leftists who dislike the nationalists and even they hate muslims, niggers and faggots.

zzzzzzzzzzzzz nice try nigger.

imagine spreading your asshole like this

>European power for the past 1000 years have taken Poland as the regular whore, to rape and pillage their land.
*arranges marriage between local dynasty princess and viking kang*
*conquers you*

oh god. You got so btfo in the previous thread that stopped responding AND you made a new one? You muslims are pathetic

that's great so when are moving the fuck back?

Who work better: the poles or the ukrainians? I need someone to fix my toilets.

>Polish people are prideful people

The ethnic Pole is not the modern day pole you see today. The modern Pole is actually minority Germans living in what was Imperial Germany but the UN and NATO, along with the USSR declared the German zone to be "Polish". Polish people are slavics. They have no national identity. Their population are slave immigrant labour, used as disposable monkies on the farms and berry fields of the UK and Germany. They work below minimum wage because they have no dignity and no self respect

>most cucked nation in the world talking shit

Fix your own country first Neil.


Russian shills in this thread, ask yourself 1 question...

Is this what you are fighting for?
Do you belive in God?
Do you have any conscience?
Do you even feel any guilt or are you just like North Korea?


This is the value of life of ethnic Russians according to their gov.... 0$
Remember Kursk Submarine? refusing the help to rescue soldiers?
Remember 4 mil homeless kids?





If they don't threat a russian life as anything precious do you think they will threat other lifes any better?
They had no problem with radiating hundreds of thousands of Khazakhs to test their nuclear bombs

How does priviledged Russians live? They live in so called Kommunalka where 5 families share 1 apartment, each family gets 1 room.



if you're looking for someone who works good hire an actual plumber
if you're looking for a slave whom you can pay 10% of the minimum wage and an off-chance to shag his camwhore sister, hire butthurt-belt

Shill thread
Made me reply/10

>Polish people care about their conservation

Another mistruth. Poland is the welfare slave of Brussels. Their Law and Order party often feign nationalism, but they have never rejected a directive of Brussels. The EU sees Poland as an example of a good goy EU state. They have open borders, they follow every law, and suck the tits of Juncker and the commission.

> i-it's the j-j-jews!
> t. nico pierdolev - citizen of jewland the designated jew safehouse for the last 1000 years

Rothshild himself, posting from London, from royal PC
get on our level, we no longer fight Soros minibosses or antifa trash mobs

What do you mean? I'm Swedish that have a bunch of Polish friends that I visited.

> I'm swedish visiting my poolish friends in pooland

Oh boy, I sure hate Poles, wouldn't you agree fellow raci- I mean aryans?

>Poland's economy is strong

Poland's economy is one of the worst in Europe. In terms of GDP their are african tier. They like to gloat about spending billions of German taxpayers money on shitty statues of their slavic leaders, and renovating a few offices, but in terms of the world economy and G7 they are a joke. The receive massive state aid from Brussels, daddy EU is propping up their failed economy.

> hating poles is racist
hating poles (read: car thieves, illegals, retards, race-mixing whores, etc) is common sense

Well, Achmed, I know a few Poles, and they are all pretty based.
In fact, now that both the Visegrad Group and Kraiowa Group are pretty much aligned on our policies, Intermarium when?

mad because you are smaller than Poland

Meanwhile In Vienna every national monument is defaced, antifa graffiti plagues the subways, there is human feces all over the group, in some sections there are now Austrians iti s only arabs and blacks.

I was in Vienna this summer, fuck off shill.

it really shouldn't be so piss-easy to blow up the assholes of slavshit diaspora so they end up blabbering on about some cuckfic, but that's just the way it is

>Intermarium when?
right now
2022 officially

If Intermarium actually happens, I will be celebrating for days, as I suspect most of my countrymen.

>Poles are tough guys

On a regular basis during European football matches, Polish fans like to make a lot of noise about incoming away fans and how they're going to get into a fight. However every time an English away team enters cities like Krakow and Warsaw, it is the polish people that shy away from confrontation and hide behind police lines. As with many places in Europe, the top tough guy thugs are the travelling English fans.

Wake up dude...
This guy => is just a russian shill, he can't even speak any German.

wtf I love poland now!
read about 10000 anecdotes frim sad cuckbois about my country, but THIS one, oofff
buying my ticket to based poland right now, don't worry guys I'll bring my own plunger

Do you seriously want me to dig up my pictures?

sure go ahead
nothing funnier than some amerishit that gets cucked for his touristbux

Another one?
Oh, made by the same person, I see.

Get a life dude

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd they still have the last laugh so whose the real loser, bucky?

don't bother hes a shill

>Poland in its present form stands up to foreign intervention in their domestic affairs

For 50 years Moscow ruled Poland with an Iron fist, told the what to do and how to do it, and sucked their teet just like they do to brussels now.

Poland is just a pathetic state of ex-serfs sucking on the tits of regional powers to continue surviving. First it was Moscow, then it was Berlin, then it was Moscow again, and now it's Brussels.


5 years until Via Carpathia and gas pipeline

>getting cucked
We spent one night in Vienna and left because it was such an absolute shithole. Let me get my camera.

So many divide and conquer threads by glow in the dark niggers. Sad!

These are some good looking uniforms there.

>changing Danzig to gandhi
>changing god tier name Breslau to edgy linkin park tier name worclaw
>changing Stitten to scszenini
Fucking disgusting
We'll fucking take down Poland and make it German again. This time for good. Thanks for giving NATO a good reason to do so you little Nazi.

I cannot wait until WAT completes TITAN project
that will be look to behold

Another fact: Polish women are submissive sluts.

Despite the protests of many cuck polish men, their women have a very (((international))) outlook. They fuck and marry the German or British men. Whoever is their paymaster, whoever pays them enough for their loaf to feed their family back in their backwater, they will suck and fuck. They have no shame

Sage this shill thread

Stop bullying poland nigel. Need I to remind you that hate speech is a serious offense in your country, and may earn you a fairly long sentence in jail? You also better make sure that all those sharpened pencils do not exceed the maximum length by the time the metropolitan police breaks in your home without a search warrant. And god help you if they actually find out that you didn't pay your TV license, or that you own any detached bike wheel.

of course of course, I'm sure THAT'S the reason you spent one night in vienna fucking L M A O ^ L U L

I think he's an antifa(don't care where he's from desu). You see, Poland has been portrayed as "fascists", "nazis", "literally Hitler" (whatever buzzword they prefer), in the news recently and this triggers the commie. The commie is a sheep so he has to stir hatred and turn Sup Forums against Poland like the useful idiot that he is.

I'm not falling for it. Fuck this thread I'm Audi.

Who could be behind this thread(((?)))

Fact: Poland has never had an empire. Some people like to think they did, because they named their own country the "Polish Empire", but they never expanded, they never launched attacks on foreign soil, they never had colonies and they never challenged the real power players in the region, namely the Prussian Empire and the Russian Empire. Poland was a client state to both of these powers and historically has been simply a biffer zone between relevant states.

Posts like this make me very happy to live in Eastern Europe, the last bastion of the European values. And now I realised that among the actual front news and opinions from the last two years on Visegrad+ group are:
The revival of Intermarium?
The reasons why we should not leave ecology to the Left

This makes me even more hopeful.

fact : Poland will stay polish and England will be a mullato mix of god knows what

Bloody hell, mods really are useless
Pol is full of shill threads and yet the only thing that they can is to erase 'redpilled games'- type of threads

The only redeeming factor of Vienna was the History museum. Everything else was shit.,

Don't you have a child porn ring to run?

where are the photos, you foodstamping scooterboy?

You tell us.

Truth. Remember to sage lads.

>Being this trigerred
Where did the black man touch you James?

Don't you have your kids to bring to the town's muslim pedophile ring, Oliver ?

Surviving 1000 years of occupation and invasion is something to be proud of.

Also, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was pretty powerful at its peak, wasn't it?

The nobility was just spread out and decentralized.

The bulk of the Anglo-Saxon underclass is descended from primitive races as well. Case in point: Chavs. No other Germanic race has an underclass as bad as England's. Sorry to assume you're English though.

This graffiti was everywhere. Train stations and on walls and national monuments.

Antifa clearly dominated the city which was largely inhabited by blacks and Muslims. On one street we saw nothing but a sea of brown. We managed to find a single Vienna sausage shop run by an older Austrian gentlemen. He was totally out of place. Nearby as we ate, an EU van handing out free coffee to the blacks and arabs pulled up.

so post the graffiti from the national monuments why the fuck are you posting some street where your foodstamping posse managed to afford a rental?

Thank you, Janusz.

>poland gets attacked and partitioned between 3 of the greatest powers of its time(multiple times)
>Natsoc Germany gets btfo in war by the worlds major powers
this is pol for you

This is the current condition of the ground next to St. Stephen's Cathedral. Everywhere it is a complete mess with disgusting asphalt just poured all over the old tiles. In fact, the ground was so horribly ugly and in many places chunks of ground was missing. It is clear that nobody in Vienna takes care of any of the national monuments.

The Cathedral itself had been vandalized with trash thrown at it and urine and feces all around it.

Here is your typical Vienna street. Most of it is covered in trash and piss. We kept joking, "Keep your head down so you don't step in the shit!"

The have replaced most of the stonework with this ugly "modern" tile if it wasn't already sprayed with shitty asphalt in a half-assed measure.

Hello Burger with a proxy. Let's just assume you're (((Japanese))) for a minute and let's talk about your race.

The asiatic race have extra chromosones similiar to that of people with genetic diseases and down's syndrome. The vats majority of your population, like the Chinese Han people, are genetic descendants from Mongrels that bred with Ghengis Khan. Japan has centuries of inbreeding due to your isolationism prior to the late 1800s. We're talking thousands of years of inbreeding on a tiny island. That is why you look yellow, and you're short. You're a diseased race with many genetic problems. It's not a race it's a genetic disorder.

> we kept joking about keeping the head down
judging your "photos" it looks like you keep your head down by default

Can you stop using my flag you scrubber. It's pathetic how the Poles have you "people" triggered.

Does Vienna even have national monuments or are a they a form of rape or capitalism or colonialism or some other burgeo buzzword?? Is discount Germany even alloved to have any monuments?

These were taken from cell phone because we didn't dare bring our own cameras with us. The area was filled with brown people that kept eye balling us. It's called being smart. It was hard enough finding Austrian people living in Vienna.

Found the second gen polish immigrant

Excluding the lands beyond the Elbe river valley, the European Plain, especially the Pontic Steppe, was ruled by horseniggers from domestication of the horse to the invention of the machine gun. Poland is kind of in the center, hence why. But they did rule a good deal of the Pontic Steppe at one point.

Why is Poland's growth non-existent?

What is the siege of Vienna?what about the catholic holy league?

t. Mohammed Khan

the thread has been notified of your cuck-status, thanks for posting
got more monuments than you have hairs on your ass, czechistani

This is the appalling state of St. Stephen's Cathedral. It is an absolute disgrace that the Austrian people have allowed this entire to become this run down and filled with foreign chains.

On a side note, we visisted Prague as well and loved it. There were too many British tourists who are simply annoying and blown out cucks, but you Czech's really take care of your city and that was very admirable. Unlike the Austrian's who have let Vienna fall to complete ruin.

>As with many places in Europe, the top tough guy thugs are the travelling English fans
Save that energy for the Pakis

hahah ten bul dupy wykopkow xD

Fun fact
He's not Austrian

He's, in fact, Russian

Notice the hideous "modern" building on the left. I wish I had taken a better picture of it but the entire building was lopsided. It looked as if it was about to fall down but apparently that was the "artistic design" of it.

>American tourist talks about Brits abroad

You have no idea what you are talking about Jamal

>We're talking thousands of years of inbreeding on a tiny island.

I am sorry but British tourists are almost as bad as Chinese. I have a 7 minute recording of a friend and myself completely owning a pack of British tourists. Why is it that the British dress like metrosexuals as well?

Regardless, the British were loud, obnoxious, and very rude but when confronted immediately shut down. One of my favorite memories was when we were drinking in a bar in Krakow and talking with a Ukrainian girl. A drunk Englishman walked in and asked where the bathroom was, I told him and he said "Fuck off".

He then proceeded to fall walking UP the staircase and everyone laughed at him.

Love it! You're welcome emmm... What would be the default Croatian name?



>caring this much
stick to your island,bong.