Prince Charles, No!
Wot did e mean by this lot?
He's just tellin the truth mate, innit?
>"Surely some U.S. president has to have the courage to stand up and take on the Jewish lobby in the U.S?"
oh the irony.
if the british govt hadnt allowed the zionist lobby in their own country to influence their policy on their palestinian protectorate, israel would have never been created and we would not have had to endure non-stop war and death in the middle east for the past 75 years.
Islam might even be tolerable lel
Does anyone actually have the letter in full? 2 or 3 days and I still haven't seen it posted here despite all the threads.
Henry VIII would have grabbed the nearest jew, put him in a headlock and told them to fuck their mothers
You cant stop predestination
Huh. I've been peeking in 2 or 3 times a day but haven't seen threads about it. Just read the story for the first time this morn.
>we would not have had to endure non-stop war and death in the middle east for the past 75 years.
Good one matey. Non-stop war and death is basically the history is the middle east long as they've been keeping records.
Or did you mean without the Jews, we wouldn't be involved and they'd be over there killing themselves without bothering us?
if i was charles, the minute that bony finger touched my chest i would have thrown a haymaker and knocked him out cold.
>Those comments
Holy fuck, if you use that site unironically please kill yourself. Fucking Goodest of goys
>tfw london is jew banking capital of europe and drives your economy
Is it really worth it? His family will lose everything they have.
I didn't expect this type of mindset form an amerigoy of all things
There's 18 Charles threads in the archives right now.
Take your anger out on the UN, Germany and the Zionist lobby of the US that pressured us into not finishing them.
Dont usually read the archives. I'd never get anything done.
I checked the catalog before I posted.
Better than a BBC thread at least...
Shut it down!
I was just using the archives as an example of how frequently they've been popping up. And agreed, but anything is better than BBC.
I love the BBC
Women come out of the woodwork to claim Prince Charles ass raped them when they were 12 in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...
His ex wife lives in North East Derbyshire
How did the Rothschilds come to power?
>Cuck tv network or nigger cock.
Both are trash.
>king charles comes into power after the unfortunate (but not unreasonable) death of queen elizabeth ii
>he reinstates monarchal rule over britain and the colonies
>calls for all out removal of peoples working against the empire
>removes kebab
>removes paki
>removes nigger
>renames King Charles The Nigger Killer
my dream...
that dream died with Edward VIII
Mayer was a banker who became a coin dealer and became friends with Prince Wilhelm and grovelled his way up to court jew for Prince Wilhelm. French revolution boomed his business and lead to international loans and financing wars. Had a bunch of sons then open big banking firms all over Europe and the rest is pretty much history.
How can anyone serious challenge his claim?
Jews don't dispute the claims because how do you argue against facts? They just cry antisemitism. If they have any dirt on Charles expect it to surface soon if he doesn't issue an apology.
Actually He can choose His name when he gets crowned. So in theory he could become King Nigger Killer the first. We would definitely know he was our guys if he did that.
We wouldn't have these problems if (((America)) never led a revolution against the British Empire.
Fuck off pommey
You'd be speaking German right now if not for leafs and burgers...
>Eternal Anglo blaming others for Middle East being a shitshow
Oh I am laffin
Were his comments not completely collect? I especially love the part that says "Jewish lobby does not exist." What is AIPAC then? He's also completely correct. During the rule of roaches, that area was about 4%-5% Jew and it was peaceful. The first pogroms began there in the 20s when the Jews hit ~ 20% and began trying to run out the arabs through terrorism.
Oh Barbara, you silly bitch
>We wouldn't have these problems
You've been in debt to the Jews since Napoleon. YOU got the Us involved in WW 1 and then WW 2. In ww 1 through the Balfour Declaration, in WW 2 with fake documents by MI-6 that pushed the fake idea of a German invasion of South America. The UK got in debt to the Rothschild Jews over the Napoleonic wars and Rothchild crashing the stock market by getting info early from a passenger pigeon about what happened at Waterloo, selling everything he had on the exchange, then buying it all back up for pennies. Did you not know any of this retard? you were the original ZOG.
Yeah, thanks a bunch?
Incorrect. We won the battle of Britain, thus ending the threat of German invasion of our island. What we required American help for was liberating Europe.
If we hadn't split from the Crown, the Napoleonic Wars wouldn't have happened. And the world would be all the better for it.
>this man will likely become king in our lifetime
They really want their power back don't they?
When was there last an English king in power? 1066?
>If we hadn't split from the Crown, the Napoleonic Wars wouldn't have happened
you're insane. Americans have this complex where they think the American Revolution was some sort of major war for the Brits. In truth, the Brits did not give a shitabout the US, they were far more interested in the problems in Europe and the other parts of their empire. Also, Napoleon sold Jefferson The Louisiana Purchase. The Brits barely fought the Us revolution, and you seem not to be aware the French and Indian war was raging in North America and around the world before the Us got independence.
>Is it really worth it? His family will lose everything they have.
You underestimate the swing.
The Rothschild veil is slipping and the Royals still have methods of securing power.
But the choice there is evil v evil, only one has German Blood (yep, not that english to be honest)
The face of the indoctrinated. This is why I reserve smiling for stupid people.
>When was there last an English king in power? 1066?
user, what the fuck do you mean? A king who was purely "English?" He wouldn't be that, either.
But, culturally, he's completely English, and is just Germanic, genetically.
Ussiming Lizzy doesn;t outlive him, it's more than just likely. He's heir apparent.
What the Hell are you talking about? It wasn't a major war, but it bankrupted the French. That was a major part of the cause of the French Revolution, plus, the propaganda the Republicans could spew, based upon the newly-established republic in America.
What about the younger princes?
Legally it may impossible, but perhaps they have tricks under their sleeve.
Audibly kek'd in the staff room
The Royal Family has been notorious for antisemitism.
This is just poorly timed (or maybe perfectly timed).
Better be talking about British Born Christians senpai
Charles isn't even a prince the Windsors are mere decoys for the plebs to look at(domino-Paul Dacre wink wink)
Not without munitions and supplies from liberty ships
Basically we've had the same ruling class of Europeans in power for 1000 years user.
And they came from france, not Anglo-Saxon England, nor Scotland or Ireland.
We don't know their true allegiance still to this day, and they've been tyrants for most of that millennia.
If Charles wants to be a King adored by the people, he needs to change his name to something like Ælfrēd and officially proclaim the extension of the original kings of England.
That's stupid.
There's been a rumour that they still have significant power to a degree, just not as straightforward.
Is it?
I would gladly follow a king proclaiming the anglo-saxon blood and not that of the normans.
>normandie fairview
Are you retarded? The Windsors are German.
Charles himself is getting pretty old though... people would not think poorly of him if he passed the baton to his son.
He's right! And jews need to be scrubbed off the earth because of it.
William is a huge cuck but there may be hope for Harry.
The Queen has relations to many old British monarchies, English, Welsh, Scottish, Irish, Danish-English, Etc. And to all monarchies in Europe. It doesn't matter the lineage of the monarch, as long as he could go into an English pub and completely fit in with actual Englishmen.
Lmao @ all the butthurt zioshills in the comments there. I thought Breitbart was based, who knew they were such Jewish bootlickers
Actually if you go way way way back the first guy of the whole family was an Italian self proclaimed noble from one of the gentius families of Rome. If you did a genetic testing to Europe royals you could find unexpected shit, even more considering they have been notorious whores that cheated on their husbands for millennia.
that cuck was convinced to repeat the shehada
he should be sent to an asylum
Harry is a spergy edgy retard, he married a nigger or something recently.
Is Charles, dare I say it, /our cuck/ ?
It's physically painful to read
She's white.
I hope you're kidding, Breitbart has been fully compromised ever since (((Breitbart))) was killed, and even then it was still controlled oppo. Literally founded HuffPo together. Breitbart may have been based but he was still a Jew.
Well, anyways, Bonny Prince Charlie has earned a little bit of respect by speaking up and telling the truth. Maybe he's sick of them, too.
Looks like a queen to me :^)
That's my issue, to finally put an end to their mainland connections, revive the old line in spirit.
Perhaps taking on an anglo name. Or if he wanted to really spin things, a pre-anglo name, either British Roman or gael/celt/Briton.
Kings of recent past focused on the norman, mainland europe.
One that rejected that and brought back our historic origins would win over the crowd within days. A king hasn't looked to those origins for not just a millenia, but over 2 thousand years.
It's this side of nationalism that the people missed in their kings in recent history and why they revolted.
wtf i love the reptilian royal family now
A Wrench In The Cheap Labor/Mass Immigration Scam:
How much longer will white men tolerate forced integration? I think the time table is about 15 to 20 years. By that time, most of the Boomer generation will be in it's 80's if still alive. They will be wealthy and easy to steal from due to their advancing age and their dogmatic belief in White Guilt. The younger white self haters will not have the luxury of cheering forced integration from a distance. It will be coming to their neighborhoods by then and no white self haters will be wiling to stop it. For the first time in their lives they will have to eat their words and beg for mercy from the supposedly superior darkies.
2032-2037 (15 to 20 years from now) should be a period of great strife, if not a little before. An economic collapse before then could move the time table up to perhaps 5 years from now. Get your life ready for it pol. The white demographic collapse will not be the beginning of Utopia like all the idiot self haters believe. It will be the beginning of either Hell On Earth or a new Awakening.
Killing niggers won't accomplish anthing because jews will find some other group to help them invade your country. Nigs are not at the root of the problem, jews are.
where is this? that fucking picture is so familiar
Duncan is back at it again
But why not actively start promoting these origins.
Kids are eager to bring back these origins. It's thoroughly missing in our current royal family. Until recently it's been primarily focused on their norman origins and christianity.
Nothing is spoke of the old pagan past. And that's because the interference of the church is a problem.
You don't have to hide your flag, your Highness. You are safe here with us.
where can i start to research that italian ancestry more? start with gentius families?
Shouldn't have copped off with a common yank gold digger really.
People are afraid of liking the royals of england, I think they are reminded too much of recent Windsor, Victorian, Stuart and Tudor pasts and not the long history preceding. Furthermore they detach themselves from our primal origins.
It's like they don't understand nationalism anymore.
They could call up England to rally if they played their cards right.