I fully support abortion, drug abuse, deadly viruses and anything that will get rid of the masses. There's too many people on this planet and to save our and and the life for animals on this earth is that most people die and we go back to pre-industrial world.
I fully support abortion, drug abuse, deadly viruses and anything that will get rid of the masses...
only too many brown people
Start by killing your self, if there are too many people your one of them and you should die. Not much logic, at all.
This is the kind of building we need to go back to. """"Civilization"""" is killing us
End foreign aid and the welfare state too, that will take care of plenty of poor brown people.
>reads Penti Linkola once
I don't care about myself, i use my time for the common good and for future generations
That hypocrite should stop taking medicine for his diabetus
This. I think people like OP are selfish. You only want everyone else to suffer and die off, so you can live more comfortably. Be chivalrous and start with yourself if that's what you think.
Too many white people too, but yes way too much brown and black people
Elaborate so we can judge whether better use of your time would be to kys
It's so easy to just say kill x type of people. Why not focus on the real problem, why we can't get along? Its a lot more complex and sophisticated. What op is describing is the easy way out, and will produce only a temporary fix.
It's not about killing anybody, the masses are killing themselves by using all resources and eating themselves to death or whatever and i think this is a good thing for the planet
if all the brown people were gone there would be plenty of space and resources for the present number of white people
> I don't care about myself, i use my time for the common good and for future generations
Then kill yourself. A very selfless act for a person who believes humanity is too many.
Oh I see. You're BETTER than everyone else.
They just need to die. I get it. You.....fuck.
But why should all white people survive either? Not all whites are good quality over quantify
Lead by example, neck yourself.
you're right OP but abrahamitic filth won't agree
This is a dumb argument, who will discuss of the problem of modern civilization and overpopulation if everyone who is against it just kills themselves?
Other retards that didn't have the balls to kill themselves.
I am pro eugenics in that stupid people should be allowed to fail to reproduce.
Hello my fellow ancap!
I agree, most people are mongrel pests.
Vice, versa my man. Westerners are the ones who deplete the resources at highest rate. Don't be foolish and self-centered u stupid fuck
You argument arleady failed, suicides or even massive wars have never been enough to harvest the population. Only by means of abortion, strong culture of condom using, or massive chemical castration can we do something about the population problem.
Meanwhile Westerners actually make good use of it, whereas non-whites wouldn't even know how to handle the resources we have.
It will bring us to space, colonizing entire planets and reaping their resources, whereas niggers would just burn Earth.
All the resources belong to us. No one even knew what oil was before the h'white man came.
Humans don't deserve anything we don't need and we most certainly don't need high technology
Oh you're one of those retards
It has also brought us into situation where the oceans and fish are polluted to point where you can't eat anything from ocean without getting metals and plastics inside your body. There is no use to blame all the problems to "brown people" when you clearly know that they haven't caused half the problems
Well why do you have to deplete all oil or other resources?
>high technology
tr00 kvlt fag detected
Amish would be only survivors if the power grid went down
Because I like having a functioning sewer system, water treatment facilities, cars and planes, internet..etc. You know, modern society. I have no interest in going back to 1800.
please just shut the fuck up or at least hide our flag. No white ppl need to die to save the earth, we are a minority and by any definition the superior one.
these things dont kill off humans, it just breeds more dumb ones and kills off the smart ones, which leads to more of the problems
What are you waiting for, you hypocrite?
You think you're special?
Kill yourself and get the fuck out.